论文:CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module
收录于:ECCV 2018
论文提出了Convolutional Block Attention Module(CBAM),这是一种为卷积神将网络设计的,简单有效的注意力模块(Attention Module)。对于卷积神经网络生成的feature map,CBAM从通道和空间两个维度计算feature map的attention map,然后将attention map与输入的feature map相乘来进行特征的自适应学习。CBAM是一个轻量的通用模块,可以将其融入到各种卷积神经网络中进行端到端的训练。
对于一个中间层的feature map: F ∈ R C ∗ H ∗ W F \in\mathbb R^{C*H*W} F∈RC∗H∗W,CBAM将会顺序推理出1维的channel attention map M c ∈ R C ∗ 1 ∗ 1 M_c \in\mathbb R^{C*1*1} Mc∈RC∗1∗1以及2维的spatial attention map M s ∈ R 1 ∗ H ∗ W M_s \in\mathbb R^{1*H*W} Ms∈R1∗H∗W,整个过程如下所示:
F ′ = M c ( F ) ⊗ F F^{'} = M_c(F) \otimes F F′=Mc(F)⊗F
F ′ ′ = M s ( F ′ ) ⊗ F ′ F^{''}=M_s(F^{'}) \otimes F^{'} F′′=Ms(F′)⊗F′
其中 ⊗ \otimes ⊗为element-wise multiplication,首先将channel attention map与输入的feature map相乘得到 F ′ F^{'} F′,之后计算 F ′ F^{'} F′的spatial attention map,并将两者相乘得到最终的输出 F ′ ′ F^{''} F′′。下图为CBAM的示意图:
feature map 的每个channel都被视为一个feature detector,channel attention主要关注于输入图片中什么(what)是有意义的。为了高效地计算channel attention,论文使用最大池化和平均池化对feature map在空间维度上进行压缩,得到两个不同的空间背景描述: F m a x c F^{c}_{max} Fmaxc和 F a v g c F^{c}_{avg} Favgc。使用由MLP组成的共享网络对这两个不同的空间背景描述进行计算得到channel attention map: M c ∈ R C ∗ 1 ∗ 1 M_c \in\mathbb R^{C*1*1} Mc∈RC∗1∗1。计算过程如下:
M c ( F ) = σ ( M L P ( A v g P o o l ( F ) ) ) + σ ( M L P ( M a x P o o l ( F ) ) ) M_c(F) = \sigma(MLP(AvgPool(F))) + \sigma(MLP(MaxPool(F))) Mc(F)=σ(MLP(AvgPool(F)))+σ(MLP(MaxPool(F)))
M c ( F ) = σ ( W 1 ( W 0 ( F a v g c ) ) ) + σ ( W 1 ( W 0 ( F m a x c ) ) ) M_c(F) = \sigma(W_1(W_0(F^{c}_{avg}))) + \sigma(W_1(W_0(F^{c}_{max}))) Mc(F)=σ(W1(W0(Favgc)))+σ(W1(W0(Fmaxc)))
其中 W 0 ∈ R C / r ∗ C W_0 \in \mathbb R^{C/r * C} W0∈RC/r∗C, W 1 ∈ R C ∗ C / r W_1 \in \mathbb R^{C * C/r} W1∈RC∗C/r, W 0 W_0 W0后使用了Relu作为激活函数。
与channel attention不同,spatial attention主要关注于位置信息(where)。为了计算spatial attention,论文首先在channel的维度上使用最大池化和平均池化得到两个不同的特征描述 F m a x s ∈ R 1 ∗ H ∗ W F^{s}_{max} \in \mathbb R_{1*H*W} Fmaxs∈R1∗H∗W和 F a v g s ∈ R 1 ∗ H ∗ W F^{s}_{avg} \in \mathbb R_{1*H*W} Favgs∈R1∗H∗W,然后使用concatenation将两个特征描述合并,并使用卷积操作生成spatial attention map M s ( F ) ∈ R H ∗ W M_s(F) \in \mathbb R_{H*W} Ms(F)∈RH∗W。计算过程如下:
M s ( F ) = σ ( f 7 ∗ 7 ( [ A v g P o o l ( F ) ; M a x P o o l ( F ) ] ) ) M_s(F) = \sigma(f^{7*7}([AvgPool(F); MaxPool(F)])) Ms(F)=σ(f7∗7([AvgPool(F);MaxPool(F)]))
M s ( F ) = σ ( f 7 ∗ 7 ( [ F a v g s ; F m a x s ] ) ) M_s(F) = \sigma(f^{7*7}([F^{s}_{avg}; F^{s}_{max}])) Ms(F)=σ(f7∗7([Favgs;Fmaxs]))
其中, f 7 ∗ 7 f^{7*7} f7∗7表示7*7的卷积层
下图为channel attention和spatial attention的示意图:
环境:tensorflow 1.9
@Time : 2018/10/19
@Author : Li YongHong
@Email : [email protected]
@File : test.py
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
slim = tf.contrib.slim
def combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(tensor):
"""Returns a list containing static and dynamic values for the dimensions.
