lasting foreternity.
Aperpetual malaria reigns in this region.
toput into execution
weshould carry out a scientific research to solve the problem.
A very small pieceor part; a tiny portion or speck.
Difference Between Particleand Molecule
Particleis a general term. Depending on where we use it, we can define it. Generallyparticle is an object with a mass and a volume, and it should have otherphysical properties also. It is a small, localized object too. Often werepresent a particle with a dot and its movement is random. Whether we can callan object a particle depends on the size. For example, in a solution where lotsof molecules are dissolved in, we can say one molecule as a particle. Particletheory explains about particles as follows.
•Matter is made up of tiny particles.
•These particles in matter are held together by strong forces.
•Particles in matter are in constant motion.
•Temperature affects the speed of particles. For example, in higher temperature,particle movement is higher.
•In matter, there are large spaces between particles. Compared to these spaces,particles are very small.
•Particles in a substance are unique, and it differs from the particles inanother substance.
Sometimesparticles can be further divided into sub particles. For example, we considermolecules as particles at some point. A molecule is made up of atoms, and theycan be considered as particles. There are sub atomic particles in an atom. Onesub atomic particle can also be divided into more particles. Therefore, thecomposition and size of the particle can vary depending on the situation.
Moleculesare made up by chemically bonding two or more atoms of the same element (e.g. O2,N2)or different elements (H2O, NH3).Molecules do not have charge, and the atoms are bonded by the covalent bonds.Molecules can be very large (hemoglobin) or very small (H2),depending on the number of atoms that are connected. The type and number ofatoms in a molecule are shown by the molecular formula. The simplest integerratio of atoms present in a molecule is given by the empirical formula. Forexample, C6H12O6is the molecular formula of glucose,and CH2O is the empirical formula.Molecular mass is the mass calculated considering the total number of atomsgiven in the molecular formula. Each molecule has its own geometry. The atomsin a molecule are arranged in the most stable manner with specific bond angleand bond lengths, to minimize the repulsions and straining-forces.
A hypotheticalsubstance formerly thought to be a volatile constituent of all combustiblesubstances released as flame in combustion.
Athing was inflammable if it contained phlogiston.
Absence of matter.
Thevacuum system consists of vacuum pumps, vacuum pipelines, vacuum valves andvacuum measurers.
Thalesof Miletus
Theancient Greek philosopher Thales was born in Miletus in Greek Ionia. Aristotle,the major source for Thales's philosophy and science, identified Thales as thefirst person to investigate the basic principles, the question of theoriginating substances of matter and, therefore, asthe founder of the school of natural philosophy.Thales was interested in almost everything, investigating almost all areas ofknowledge, philosophy, history, science, mathematics, engineering, geography,and politics. He proposed theories to explain many of the events of nature, theprimary substance, the support of the earth, and the cause of change. Thaleswas much involved in the problems of astronomy and provided a number ofexplanations of cosmological events which traditionally involved supernaturalentities. His questioning approach to the understanding of heavenly phenomenawas the beginning of Greek astronomy. Thales' hypotheses were new and bold, andin freeing phenomena from godly intervention, he paved the way towardsscientific endeavor. He founded the Milesian school of natural philosophy,developed the scientific method, and initiated the first western enlightenment.A number of anecdotes is closely connected to Thales' investigations of thecosmos. When considered in association with his hypotheses they take on addedmeaning and are most enlightening. Thales was highly esteemed in ancient times,and a letter cited by Diogenes Laertius, and purporting to be from Anaximenesto Pythagoras, advised that all our discourse should begin with a reference toThales (D.L. II.4).
Heacted illegitimately when he increased the rent fourfold.
A rare celestialphenomenon involving the explosion of most of the material in a star, resultingin an extremely bright, short-lived object that emits vast amounts of energy.
So both thesupernova trigger and the sequentialformation process may have been at workthere.
The office orjurisdiction of a caliph.
Whatis the Caliphate?
MostWesterners have only the dimmest idea of what the Islamic State of Iraq andGreater Syria (ISIS) claims to have set up on the desert flats and cities itcontrols.
Just what is the Caliphate?
At its most basic, the Caliphateis how Muslims organized themselves for centuries after the death of theProphet Mohammed. In life, Mohammed led the faith that Muslims believe hechanneled directly from God, serving as both religious leader and temporalruler of the legions drawn to his teachings.
But when the Prophet died in 632A.D., he left no heir, and the search was on for a successor—which is whatcaliphmeans. The caliphate (orsuccession) is what he rules, the governing body that claims dominion over allbelievers.
The competition for caliph wouldsplit the faith. After Mohammed died, some thought his favorite son-in-law,Ali, should serve. A supporter of Ali was rendered asShiaat
Ali, which became “Shia.”
