skynet 从 v0.5.0 开始提供了简单的 http 服务器的支持。skynet.httpd
是一个独立于 skynet 的,用于 http 协议解析的库,它本身依赖 socket api 的注入。使用它,你需要把读写 socket 的 API 封装好,注入到里面就可以工作。
skynet.sockethelper 模块将 skynet 的 Socket API 封装成 skynet.httpd 可以接受的形式:阻塞读写指定的字节数、网络错误以异常形式抛出。
local skynet = require "skynet" local socket = require "skynet.socket" skynet.start(function() local agent = {} for i= 1, 20 do -- 启动 20 个代理服务用于处理 http 请求 agent[i] = skynet.newservice("testhttpagent") end local balance = 1 -- 监听一个 web 端口 local id = socket.listen("", 8001) socket.start(id , function(id, addr) -- 当一个 http 请求到达的时候, 把 socket id 分发到事先准备好的代理中去处理。 skynet.error(string.format("%s connected, pass it to agent :%08x", addr, agent[balance])) skynet.send(agent[balance], "lua", id) balance = balance + 1 if balance > #agent then balance = 1 end end) end)
-- examples/simpleweb.lua local skynet = require "skynet" local socket = require "skynet.socket" local httpd = require "http.httpd" local sockethelper = require "http.sockethelper" local urllib = require "http.url" local string = string local function response(id, ...) local ok, err = httpd.write_response(sockethelper.writefunc(id), ...) if not ok then -- if err == sockethelper.socket_error , that means socket closed. skynet.error(string.format("fd = %d, %s", id, err)) end end skynet.start(function() skynet.dispatch("lua", function (_,_,id) socket.start(id) -- 开始接收一个 socket -- limit request body size to 8192 (you can pass nil to unlimit) -- 一般的业务不需要处理大量上行数据,为了防止攻击,做了一个 8K 限制。这个限制可以去掉。 local code, url, method, header, body = httpd.read_request(sockethelper.readfunc(id), 8192) if code then if code ~= 200 then -- 如果协议解析有问题,就回应一个错误码 code 。 response(id, code) else -- 这是一个示范的回应过程,你可以根据你的实际需要,解析 url, method 和 header 做出回应。 if then skynet.error("header host", end local path, query = urllib.parse(url) skynet.error(string.format("path: %s", path)) local color,text = "red", "hello" if query then local q = urllib.parse_query(query) --获取请求的参数 for k, v in pairs(q) do skynet.error(string.format("query: %s= %s", k,v)) if(k == "color") then color = v elseif (k == "text") then text = v end end end local resphtml = "..color.."\">"..text.."\n" --返回一张网页 response(id, code, resphtml) --返回状态码200,并且跟上内容 end else -- 如果抛出的异常是 sockethelper.socket_error 表示是客户端网络断开了。 if url == sockethelper.socket_error then skynet.error("socket closed") else skynet.error(url) end end socket.close(id) end) end)
这个 httpd 模块最初是用于服务器内部管理,以及和其它平台对接。所以只提供了最简单的功能。如果是重度的业务要使用,可以考虑再其上做进一步的开发。
$ ./skynet examples/conf testhttpd [:01000010] LAUNCH snlua testhttpd [:01000012] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000019] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001a] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001b] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001c] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001d] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001e] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001f] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000020] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000022] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000029] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000031] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000033] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000034] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000035] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000036] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000037] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000038] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000039] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100003a] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000010] connected, pass it to agent :01000012 [:01000012] header host [:01000012] path: / [:01000012] query: color= blue [:01000012] query: text= abc
skynet 提供了一个非常简单的 http 客户端模块。你可以用:
httpc.request(method, host, uri, recvheader, header, content)
来提交一个 http 请求,其中
method 是 "GET" "POST" 等。
host 为目标机的地址
uri 为请求的 URI
recvheader 可以是 nil 或一张空表,用于接收回应的 http 协议头。
header 是自定义的 http 请求头。注:如果 header 中没有给出 host ,那么将用前面的 host 参数自动补上。
content 为请求的内容。
它返回状态码和内容。如果网络出错,则抛出 error 。
httpc.dns(server, port)
可以用来设置一个异步查询 dns 的服务器地址。如果你不给出地址,那么将从 /etc/resolv.conf
查找地址。如果你没有调用它设置异步 dns 查询,那么 skynet 将在网络底层做同步查询。这很有可能阻塞住整个 skynet 的网络消息处理(不仅仅阻塞单个 skynet 服务)。
local skynet = require "skynet" local httpc = require "http.httpc" local dns = require "skynet.dns" local function main() httpc.dns() -- set dns server httpc.timeout = 100 -- set timeout 1 second print("GET") local respheader = {} local status, body = httpc.request("GET", "", "/", respheader, { host = "" }) --local status, body = httpc.get("", "/", respheader, { host = "" }) print("[header] =====>") for k,v in pairs(respheader) do print(k,v) end print("[body] =====>", status) print(body) end skynet.start(function() print(pcall(main)) skynet.exit() end)
$ ./skynet examples/conf testhttpclient [:01000010] LAUNCH snlua testhttpclient GET [header] =====> #百度返回的响应头部分 connection Keep-Alive date Fri, 09 Feb 2018 16:49:34 GMT last-modified Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:48:00 GMT expires Sat, 10 Feb 2018 16:49:34 GMT cache-control max-age=86400 accept-ranges bytes content-type text/html content-length 81 etag "51-47cf7e6ee8400" server Apache [body] =====> 200 #状态码,以及响应体 http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url="> true #执行成功 [:01000010] KILL self
local skynet = require "skynet" local httpc = require "http.httpc" local dns = require "skynet.dns" local function main() httpc.dns() -- set dns server httpc.timeout = 100 -- set timeout 1 second print("GET") local respheader = {} local status, body = httpc.request("GET", "", "/?color=blue&text=abc", respheader) print("[header] =====>") for k,v in pairs(respheader) do print(k,v) end print("[body] =====>", status) print(body) end skynet.start(function() print(pcall(main)) skynet.exit() end)
$ ./skynet examples/conf testhttpd [:01000010] LAUNCH snlua testhttpd [:01000012] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000019] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001a] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001b] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001c] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001d] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001e] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100001f] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000020] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000022] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000029] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000031] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000033] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000034] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000035] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000036] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000037] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000038] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:01000039] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent [:0100003a] LAUNCH snlua testhttpagent testhttpclient [:0100003b] LAUNCH snlua testhttpclient GET [:01000010] connected, pass it to agent :01000012 [:01000012] header host #testhttpd服务获取GET请求 [:01000012] path: / [:01000012] query: color= blue [:01000012] query: text= abc [header] =====> #testhttpclient得到响应 content-length 32 [body] =====> 200 bgcolor="blue">abc true [:0100003b] KILL self