
Direct 直接加载特点
(5)使用direct几乎不产生redo log,不是完全不产生(安全性差),但会产生undo数据
(6)适用OLAP在线分析场景,增 删 改不频繁的场景

(1)数据先加载 -> SGA -> 磁盘的数据文件
(4)会产生redo log和undo数据


BYS@ bys001>set termout off;
BYS@ bys001>set feedback off;
BYS@ bys001>set echo off;
BYS@ bys001>set heading off;
BYS@ bys001>set trimout on;
BYS@ bys001>set trimspool on;
BYS@ bys001>spool /home/oracle/sqlload.txt
BYS@ bys001>select owner||','||object_name||','||object_id from dba_objects;
BYS@ bys001>spool off;
此时退出SQLPLUS,到/home/oracle/  下查看
[oracle@oel-01 ~]$ tail sqlload.txt
BYS@ bys001>spool off;
[oracle@oel-01 ~]$ vi sqlload.txt
输入 shift + g 将光标定位到最后一行,删除BYS@ bys001>spool off;  这一行,保存退出。
[oracle@oel-01 ~]$ cat sqlload.txt | wc -l


BYS@ bys001>create table test1(owner varchar2(30),object_name varchar2(150),object_id number);

Table created.
[oracle@oel-01 ~]$ cat sqlload.ctl
load data
infile '/home/oracle/sqlload.txt'
badfile '/home/oracle/sqlload_bad.txt'
discardfile '/home/oracle/sqlload_discard.txt'
append into table test1
fields terminated by ","
trailing nullcols


[oracle@oel-01 ~]$ sqlldr bys/bys control=sqlload.ctl log=sqlload.log direct=true

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Jul 29 10:10:06 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Load completed - logical record count 72893.
[oracle@oel-01 ~]$ cat sqlload.log

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Jul 29 10:10:06 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Control File:   sqlload.ctl
Data File:      /home/oracle/sqlload.txt
  Bad File:     /home/oracle/sqlload_bad.txt
  Discard File: /home/oracle/sqlload_discard.txt
(Allow all discards)

Number to load: ALL
Number to skip: 0
Errors allowed: 50
Continuation:    none specified
Path used:      Direct

Table TEST1, loaded from every logical record.
Insert option in effect for this table: APPEND
TRAILING NULLCOLS option in effect

   Column Name                  Position   Len  Term Encl Datatype
------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- ---------------------
OWNER                               FIRST     *   ,       CHARACTER            
OBJECT_NAME                          NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER            
OBJECT_ID                            NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER            

Record 2: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 1: Rejected - Error on table TEST1, column OBJECT_ID.
ORA-01722: invalid number

Record 10001: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 20000: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 29999: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 39998: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 49997: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 59996: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 69995: Discarded - all columns null.

Table TEST1:
  72884 Rows successfully loaded.
  1 Row not loaded due to data errors.
  0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
  8 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.

Bind array size not used in direct path.
Column array  rows :    5000
Stream buffer bytes:  256000
Read   buffer bytes: 1048576

Total logical records skipped:          0
Total logical records read:         72893
Total logical records rejected:         1
Total logical records discarded:        8
Total stream buffers loaded by SQL*Loader main thread:       16
Total stream buffers loaded by SQL*Loader load thread:        0

Run began on Mon Jul 29 10:10:06 2013
Run ended on Mon Jul 29 10:10:07 2013

Elapsed time was:     00:00:00.99
CPU time was:         00:00:00.12


[oracle@oel-01 ~]$ echo 1>sqlload.log
BYS@ bys001>select count(*) from test1;


BYS@ bys001>truncate table test1;
[oracle@oel-01 ~]$ sqlldr bys/bys control=sqlload.ctl log=sqlload.log
BYS@ bys001>select count(*) from test1;


[oracle@oel-01 ~]$ cat sqlload.log

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Jul 29 10:12:17 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Control File:   sqlload.ctl
Data File:      /home/oracle/sqlload.txt
  Bad File:     /home/oracle/sqlload_bad.txt
  Discard File: /home/oracle/sqlload_discard.txt
(Allow all discards)

Number to load: ALL
Number to skip: 0
Errors allowed: 50
Bind array:     64 rows, maximum of 256000 bytes
Continuation:    none specified
Path used:      Conventional

Table TEST1, loaded from every logical record.
Insert option in effect for this table: APPEND
TRAILING NULLCOLS option in effect

   Column Name                  Position   Len  Term Encl Datatype
------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- ---------------------
OWNER                               FIRST     *   ,       CHARACTER            
OBJECT_NAME                          NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER            
OBJECT_ID                            NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER            

Record 2: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 1: Rejected - Error on table TEST1, column OBJECT_ID.
ORA-01722: invalid number

Record 10001: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 20000: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 29999: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 39998: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 49997: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 59996: Discarded - all columns null.
Record 69995: Discarded - all columns null.

Table TEST1:
  72884 Rows successfully loaded.
  1 Row not loaded due to data errors.
  0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
  8 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.

Space allocated for bind array:                  49536 bytes(64 rows)
Read   buffer bytes: 1048576

Total logical records skipped:          0
Total logical records read:         72893
Total logical records rejected:         1
Total logical records discarded:        8

Run began on Mon Jul 29 10:12:17 2013
Run ended on Mon Jul 29 10:12:20 2013

Elapsed time was:     00:00:02.97
CPU time was:         00:00:00.35
