Android架构组件二 Android Architecture Components Lifecycles 组件解析

1 前言

前一篇博文已经初步的介绍了Android Architecture Components的基本概念以及基本使用,相信大家已经对这个组件有了一定的了解,这一篇博文主要来解析Android Architecture Components 的Lifecycles生命周期组件,以便于大家更好的深入理解这个组件。从而更好的进行App架构设计。

2 Lifecycles 的作用

生命周期管理(Lifecycles)组件,官方解释是帮助开发者创建 “可感知生命周期的” 组件,让其自己管理自己的生命周期,从而减少内存泄露和崩溃的可能性。参考

在Lifecycles出现以前,我们需要手动的在Activity/Fragment的生命周期中通知其他组件,并且往往会定义基类的Activity/Fragment来达到代码复用的目的。在传统的MVP中,Activity/Fragment充当了V的角色,由于引用了P,为了防止空指针引用和减少内存泄漏,我们都会在V层的生命周期中回调P,从而避免这些问题,这些代码往往会被定义层基类及泛型。对开发者的开发能力增加了一定的要求。google应该是看到了传统的Activity/Fragment的这些缺陷,从而发布了这个Android Architecture Components 来改善Android 程序的开发。
在android support组件升级到26.1.0之后,Fragment和FragmentActivity都已经默认实现了Lifecycles接口,相信在不久的将来,Activity也会实现Lifecycles接口

Fragment 实现了LifecycleOwner 接口

public class Fragment implements ComponentCallbacks, OnCreateContextMenuListener, LifecycleOwner {
    private static final SimpleArrayMap> sClassMap =
            new SimpleArrayMap>();

SupportActivity 实现了LifecycleOwner 接口

public class SupportActivity extends Activity implements LifecycleOwner {
     * Storage for {@link ExtraData} instances.

Note that these objects are not retained across configuration changes

private SimpleArrayMap, ExtraData> mExtraDataMap = new SimpleArrayMap<>(); private LifecycleRegistry mLifecycleRegistry = new LifecycleRegistry(this); ..... public class FragmentActivity extends BaseFragmentActivityApi16 implements ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback, ActivityCompat.RequestPermissionsRequestCodeValidator { private static final String TAG = "FragmentActivity";

FragmentActivity 最终会继承SupportActivity ,都会实现LifecycleOwner 接口


3 Lifecycles 类图

Lifecycles 组件涉及到的类和接口并不多,大多数都在android.arch.lifecycle这个包下,查看源码,我们可以画出如下的UML类图
Android架构组件二 Android Architecture Components Lifecycles 组件解析_第1张图片
LifecycleOwner 接口

@SuppressWarnings({"WeakerAccess", "unused"})
public interface LifecycleOwner {
     * Returns the Lifecycle of the provider.
     * @return The lifecycle of the provider.
    Lifecycle getLifecycle();

该接口返回一个Lifecycle 对象,Activity/Fragment都需要实现该接口,这样Activity/Fragment都会有自己的Lifecycle 的对象了


public abstract class Lifecycle {
     * Adds a LifecycleObserver that will be notified when the LifecycleOwner changes
     * state.

* The given observer will be brought to the current state of the LifecycleOwner. * For example, if the LifecycleOwner is in {@link State#STARTED} state, the given observer * will receive {@link Event#ON_CREATE}, {@link Event#ON_START} events. * * @param observer The observer to notify. */ @MainThread public abstract void addObserver(@NonNull LifecycleObserver observer); /** * Removes the given observer from the observers list. *

