问题:DB2中,知道应用的application ID, 如何查看这个应用正在执行的SQL语句?
方法1:使用db2 snapshot,这种方法不但可以看到正在执行的SQL语句,还可以看这个SQL语句是什么时候开始执行的,结合抓取snapshot的时间,就可以推断出它执行了多久。 但要求执行SQL之前,监控开关是开的。 如何正确地打开监控开关?
C:\windows\system32>db2 get monitor switches
Monitor Recording Switches
Switch list for member 0
Buffer Pool Activity Information (BUFFERPOOL) = OFF
Lock Information (LOCK) = OFF
Sorting Information (SORT) = OFF
SQL Statement Information (STATEMENT) = ON 2016-04-26 12:59:14.861177
Table Activity Information (TABLE) = OFF
Take Timestamp Information (TIMESTAMP) = ON 2016-04-26 11:02:21.175930
Unit of Work Information (UOW) = ON 2016-04-26 12:59:14.861179
C:\windows\system32>db2 "values application_id()"
1 record(s) selected.
C:\windows\system32>db2 "insert into t2 select * from t1"
这时打开另一个session,发出get snapshot命令:
C:\windows\system32>db2 get snapshot for application applid *LOCAL.DB2INST1.160426050147
Application Snapshot
Application handle = 138
Application status = UOW Executing
Status change time = 2016-04-26 13:52:07.835904
Application code page = 1386
Application country/region code = 86
DUOW correlation token = *LOCAL.DB2INST1.160426050147
Application name = db2bp.exe
Application ID = *LOCAL.DB2INST1.160426050147
Database name = SAMPLE
Database path = C:\DB2INST1\NODE0000\SQL00001\MEMBER0000\
Client database alias = SAMPLE
Input database alias =
Last reset timestamp =
Snapshot timestamp = 2016-04-26 13:52:14.584789
Statement type = Dynamic SQL Statement
Statement = Execute Immediate
Section number = 203
Application creator = NULLID
Package name = SQLC2K26
Consistency Token =
Package Version ID =
Cursor name =
Statement member number = 0
Statement start timestamp = 2016-04-26 13:52:07.835866
Statement stop timestamp =
lapsed time of last completed stmt(sec.ms)= 0.000000
Total Statement user CPU time = 1.092008
Total Statement system CPU time = 0.109201
SQL compiler cost estimate in timerons = 97960
SQL compiler cardinality estimate = 2943367
Degree of parallelism requested = 2
Number of agents working on statement = 2
Number of subagents created for statement = 2
Statement sorts = 0
Total sort time = 0
Sort overflows = 0
Rows read = 658812
Rows written = 654696
Internal rows deleted = 0
Internal rows updated = 0
Internal rows inserted = 0
Rows fetched = 0
Buffer pool data logical reads = Not Collected
Buffer pool data physical reads = Not Collected
Blocking cursor = NO
Dynamic SQL statement text:
insert into t2 select * from t1
从快照中可以看到,这个应用正处于uow executing状态,当前SQL的开始时间是2016-04-26 13:52:07.835866,还没有结束,目前时间是2016-04-26 13:52:14.584789,SQL语句内容为insert into t2 select * from t1
方法2, 使用db2pd,收集如下信息
C:\windows\system32>db2pd -db sample -app -dyn
Database Member 0 -- Database SAMPLE -- Active -- Up 0 days 00:50:23 -- Date 2016-04-26-
Address AppHandl [nod-index] NumAgents CoorEDUID Status C-AnchID C-StmtUID L-AnchID L-StmtUID Appid
0x0000000007DB0080 138 [000-00138] 3 9220 UOW-Executing 364 1 364 1 *LOCAL.DB2INST1.160426050147
0x0000000007D80080 144 [000-00144] 1 9628 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050154
0x0000000007D20080 143 [000-00143] 1 9776 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050153
0x0000000007DA0080 142 [000-00142] 1 9884 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050152
0x0000000007C80080 148 [000-00148] 1 6156 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050158
0x0000000007DC0080 141 [000-00141] 1 3864 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050151
0x0000000007CD0080 147 [000-00147] 1 2472 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050157
0x0000000007DE0080 140 [000-00140] 1 4828 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050150
