[Quora] 为什么洗澡时总会有各种各样的想法蹦出来?

Quora:Why do ideas come to me so easily when I am taking a shower?

Quora 地址:http://www.quora.com/Why-do-ideas-come-to-me-so-easily-when-I-am-taking-a-shower

Terry Prothero:

A few reasons. The first is the sound of the running water. It's white noise that blocks out the sounds of other things in the environment. Then we have water on your body at a controlled temperature. These two things together limit the amount of sensory input from your skin and ears. And then, we have our eyes. In most cases they are closed or not looking at anything in particular. Now we've eliminated one more form of sensory input. So, essentially, a shower is a poor man's sensory deprivation chamber.

The natural effect of this is that you are alone with your thoughts. Without sensory input, your mind will naturally wander and begin looking within for stimulation. This usually means processing existing information and creating new things to keep it occupied.

Roger Abramson:

Because every other moment of your life is filled with distraction except the shower. From this question, I know you don't go for daily walks, which are absolute idea factories.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho Cybernetics explained it this way: Your subconscious mind works day and night on solving your problems for you.

Your subconscious can't give you its results while you're distracted. Only while you're intensely focused or completely calm and quiet.


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