
* This header defines two classes that very nearly model
 * AssociativeContainer (but not quite).  These implement set-like and
 * map-like behavior on top of a sorted vector, instead of using
 * rb-trees like std::set and std::map.
 * This is potentially useful in cases where the number of elements in
 * the set or map is small, or when you want to avoid using more
 * memory than necessary and insertions/deletions are much more rare
 * than lookups (these classes have O(N) insertions/deletions).

 * In the interest of using these in conditions where the goal is to
 * minimize memory usage, they support a GrowthPolicy parameter, which
 * is a class defining a single function called increase_capacity,
 * which will be called whenever we are about to insert something: you
 * can then decide to call reserve() based on the current capacity()
 * and size() of the passed in vector-esque Container type.  An
 * example growth policy that grows one element at a time:
 *    struct OneAtATimePolicy {
 *      template<class Container>
 *      void increase_capacity(Container& c) {
 *        if (c.size() == c.capacity()) {
 *          c.reserve(c.size() + 1);
 *        }
 *      }
 *    };
 *    typedef sorted_vector_set<int,
 *                              std::less<int>,
 *                              std::allocator<int>,
 *                              OneAtATimePolicy>
 *            OneAtATimeIntSet;
 * Important differences from std::set and std::map:
 *   - insert() and erase() invalidate iterators and references
 *   - insert() and erase() are O(N)
 *   - our iterators model RandomAccessIterator
 *   - sorted_vector_map::value_type is pair, not pair<const K,V>.
 *     (This is basically because we want to store the value_type in
 *     std::vector<>, which requires it to be Assignable.)

#pragma once

#include //vs报错

namespace folly {


namespace detail {

  // This wrapper goes around a GrowthPolicy and provides iterator
  // preservation(保存) semantics, but only if the growth policy is not the
  // default (i.e. nothing).
  template<class Policy>
  struct growth_policy_wrapper : private Policy {
    template<class Container, class Iterator>
    Iterator increase_capacity(Container& c, Iterator desired_insertion)
      typedef typename Container::difference_type diff_t;
      diff_t d = desired_insertion - c.begin();
      return c.begin() + d;


  struct growth_policy_wrapper<void> {
    template<class Container, class Iterator>
    Iterator increase_capacity(Container&, Iterator it) {
      return it;

   * This helper returns the distance between two iterators if it is
   * possible to figure it out without messing up the range
   * (i.e. unless they are InputIterators).  Otherwise this returns
   * -1.
  template<class Iterator>
  int distance_if_multipass(Iterator first, Iterator last) {
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category categ;
    if (boost::is_samestd::input_iterator_tag>::value)
        return -1;
    return std::distance(first, last);

  template<class OurContainer, class Vector, class GrowthPolicy>
  typename OurContainer::iterator
  insert_with_hint(OurContainer& sorted,
                   Vector& cont,
                   typename OurContainer::iterator hint,
                   typename OurContainer::value_type&& value,
                   GrowthPolicy& po)
    const typename OurContainer::value_compare& cmp(sorted.value_comp());
    if (hint == cont.end() || cmp(value, *hint)) {
      if (hint == cont.begin()) {
        po.increase_capacity(cont, cont.begin());
        return cont.insert(cont.begin(), std::move(value));
      if (cmp(*(hint - 1), value)) {
        hint = po.increase_capacity(cont, hint);
        return cont.insert(hint, std::move(value));
      return sorted.insert(std::move(value)).first;
      //把上面的vector理解为data members就好

    if (cmp(*hint, value)) {
      if (hint + 1 == cont.end() || cmp(value, *(hint + 1))) {
        typename OurContainer::iterator it =
          po.increase_capacity(cont, hint + 1);
        return cont.insert(it, std::move(value));
    //当插入的值比 将插入位置所在值大,又分了两种情况,最后一个,注意左闭右开
    // Value and *hint did not compare, so they are equal keys.
    return hint;//如果都不符合了,就返回这个迭代器