0x0000000007C70080 146 [000-00146] 1 9280 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050156
0x00000000071A0080 139 [000-00139] 1 8448 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050149
0x0000000007CE0080 145 [000-00145] 1 9968 ConnectCompleted 0 0 0 0 *LOCAL.DB2.160426050155
Dynamic SQL Statements:
Address AnchID StmtUID NumEnv NumVar NumRef NumExe Text
0x000000002521F000 120 1 1 1 1 1 values application_id()
0x00000000251BE3E0 364 1 1 1 4 4 insert into t2 select * from t1
Dynamic SQL Environments:
Address AnchID StmtUID EnvID Iso QOpt Blk
0x000000002521F120 120 1 1 CS 5 B
0x00000000251FF3E0 364 1 1 CS 5 B
Dynamic SQL Variations:
Address AnchID StmtUID EnvID VarID NumRef Typ Lockname Val Insert Time Sect Size Num Copies
0x000000002521F4A0 120 1 1 1 1 6 01000000010000000100000FD6 Y 2016-04-26- 7040 1
0x0000000025219520 364 1 1 1 4 4 01000000010000000100802DD6 Y 2016-04-26- 9968 3
可以看到应用*LOCAL.DB2INST1.160426050147 是UOW-Executing状态,对应的C-AnchID 和C-StmtUID分别是361,1,而361,1 对应的SQL语句是 insert into t2 select * from t1
以上说的皆是dynamic SQL,如果是静态SQL,只能通过snapshot来看,并且会看到显示是 Static SQL statement:
Statement type = Static SQL Statement
Statement = Execute
Section number = 2
application creator = MIAOQINGSONG
Package name = P431111789
Consistency Token =
Package Version ID =
Cursor name =
Statement member number = 0
Statement start timestamp = 2016-04-26 14:20:27.609259
Statement stop timestamp =
这时可以根据package name和Section number来看一下这个包的执行计划,执行计划中包含了SQL语句
C:\windows\system32>db2expln -database SAMPLE -schema MIAOQINGSONG -package P431111789 -graph -terminal
******************** PACKAGE ***************************************
Package Name = "MIAOQINGSONG"."P431111789" Version = ""
Prep Date = 2016/04/26
Prep Time = 14:19:40
Bind Timestamp = 2016-04-26-
Isolation Level = Cursor Stability
Blocking = Block Unambiguous Cursors
Query Optimization Class = 5
Partition Parallel = No
Intra-Partition Parallel = Yes (Bind Degree = ANY)
Reoptimization = No
-------------------- SECTION ---------------------------------------
Section = 1
Intra-Partition Parallelism Degree = 2
Section Code Page = 1208
Estimated Cost = 6.860869
Estimated Cardinality = 42.000000
Process Using 2 Subagents
| Access Table Name = MIAOQINGSONG.EMPLOYEE ID = 2,6
| | #Columns = 1
| | Parallel Scan
| | Skip Inserted Rows
| | May participate in Scan Sharing structures
| | Scan may start anywhere and wrap, for completion
| | Fast scan, for purposes of scan sharing management
| | Scan can be throttled in scan sharing management
| | Relation Scan
| | | Prefetch: Eligible
| | Lock Intents
| | | Table: Intent Share
| | | Row : Next Key Share
| Insert Into Synchronous Local Table Queue ID () = q1
Access Local Table Queue ID () = q1 #Columns = 3
Return Data to Application
| #Columns = 1
End of section
-------------------- SECTION ---------------------------------------
Section = 2
Intra-Partition Parallelism Degree = 2
Section Code Page = 1208
Estimated Cost = 97959.609375
Estimated Cardinality = 2943367.000000
Process Using 2 Subagents
| Access Table Name = MIAOQINGSONG.T1 ID = 3,5
| | #Columns = 1
| | Parallel Scan
| | Skip Inserted Rows
| | Avoid Locking Committed Data
| | Currently Committed for Cursor Stability
| | May participate in Scan Sharing structures
| | Scan may start anywhere and wrap, for completion
| | Fast scan, for purposes of scan sharing management
| | Scan can be throttled in scan sharing management
| | Relation Scan
| | | Prefetch: Eligible
| | Lock Intents
| | | Table: Intent Share
| | | Row : Next Key Share
| Insert Into Asynchronous Local Table Queue ID () = q1
Access Local Table Queue ID () = q1 #Columns = 1
Insert: Table Name = MIAOQINGSONG.T2 ID = 3,6
End of section