* If this method is called while a state change is being dispatched, *

  • If the given observer has not yet received that event, it will not receive it. *
  • If the given observer has more than 1 method that observes the currently dispatched * event and at least one of them received the event, all of them will receive the event and * the removal will happen afterwards. *
* * @param observer The observer to be removed. */
@MainThread public abstract void removeObserver(@NonNull LifecycleObserver observer); /** * Returns the current state of the Lifecycle. * * @return The current state of the Lifecycle. */ @MainThread public abstract State getCurrentState(); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public enum Event { /** * Constant for onCreate event of the {@link LifecycleOwner}. */ ON_CREATE, /** * Constant for onStart event of the {@link LifecycleOwner}. */ ON_START, /** * Constant for onResume event of the {@link LifecycleOwner}. */ ON_RESUME, /** * Constant for onPause event of the {@link LifecycleOwner}. */ ON_PAUSE, /** * Constant for onStop event of the {@link LifecycleOwner}. */ ON_STOP, /** * Constant for onDestroy event of the {@link LifecycleOwner}. */ ON_DESTROY, /** * An {@link Event Event} constant that can be used to match all events. */ ON_ANY } /** * Lifecycle states. You can consider the states as the nodes in a graph and * {@link Event}s as the edges between these nodes. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public enum State { /** * Destroyed state for a LifecycleOwner. After this event, this Lifecycle will not dispatch * any more events. For instance, for an {@link}, this state is reached * right before Activity's {@link onDestroy} call. */ DESTROYED, /** * Initialized state for a LifecycleOwner. For an {@link}, this is * the state when it is constructed but has not received * {@link onCreate} yet. */ INITIALIZED, /** * Created state for a LifecycleOwner. For an {@link}, this state * is reached in two cases: *
  • after {@link onCreate} call; *
  • right before {@link onStop} call. *
CREATED, /** * Started state for a LifecycleOwner. For an {@link}, this state * is reached in two cases: *
  • after {@link onStart} call; *
  • right before {@link onPause} call. *
STARTED, /** * Resumed state for a LifecycleOwner. For an {@link}, this state * is reached after {@link onResume} is called. */ RESUMED; /** * Compares if this State is greater or equal to the given {@code state}. * * @param state State to compare with * @return true if this State is greater or equal to the given {@code state} */ public boolean isAtLeast(@NonNull State state) { return compareTo(state) >= 0; } } }


    public abstract void addObserver(@NonNull LifecycleObserver observer);

    public abstract void removeObserver(@NonNull LifecycleObserver observer);

    public abstract State getCurrentState();


Event共有7个类型,分别对应于Activity/Fragment的onCreate() – onDestory(),其中ON_ANY表示匹配任一生命周期
Android架构组件二 Android Architecture Components Lifecycles 组件解析_第2张图片

另外Lifecycle是一个抽象类,具体的实现是在LifecycleRegistry 类中

public class LifecycleRegistry extends Lifecycle {

    private static final String LOG_TAG = "LifecycleRegistry";

     * Custom list that keeps observers and can handle removals / additions during traversal.
     * Invariant: at any moment of time for observer1 & observer2:
     * if addition_order(observer1) < addition_order(observer2), then
     * state(observer1) >= state(observer2),
    private FastSafeIterableMap mObserverMap =
            new FastSafeIterableMap<>();
     * Current state
    private State mState;
     * The provider that owns this Lifecycle.
     * Only WeakReference on LifecycleOwner is kept, so if somebody leaks Lifecycle, they won't leak
     * the whole Fragment / Activity. However, to leak Lifecycle object isn't great idea neither,
     * because it keeps strong references on all other listeners, so you'll leak all of them as
     * well.
    private final WeakReference mLifecycleOwner;

    private int mAddingObserverCounter = 0;

    private boolean mHandlingEvent = false;
    private boolean mNewEventOccurred = false;

    // we have to keep it for cases:
    // void onStart() {
    //     mRegistry.removeObserver(this);
    //     mRegistry.add(newObserver);
    // }
    // newObserver should be brought only to CREATED state during the execution of
    // this onStart method. our invariant with mObserverMap doesn't help, because parent observer
    // is no longer in the map.
    private ArrayList mParentStates = new ArrayList<>();

     * Creates a new LifecycleRegistry for the given provider.

