1.11 Layer 图层 - Rounded Rectangle 圆角矩形

A rounded rectangle of a specific size, corner radius and fill color.

1.11 Layer 图层 - Rounded Rectangle 圆角矩形_第1张图片

Enable 启用
A boolean that is true when the layer is displayed.

Fill Color
The color of the layer.

Position 位置
The position to display the layer. Use Point 3D to set Z position.
位置。点击属性名称 Position 可以显示3个轴向并设置值。

Anchor 锚点
The anchor point to position the layer relative to. See Coordinates for more information.
组位于屏幕中的锚点,详细信息阅读Coordinates 坐标。

Size 尺寸
The size of the layer.

Opacity 不透明度
The opacity of the layer.

Scale 比例
The scale of the layer.

Rotation 角度
The rotation of the layer. Use Point 3D to set X or Y rotations.
图层的角度。点击属性名称 Rotation 可以显示3个角度并设置值。

Pivot 轴心点
The pivot to rotate and scale the layer about. See Coordinates for more information.
图层缩放、旋转、移动时的中心点或初始点。详细信息阅读Coordinates 坐标。

Shadow Color 阴影颜色
The color of the shadow.

Shadow Opacity 阴影不透明度
The opacity of the shadow. By default, the opacity is 0, which disables the shadow.
阴影的不透明度。 默认值为0,不显示阴影。

Shadow Radius 阴影半径
The blur radius of the shadow.

Shadow Offset 阴影偏移
The size of the shadow relative to the size of the layer.

Stroke Color 描边颜色
The color of the stroke.

Stroke Width 描边宽度
The width of the stroke. By default, the width is 0, which disables the stroke.

Start 开始
A number from 0 to 1 that represents the start of the stroke.

End 结束
A number from 0 to 1 that represents the end of the stroke.

Related Layers 相关图层

Oval 椭圆,Rectangle 矩形

全部图层,查看 图层目录

Related Examples 案例

Facebook New Stories
Trigger a prompt to appear when the News Feed is scrolled a certain distance.

Instagram Adjust
Use drag to control the Instagram straighten tool.

Messenger Photo View
Animate a photo between conversation and lightbox.

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