using UnityEngine;
public class CameraControl : MonoBehaviour
public float m_DampTime = 0.2f; // 摄像机延迟移动时间系数
public float m_ScreenEdgeBuffer = 4f; // 在最上面/下面的目标和屏幕边缘之间的空间(边缘缓冲区大小)
public float m_MinSize = 6.5f; // 正交摄像机所能看的最小尺寸
/*[HideInInspector]*/ public Transform[] m_Targets;
// 摄像机需要包含的所有目标
private Camera m_Camera; // 用于引用摄像机
private float m_ZoomSpeed; // 定义摄像机变焦的速率
private Vector3 m_MoveVelocity; // 用于相机移动时对速度进行缓冲的向量
private Vector3 m_DesiredPosition; // 相机移动的位置
private void Awake()
m_Camera = GetComponentInChildren
private void FixedUpdate()
// 移动相机
// 改变相机的焦距大小
private void Move()
// 找到目标到原点的平均位置所在(坦克的移动路线上的中点)
// 使相机光滑地移动到目标位置
transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, m_DesiredPosition, ref m_MoveVelocity, m_DampTime);
private void FindAveragePosition()
Vector3 averagePos = new Vector3();
int numTargets = 0;
// 检查所有的目标并将它们的位置相加(所有坦克)
for (int i = 0; i < m_Targets.Length; i++)
// 如果目标不存在,跳过并继续执行for循环
if (!m_Targets[i].gameObject.activeSelf)
// 通过添加到平均值中,并在平均值中增加目标的数量。
averagePos += m_Targets[i].position;
// 检测目标数是否大于0若是便计算出平均的位置
if (numTargets > 0)
averagePos /= numTargets;
// 保持y值不变,坦克不会飞,所以y一定不能改变
averagePos.y = transform.position.y;
// 计算出来的平均位置就是相机要移动到的位置
m_DesiredPosition = averagePos;
private void Zoom()
// 根据所需的位置找到所需的大小,并顺利过渡到该大小。
float requiredSize = FindRequiredSize();
m_Camera.orthographicSize = Mathf.SmoothDamp(m_Camera.orthographicSize, requiredSize, ref m_ZoomSpeed, m_DampTime);
private float FindRequiredSize()
// 找到相机设备在其本地空间中移动的位置。
Vector3 desiredLocalPos = transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_DesiredPosition);
// 将相机变焦大小初始值设为0
float size = 0f;
// 遍历一遍相机照射目标
for (int i = 0; i < m_Targets.Length; i++)
// 如果目标不存在,跳过并继续执行for循环
if (!m_Targets[i].gameObject.activeSelf)
// 此外,找到目标在摄像机所在的本地空间里的坐标
Vector3 targetLocalPos = transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_Targets[i].position);
// 从相机的本地空间的期望位置找到目标的位置
Vector3 desiredPosToTarget = targetLocalPos - desiredLocalPos;
// 从当前大小和坦克与相机的“上”或“下”距离中选择最大的一个。(位置不变或者是拉伸摄像机)
size = Mathf.Max (size, Mathf.Abs (desiredPosToTarget.y));
// 根据坦克出现在摄像机的左或右,选择当前尺寸中最大的那一个
size = Mathf.Max (size, Mathf.Abs (desiredPosToTarget.x) / m_Camera.aspect);
// 将边缘缓冲区添加到该大小
size += m_ScreenEdgeBuffer;
// 确保相机的尺寸不小于最小值
size = Mathf.Max(size, m_MinSize);
return size;
public void SetStartPositionAndSize()
// 找到期望位置
// 在没有阻尼时设置相机位置到期望位置(阻尼即相机的缓冲)个人理解类似摩擦力之类的使得相机移动更平滑
transform.position = m_DesiredPosition;
m_Camera.orthographicSize = FindRequiredSize();
// 以上只是自己对于该代码的理解,如有误还望指出让我及时改正。
using UnityEngine;
namespace Complete
public class CameraControl : MonoBehaviour
public float m_DampTime = 0.2f; // Approximate time for the camera to refocus.
public float m_ScreenEdgeBuffer = 4f; // Space between the top/bottom most target and the screen edge.
public float m_MinSize = 6.5f; // The smallest orthographic size the camera can be.
[HideInInspector] public Transform[] m_Targets; // All the targets the camera needs to encompass.
private Camera m_Camera; // Used for referencing the camera.
private float m_ZoomSpeed; // Reference speed for the smooth damping of the orthographic size.
private Vector3 m_MoveVelocity; // Reference velocity for the smooth damping of the position.
private Vector3 m_DesiredPosition; // The position the camera is moving towards.
private void Awake ()
m_Camera = GetComponentInChildren ();
private void FixedUpdate ()
// Move the camera towards a desired position.
Move ();
// Change the size of the camera based.
Zoom ();
private void Move ()
// Find the average position of the targets.
FindAveragePosition ();
// Smoothly transition to that position.
transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, m_DesiredPosition, ref m_MoveVelocity, m_DampTime);
private void FindAveragePosition ()
Vector3 averagePos = new Vector3 ();
int numTargets = 0;
// Go through all the targets and add their positions together.
for (int i = 0; i < m_Targets.Length; i++)
// If the target isn't active, go on to the next one.
if (!m_Targets[i].gameObject.activeSelf)
// Add to the average and increment the number of targets in the average.
averagePos += m_Targets[i].position;
// If there are targets divide the sum of the positions by the number of them to find the average.
if (numTargets > 0)
averagePos /= numTargets;
// Keep the same y value.
averagePos.y = transform.position.y;
// The desired position is the average position;
m_DesiredPosition = averagePos;
private void Zoom ()
// Find the required size based on the desired position and smoothly transition to that size.
float requiredSize = FindRequiredSize();
m_Camera.orthographicSize = Mathf.SmoothDamp (m_Camera.orthographicSize, requiredSize, ref m_ZoomSpeed, m_DampTime);
private float FindRequiredSize ()
// Find the position the camera rig is moving towards in its local space.
Vector3 desiredLocalPos = transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_DesiredPosition);
// Start the camera's size calculation at zero.
float size = 0f;
// Go through all the targets...
for (int i = 0; i < m_Targets.Length; i++)
// ... and if they aren't active continue on to the next target.
if (!m_Targets[i].gameObject.activeSelf)
// Otherwise, find the position of the target in the camera's local space.
Vector3 targetLocalPos = transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_Targets[i].position);
// Find the position of the target from the desired position of the camera's local space.
Vector3 desiredPosToTarget = targetLocalPos - desiredLocalPos;
// Choose the largest out of the current size and the distance of the tank 'up' or 'down' from the camera.
size = Mathf.Max(size, Mathf.Abs(desiredPosToTarget.y));
// Choose the largest out of the current size and the calculated size based on the tank being to the left or right of the camera.
size = Mathf.Max(size, Mathf.Abs(desiredPosToTarget.x) / m_Camera.aspect);
// Add the edge buffer to the size.
size += m_ScreenEdgeBuffer;
// Make sure the camera's size isn't below the minimum.
size = Mathf.Max (size, m_MinSize);
return size;
public void SetStartPositionAndSize ()
// Find the desired position.
FindAveragePosition ();
// Set the camera's position to the desired position without damping.
transform.position = m_DesiredPosition;
// Find and set the required size of the camera.
m_Camera.orthographicSize = FindRequiredSize ();