* You should usually create this inside your LifecycleOwner class's constructor and hold * onto the same instance. * * @param provider The owner LifecycleOwner */ public LifecycleRegistry(@NonNull LifecycleOwner provider) { mLifecycleOwner = new WeakReference<>(provider); mState = INITIALIZED; } /** * Moves the Lifecycle to the given state and dispatches necessary events to the observers. * * @param state new state */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @MainThread public void markState(@NonNull State state) { moveToState(state); } /** * Sets the current state and notifies the observers. *

* Note that if the {@code currentState} is the same state as the last call to this method, * calling this method has no effect. * * @param event The event that was received */ public void handleLifecycleEvent(@NonNull Lifecycle.Event event) { State next = getStateAfter(event); moveToState(next); } private void moveToState(State next) { if (mState == next) { return; } mState = next; if (mHandlingEvent || mAddingObserverCounter != 0) { mNewEventOccurred = true; // we will figure out what to do on upper level. return; } mHandlingEvent = true; sync(); mHandlingEvent = false; } ..... @Override public void addObserver(@NonNull LifecycleObserver observer) { State initialState = mState == DESTROYED ? DESTROYED : INITIALIZED; ObserverWithState statefulObserver = new ObserverWithState(observer, initialState); ObserverWithState previous = mObserverMap.putIfAbsent(observer, statefulObserver); if (previous != null) { return; } LifecycleOwner lifecycleOwner = mLifecycleOwner.get(); if (lifecycleOwner == null) { // it is null we should be destroyed. Fallback quickly return; } boolean isReentrance = mAddingObserverCounter != 0 || mHandlingEvent; State targetState = calculateTargetState(observer); mAddingObserverCounter++; while ((statefulObserver.mState.compareTo(targetState) < 0 && mObserverMap.contains(observer))) { pushParentState(statefulObserver.mState); statefulObserver.dispatchEvent(lifecycleOwner, upEvent(statefulObserver.mState)); popParentState(); // mState / subling may have been changed recalculate targetState = calculateTargetState(observer); } if (!isReentrance) { // we do sync only on the top level. sync(); } mAddingObserverCounter--; } .... @Override public void removeObserver(@NonNull LifecycleObserver observer) { // we consciously decided not to send destruction events here in opposition to addObserver. // Our reasons for that: // 1. These events haven't yet happened at all. In contrast to events in addObservers, that // actually occurred but earlier. // 2. There are cases when removeObserver happens as a consequence of some kind of fatal // event. If removeObserver method sends destruction events, then a clean up routine becomes // more cumbersome. More specific example of that is: your LifecycleObserver listens for // a web connection, in the usual routine in OnStop method you report to a server that a // session has just ended and you close the connection. Now let's assume now that you // lost an internet and as a result you removed this observer. If you get destruction // events in removeObserver, you should have a special case in your onStop method that // checks if your web connection died and you shouldn't try to report anything to a server. mObserverMap.remove(observer); } /** * The number of observers. * * @return The number of observers. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public int getObserverCount() { return mObserverMap.size(); } @Override public State getCurrentState() { return mState; } ..... static class ObserverWithState { State mState; GenericLifecycleObserver mLifecycleObserver; ObserverWithState(LifecycleObserver observer, State initialState) { mLifecycleObserver = Lifecycling.getCallback(observer); mState = initialState; } void dispatchEvent(LifecycleOwner owner, Event event) { State newState = getStateAfter(event); mState = min(mState, newState); mLifecycleObserver.onStateChanged(owner, event); mState = newState; } } }



public interface LifecycleObserver {


LifecycleObserver 是一个空接口,Activity和Fragment的实现是在GenericLifecycleObserver 接口

public interface GenericLifecycleObserver extends LifecycleObserver {
     * Called when a state transition event happens.
     * @param source The source of the event
     * @param event The event
    void onStateChanged(LifecycleOwner source, Lifecycle.Event event);

可以看到,这里面有一个onStateChanged(LifecycleOwner source, Lifecycle.Event event)方法,这样当Lifecycle组件生命周期变化时,就可以通知LifecycleObserver 的Lifecycle.Event 变化了。


1 Activity/Fragment 生命周期事件如何通知LifecycleRegistry?
2 LifecycleRegistry 如何通知LifecycleObserver?
LifecycleRegistry对象又是 如何把这些事件通知给LifecycleObserver观察者的呢?
3 LifecycleObserver如何处理这些事件?

