深度学习 6. MatConvNet 相关函数解释说明,MatConvNet 代码理解(二)cnn_mnist_init.m 的注释

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function net = cnn_mnist_init(varargin)
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
%   主函数: cnn_mnist_init
%   功能:   1.初始化CNN结构为LeNet
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% CNN_MNIST_LENET Initialize a CNN similar for MNIST

opts.batchNormalization = true ;            %选择batchNormalization为true
opts.networkType = 'simplenn' ;             %选择CNN结构为simplenn
opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ;        %调用vl_argparse(通过外部参数修改初始值)

rng('default');                             %设置随机数发生器,重现每次运行结果
rng(0) ;                                    

% 开始构建网络结构,这里是LeNet5
f=1/100 ;                                   
net.layers = {} ;
net.layers{end+1} = struct('type', 'conv', ...          %卷积层C1,randn函数产生4维标准正态分布矩阵,设置偏置有20个
                           'weights', {{f*randn(5,5,1,20, 'single'), zeros(1, 20, 'single')}}, ...  %filter大小是5*5*1
                           'stride', 1, ...             %stride = 1
                           'pad', 0) ;                  %pad = 0
net.layers{end+1} = struct('type', 'pool', ...          %池化层P1
                           'method', 'max', ...
                           'pool', [2 2], ...           %池化核大小为2*2
                           'stride', 2, ...
                           'pad', 0) ;
net.layers{end+1} = struct('type', 'conv', ...          %卷积层C2
                           'weights', {{f*randn(5,5,20,50, 'single'),zeros(1,50,'single')}}, ...
                           'stride', 1, ...
                           'pad', 0) ;
net.layers{end+1} = struct('type', 'pool', ...          %池化层P2
                           'method', 'max', ...
                           'pool', [2 2], ...
                           'stride', 2, ...
                           'pad', 0) ;
net.layers{end+1} = struct('type', 'conv', ...          %卷积层C3
                           'weights', {{f*randn(4,4,50,500, 'single'),  zeros(1,500,'single')}}, ...
                           'stride', 1, ...
                           'pad', 0) ;
net.layers{end+1} = struct('type', 'relu') ;            %ReLu层
net.layers{end+1} = struct('type', 'conv', ...          %FC层
                           'weights', {{f*randn(1,1,500,10, 'single'), zeros(1,10,'single')}}, ...
                           'stride', 1, ...
                           'pad', 0) ;
net.layers{end+1} = struct('type', 'softmaxloss') ;     %softmax层

% optionally switch to batch normalization
if opts.batchNormalization                  %如果opts.batchNormalization为真:
  net = insertBnorm(net, 1) ;               %在原网络第一层后添加Bnorm
  net = insertBnorm(net, 4) ;               %在原网络第四层后添加Bnorm
  net = insertBnorm(net, 7) ;               %在原网络第七层后添加Bnorm

% Meta parameters 结构元参数
net.meta.inputSize = [28 28 1] ;            %大小为28*28*1的input data
net.meta.trainOpts.learningRate = 0.001 ;   %学习率为0.001
net.meta.trainOpts.numEpochs = 100 ;        %Epoch为100
net.meta.trainOpts.batchSize = 100 ;        %批的大小为100

% Fill in defaul values
net = vl_simplenn_tidy(net) ;               %添加默认的属性值

% Switch to DagNN if requested
switch lower(opts.networkType)              %选择网络结构
  case 'simplenn'                           %simplenn结构
    % done
  case 'dagnn'                              %dagnn结构
    net = dagnn.DagNN.fromSimpleNN(net, 'canonicalNames', true) ;
    net.addLayer('top1err', dagnn.Loss('loss', 'classerror'), ...
      {'prediction', 'label'}, 'error') ;
    net.addLayer('top5err', dagnn.Loss('loss', 'topkerror', ...
      'opts', {'topk', 5}), {'prediction', 'label'}, 'top5err') ;
    otherwise                               %
    assert(false) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function net = insertBnorm(net, l)                      %
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
%   函数名:insertBnorm
%   功能:  1.在第l层和第l+1层之间插入Bnorm层
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
assert(isfield(net.layers{l}, 'weights'));                              %断言以确保第l层有权重项
ndim = size(net.layers{l}.weights{1}, 4);                               %第l层的神经元的个数
layer = struct('type', 'bnorm', ...                                     %初始化Bnorm层
               'weights', {{ones(ndim, 1, 'single'), zeros(ndim, 1, 'single')}}, ...
               'learningRate', [1 1 0.05], ...                          %Bnorm层的权值=上一层的神经元个数
               'weightDecay', [0 0]) ;
net.layers{l}.biases = [] ;
net.layers = horzcat(net.layers(1:l), layer, net.layers(l+1:end)) ;     %添加Bnorm层


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