 * A sorted_vector_set is a container similar to std::set<>, but
 * implemented as as a sorted array with std::vector<>.
 * @param class T               Data type to store
 * @param class Compare         Comparison function that imposes a
 *                              strict weak ordering over instances of T
 * @param class Allocator       allocation policy
 * @param class GrowthPolicy    policy object to control growth
 * @author Aditya Agarwal 
 * @author Akhil Wable    
 * @author Jordan DeLong  
template<class T,
         class Compare      = std::less,
         class Allocator    = std::allocator,
         class GrowthPolicy = void>
class sorted_vector_set
  : boost::totally_ordered1<
    , detail::growth_policy_wrapper >
  typedef std::vector ContainerT;

  get_growth_policy() { return *this; }

  typedef T       value_type;
  typedef T       key_type;
  typedef Compare key_compare;
  typedef Compare value_compare;

  typedef typename ContainerT::pointer                pointer;
  typedef typename ContainerT::reference              reference;
  typedef typename ContainerT::const_reference        const_reference;
   * XXX: Our normal iterator ought to also be a constant iterator
   * (cf. Defect Report 103 for std::set), but this is a bit more of a
   * pain.
  typedef typename ContainerT::iterator               iterator;
  typedef typename ContainerT::const_iterator         const_iterator;
  typedef typename ContainerT::difference_type        difference_type;
  typedef typename ContainerT::size_type              size_type;
  typedef typename ContainerT::reverse_iterator       reverse_iterator;
  typedef typename ContainerT::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;

  explicit sorted_vector_set(const Compare& comp = Compare(),
                             const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
    : m_(comp, alloc)

  template<class InputIterator>
  explicit sorted_vector_set(
      InputIterator first,
      InputIterator last,
      const Compare& comp = Compare(),
      const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
    : m_(comp, alloc)
    // This is linear if [first, last) is already sorted (and if we
    // can figure out the distance between the two iterators).
    insert(first, last);

  explicit sorted_vector_set(
      std::initializer_list list,
      const Compare& comp = Compare(),
      const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
    : m_(comp, alloc)
    insert(list.begin(), list.end());

  key_compare key_comp() const { return m_; }
  value_compare value_comp() const { return m_; }

  iterator begin()                      { return m_.cont_.begin();  }
  iterator end()                        { return m_.cont_.end();    }
  const_iterator begin() const          { return m_.cont_.begin();  }
  const_iterator end() const            { return m_.cont_.end();    }
  reverse_iterator rbegin()             { return m_.cont_.rbegin(); }
  reverse_iterator rend()               { return m_.cont_.rend();   }
  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return m_.cont_.rbegin(); }
  const_reverse_iterator rend() const   { return m_.cont_.rend();   }

  void clear()                  { return m_.cont_.clear();    }
  size_type size() const        { return m_.cont_.size();     }
  size_type max_size() const    { return m_.cont_.max_size(); }
  bool empty() const            { return m_.cont_.empty();    }
  void reserve(size_type s)     { return m_.cont_.reserve(s); }
  void shrink_to_fit()          { m_.cont_.shrink_to_fit();   }
  size_type capacity() const    { return m_.cont_.capacity(); }

  std::pairbool> insert(const value_type& value) {
    return insert(value_type(value));

  std::pairbool> insert(value_type&& value) {
    iterator it = lower_bound(value);
    if (it == end() || value_comp()(value, *it)) {
      it = get_growth_policy().increase_capacity(m_.cont_, it);
      return std::make_pair(m_.cont_.insert(it, std::move(value)), true);
    return std::make_pair(it, false);

  iterator insert(iterator hint, const value_type& value) {
    return insert(hint, value_type(value));

  iterator insert(iterator hint, value_type&& value) {
    return detail::insert_with_hint(*this, m_.cont_, hint, std::move(value),

