育儿资料: 我什么时候才能发现怀孕? ,中英译文对照。

1、For couples who want to give birth or men and women who want to contraception, when can they detect pregnancy is what they want to know. According to common sense, women's monthly affairs are regular. Generally, the days are relatively stable in January. If they have not come for a long time, then they can doubt whether they are pregnant, but obviously this method is not very reliable. How and when can I detect pregnancy? 


2、 Although it can be measured whether it is pregnant after one week of menopause, but it takes about one month to add menstrual cycle, but for most people, the time is too long, more people want to know the most after sex When can I detect pregnancy? This can be judged by detecting HCG in urine. 


3、 implantation of fertilized eggs is a sign of pregnancy in women. Generally speaking, sperm can reach the female fallopian tube within 24 hours after sexual intercourse, and combine with the eggs excreted by the woman in the fallopian tube to form a fertilized egg, which is then pushed by the cilia in the fallopian tube. It takes about 6-7 days to reach the uterus, and if appropriate, it can be implanted on the endometrium. 


4、 It takes 7-8 days for this fertilized egg to swim from the abdominal wall of the fallopian tube to the uterus and implant into the mother. Therefore, it takes 7-8 days to wait for pregnancy. At least, it takes at least 7 to fertilize to pregnancy. -8 days, but it will not exceed 9-10 days. If it is more than 10 days, the corpus luteum retreats, the progesterone retreats, and menstruation comes again. 


5、 Detection of HCG in urine is a reliable indicator for determining pregnancy, and can be tested after 11 days of general sex. Because the egg begins to fertilize on the 6th day after the fertilization, a glycoprotein hormone is produced in the pregnant woman. This is called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is abundantly present in the blood and urine of pregnant women, and its secretion is increased. Soon, about 1. It will double in 7-2 days, and the test standard can be reached after the 11th day after fertilization. At this time, it is possible to have no pregnancy. 


6、 Xiao Bian reminds that the two-week examination after sexual intercourse is the most accurate, and if you are pregnant, the morning urine is relatively accurate. At this time, the sperm and the egg can be displayed in the HCG of blood, so you only need to go. A professional obstetrics and gynecology hospital to check a blood HCG can make your doubts determined, very convenient. 


7、 When can I detect pregnancy, this is the couple who want to give birth or the men and women who want to contraception want to know, but the purpose is different. The couple who want to give birth are looking forward to the arrival of new life, and the men and women who want to contraception think Kill the new life in the cradle. I want to know when I can detect pregnancy at the earliest. My friends can try the method described in this article and perform HGG test two weeks after the completion, which will let you know. 



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