Others said the caliph should bedrawn from those who were especially close to the Prophet, and followed histeachings and example, or Sunnah. They formed Islam's Sunni tradition.
Shiites stopped selecting caliphsfairly early on, but in the dominant Sunni tradition, the office held ultimatereligious and political authority. The combined powers held together empiresbased wherever the Caliph chose: Baghdad, Damascus or, finally, Istanbul, fromwhich Ottoman sultans governed an empire stretching across three continents formore than 500 years.
But the Ottoman Empire collapsedin World War I, and its remaining land was divided up into the form preferredby the European victors: nation-states. And as it happened, perhaps the mostemphatic nation-state in the world, the Republic of Turkey, emerged on its ownin the Anatolian peninsula that had been the heart of the empire. Its founder,Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, viewed Islam as a rival to the power of the secularstate, and literallypacked the
last caliph out of townonthe Orient Express—Abdulmecid Efendi, an urbane scholar who by some accountswas reading the essays of Montaigne when the police came for him. He retired toParis and Nice.
Decades passed, and the Westlargely forgot that there ever was a caliphate. But Muslims did not. The MuslimBrotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 on the desire to re-establish it. Othergroups followed, all of them radical in the sense that they sought to upend theworld order by ending what one scholar called "the division of Muslimlands into measly pieces which call themselves nations.”
But many moderate Muslims likethe idea as well. Some cite the dysfunction of the Arab world as defined bycolonial borders, especially compared to Ottoman times. Others note thatCatholics have their pope. "The concept of the caliphate is very muchalive in the collective memory of society," a Turkish author, Ali Bulac,once told me."There is absolutely nothing to keep Muslim society together at themoment."
Dignity, or its loss, plays asignificant role. Osama bin Laden called the attacks of 9/11 "a very smallthing compared to this humiliation and contempt for more than 80 years,"counting from the 1924 elimination of the caliphate. And inits statementasserting a restored caliphate on thelands it holds between Syria and Iraq, ISIS appealed to “generations that weredrowning in oceans of disgrace, being nursed on the milk of humiliation.”
Even before the caliphate wasofficially declared June 29, ISIS, which uses social media masterfully,promoted the Twitter hashtag #sykespicotover. (Mark Sykes and Georges Picotbeing, as Arabs know only too well, the British and French officials whosecretly dividedup the Middle East in the waning daysof WWI.) ISIS supporters also gleefully posted videos of captured earth moversbreaching the berm separating Syria and Iraq.
But the group is radical in moreways than one. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIS founder who now claims the mantleof the Prophet, calls for a war on the 10 percent of the world’s Muslims whofollow the Shia tradition. Hisfoundational screedcalls for his soldiers to “greedilydrink the blood” of non-believers.
"This is something that ischaracteristic of our time, to reestablish an ideological empire," aTurkish scholar named Serif Mardin once told me, a look of distaste crossinghis face. "A sweet caliph of ancient times is overwhelmed by this modernmilitary idea. I mean, the caliph is supposed to be a nice guy.” That is onething the new self-declared caliph does not appear to be.
Marked by inventiveskill and imagination.
Agifted writer, an ingenious politician, a penetrating thinker, he stood farabove the intellectual movement of which he become the leader.
A medievalinstrument, now replaced by the sextant, that was once used to determine thealtitude of the sun or other celestial bodies.
Marinerswere also able to fix their latitude, by using an instrument called anastrolabe.
The act or aninstance of dissecting.
A dissection ofyour argument shows several inconsistencies.
characterized byintricate and beautiful design or execution:
He sufferedexquisitepain.
To set aside orannul, especially by judicial action.
Putinhad to put on a show with lots of lights and dancing, but quash the gay factor.
A medieval chemicalphilosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of base metals intogold, the discovery of the panacea, and the preparation of the elixir oflongevity.
Alchemypaved the way for the modern science of chemistry.
The process ofburning.
Theyare commonly divided into continuous-combustion engines andintermittent-combustion engines.
Any of numeroustailless, aquatic, semiaquatic, or terrestrial amphibians of the order Anuraand especially of the family Ranidae, characteristically having a smooth, moistskin, webbed feet, and long hind legs adapted for leaping.
A threadlike linearstrand of DNA and associated proteins in the nucleus of animal and plant cellsthat carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditaryinformation.
Absenceof one chromosome of a pair is called monosomy for that chromosome.
1.To organize or arrange in a sequence.
Thedesign progress of this sequence generator starts with the listing of sequenceboth in decimal and binary.
Any of variouswarm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including human beings,characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female,milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing the young.
A whale is a kind of mammal.