《 没有词是一座孤岛》学习日记


1.It is an act of kindness to do sth.做...是件好事

2.widespread looting and vandalism 猖狂的打砸抢活动

3.(插入语),anxious to get in on the act,急于分一杯羹

4.find the act of...abhorrent...对...很厌恶

5....ever since...自从...


7.instant camera 拍立得相机


1.Before an Act of Parliament (议会通过的法案)can become law,it needs to receive Royal Aseent (御准)from the monarch(国王或女王).(act*立法过程中*法律)

2.The argument was just part of their .(act表演)

3.Mike played the loving husband in front of the children(在孩子们面前表现得像个很爱妻子的丈夫,but it was all an act.(但那都是假装的)

4.Chris acted astonished (故做震惊状)as he examined the note.

5.pursue an acting career踏上演艺之路

6.He is a very talented young actor who is just ready to break through(正待破茧而出的...)

7.She is an actress who always tries to submerge herself completely in  a role(全心全意地做...submerge oneself completely in...)

8.I'll just run through(重述)the minutes(记录!!!)of the last meeting, raising those points which still have to be auctioned .(把亟待解决处理的重点问题提出来)


1.The magistrates(地方法官)granted(承认)that the charity was justified in (有理由)bringing the action(提起诉讼).

2.Most officers and men acquitted themselves well throughout the action(在整个战斗中).(acquit themselves 他们表现出色)

3.There hasn't been much action (事)around here for months.

4.In her last (最近发表的)novel,the action (故事情节)moves(展开) between Greece and southern Spain.

5.Her description of  nature and action (性质和作用)of poisons is amazingly accurate.

6.As an agent(代理人,代理商),you may have an inside track(有好处,近水楼台先得月)when good deals become available. (一旦有划算的买卖)

7.Holleywood agents (经纪人)have been sniffing around (刺探消息)him.(好莱坞经纪人一直追着想要他。)

8.US intelligence(情报人员)had been feeding false information (提供错误情报)to a KGB agent(间谍).[KGB:前苏联的秘密警察]

9.Technological advances (科技进步)are the chief agents (动因)of change.技术进步是变革的主要推动力。

10.Yeast (酵母)is the raising  agent (作用剂)in bread.

11.Discussion of the water shortage will preempt (先于,先占,先发制人)the other topics on this week's agenda(议事日程).

12.Many of the coalition(同盟)[co-a-li-tion]members(许多联盟成员) could have their own political agendas(政治议题).


1.The birds were active(活跃),whirring and fluttering (呼呼地飞来飞去)among the trees.

2.He is a young man of sharp and active intellect(具有灵活和敏锐头脑).

3.Companies need to take active steps (采取积极措施)to increase exports (增加出口).

4.An active and expansive (积极扩张的) market economy (市场经济)is a necessary condition for progress.(是发展的必要条件)

5.The active ingredient(有效成分)in some of the mouthwashes (漱口剂)was simply (只不过是)detergent (洗涤剂).

6.The volcano is still active(活跃), as evidenced by (证明了)the recent eruption(最近喷发).

7.The alarm is activated (触动,激活)by the lightest pressure.

8.It seems that the 1960s era of social activism(社会激进主义) is all but (几乎)a dim memory.(模糊的记忆)(20世纪60年代的社会激进主义似乎只是一个模糊的记忆。)

9.Animal rights activists (动物权利保护者)have been engaged in an increasingly bitter( 展开了越来越激烈的论战)war of words (论战,唇枪舌剑)with many of the nation's zoos(和该国多家动物园).

10.There are signs of paramilitary (准军事的)activity supported from abroad.(有迹象表明,非法军事组织的活动得到了外国势力的支持。)

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