Returns a list of static and dynamic values for shape dimensions. This is
useful to preserve static shapes when available in reshape operation.
tensor: A tensor of any type.
A list of size tensor.shape.ndims containing integers or a scalar tensor.
static_tensor_shape = tensor.shape.as_list()
dynamic_tensor_shape = tf.shape(tensor)
combined_shape = []
for index, dim in enumerate(static_tensor_shape):
if dim is not None:
return combined_shape
def convolutional_block_attention_module(feature_map, index, inner_units_ratio=0.5):
CBAM: convolution block attention module, which is described in "CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module"
Architecture : "https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.06521.pdf"
If you want to use this module, just plug this module into your network
:param feature_map : input feature map
:param index : the index of convolution block attention module
:param inner_units_ratio: output units number of fully connected layer: inner_units_ratio*feature_map_channel
:return:feature map with channel and spatial attention
with tf.variable_scope("cbam_%s" % (index)):
feature_map_shape = combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(feature_map)
# channel attention
channel_avg_weights = tf.nn.avg_pool(
ksize=[1, feature_map_shape[1], feature_map_shape[2], 1],
strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
channel_max_weights = tf.nn.max_pool(
ksize=[1, feature_map_shape[1], feature_map_shape[2], 1],
strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
channel_avg_reshape = tf.reshape(channel_avg_weights,
[feature_map_shape[0], 1, feature_map_shape[3]])
channel_max_reshape = tf.reshape(channel_max_weights,
[feature_map_shape[0], 1, feature_map_shape[3]])
channel_w_reshape = tf.concat([channel_avg_reshape, channel_max_reshape], axis=1)
fc_1 = tf.layers.dense(
units=feature_map_shape[3] * inner_units_ratio,
fc_2 = tf.layers.dense(
channel_attention = tf.reduce_sum(fc_2, axis=1, name="channel_attention_sum")
channel_attention = tf.reshape(channel_attention, shape=[feature_map_shape[0], 1, 1, feature_map_shape[3]])
feature_map_with_channel_attention = tf.multiply(feature_map, channel_attention)
# spatial attention
channel_wise_avg_pooling = tf.reduce_mean(feature_map_with_channel_attention, axis=3)
channel_wise_max_pooling = tf.reduce_max(feature_map_with_channel_attention, axis=3)
channel_wise_avg_pooling = tf.reshape(channel_wise_avg_pooling,
shape=[feature_map_shape[0], feature_map_shape[1], feature_map_shape[2],
channel_wise_max_pooling = tf.reshape(channel_wise_max_pooling,
shape=[feature_map_shape[0], feature_map_shape[1], feature_map_shape[2],
channel_wise_pooling = tf.concat([channel_wise_avg_pooling, channel_wise_max_pooling], axis=3)
spatial_attention = slim.conv2d(
[3, 3],
feature_map_with_attention = tf.multiply(feature_map_with_channel_attention, spatial_attention)
return feature_map_with_attention
feature_map = tf.constant(np.random.rand(2,8,8,32), dtype=tf.float16)
feature_map_with_attention = convolutional_block_attention_module(feature_map)
with tf.Session() as sess:
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
result = sess.run(feature_map_with_attention)