TGG - Chapter 26

1 - Central Question

Q: What made Chaoyun so special for Su Tungpo?

A: Of all the women in Su's life, Chaoyun  seemed to understand him best. Chaoyun is intelligent, gay, vivacious, spirited. Chaoyun also shared the same interests with Su Tungpo, such as prolong life and Buddhist.

2 - 阅读感悟




3 - Words and Expressions


原文:... but couched in the mystic language of the secret Taoist art...

couch除了可以作名字,表示“长沙发”外,还可以用作动词:be couched in sth formal to be expressed in a particular way 以〔特定方式〕表达,措词。


① Our consciousness is encrusted with habits of perception.

encrust 也写做 incrust,表示to cover or overlay with or as with a crust or hard coating。

②... a Buddhist temple nestled beneath a tall forest...

③... where the river hugged the foot of the mountain as it wound its way towards the city.

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