4 Lifecycles 解析

1 Activity/Fragment 生命周期事件如何通知LifecycleRegistry?
在Fragment中声明周期在回调的时候,都会调用LifecycleRegistry的handleLifecycleEvent(@NonNull Lifecycle.Event event)来进行与LifecycleRegistry的交互,如下:

void performCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    void performStart() {

    void performResume() {

    void performPause() {

    void performStop() {

    void performDestroy() {

这里需要注意的是performCreate()、performStart()、performResume()会先调用自身的onXXX()方法,然后再调用LifecycleRegistry的handleLifecycleEvent()方法;而在performPause()、performStop()、performDestroy()中会先LifecycleRegistry的handleLifecycleEvent()方法 ,然后调用自身的onXXX()方法。借用一下别人的图,如下:
Android架构组件二 Android Architecture Components Lifecycles 组件解析_第3张图片


2 LifecycleRegistry 如何通知LifecycleObserver?

    public void handleLifecycleEvent(@NonNull Lifecycle.Event event) {
        State next = getStateAfter(event);


static State getStateAfter(Event event) {
        switch (event) {
            case ON_CREATE:
            case ON_STOP:
                return CREATED;
            case ON_START:
            case ON_PAUSE:
                return STARTED;
            case ON_RESUME:
                return RESUMED;
            case ON_DESTROY:
                return DESTROYED;
            case ON_ANY:
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected event value " + event);


private void moveToState(State next) {
        if (mState == next) {
        mState = next;
        if (mHandlingEvent || mAddingObserverCounter != 0) {
            mNewEventOccurred = true;
            // we will figure out what to do on upper level.
        mHandlingEvent = true;
        mHandlingEvent = false;

主要做了两件事,第一就是将mState 置位为相应的状态,调用sync()同步

private void sync() {
        LifecycleOwner lifecycleOwner = mLifecycleOwner.get();
        if (lifecycleOwner == null) {
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "LifecycleOwner is garbage collected, you shouldn't try dispatch "
                    + "new events from it.");
        while (!isSynced()) {
            mNewEventOccurred = false;
            // no need to check eldest for nullability, because isSynced does it for us.
            if (mState.compareTo(mObserverMap.eldest().getValue().mState) < 0) {
            Entry newest = mObserverMap.newest();
            if (!mNewEventOccurred && newest != null
                    && mState.compareTo(newest.getValue().mState) > 0) {
        mNewEventOccurred = false;


    private FastSafeIterableMap mObserverMap =
            new FastSafeIterableMap<>();


    private void forwardPass(LifecycleOwner lifecycleOwner) {
        Iterator> ascendingIterator =
        while (ascendingIterator.hasNext() && !mNewEventOccurred) {
            Entry entry =;
            ObserverWithState observer = entry.getValue();
            while ((observer.mState.compareTo(mState) < 0 && !mNewEventOccurred
                    && mObserverMap.contains(entry.getKey()))) {
                observer.dispatchEvent(lifecycleOwner, upEvent(observer.mState));

会调用ObserverWithState的dispatchEvent(LifecycleOwner owner, Event event)方法

    static class ObserverWithState {
        State mState;
        GenericLifecycleObserver mLifecycleObserver;

        ObserverWithState(LifecycleObserver observer, State initialState) {
            mLifecycleObserver = Lifecycling.getCallback(observer);
            mState = initialState;

        void dispatchEvent(LifecycleOwner owner, Event event) {
            State newState = getStateAfter(event);
            mState = min(mState, newState);
            mLifecycleObserver.onStateChanged(owner, event);
            mState = newState;

最终会调用到GenericLifecycleObserver #onStateChanged(LifecycleOwner source, Lifecycle.Event event);


