* BlobWriter is used to upload data to the BLOB store.
public interface BlobWriter {
Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlobWriter.class);
* Uploads the data of the given byte array for the given job to the BLOB server and makes it
* a permanent BLOB.
* @param jobId
* the ID of the job the BLOB belongs to
* @param value
* the buffer to upload
* @return the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
* @throws IOException
* thrown if an I/O error occurs while writing it to a local file, or uploading it to the HA
* store
PermanentBlobKey putPermanent(JobID jobId, byte[] value) throws IOException;
* Uploads the data from the given input stream for the given job to the BLOB server and makes it
* a permanent BLOB.
* @param jobId
* ID of the job this blob belongs to
* @param inputStream
* the input stream to read the data from
* @return the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
* @throws IOException
* thrown if an I/O error occurs while reading the data from the input stream, writing it to a
* local file, or uploading it to the HA store
PermanentBlobKey putPermanent(JobID jobId, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException;
* Returns the min size before data will be offloaded to the BLOB store.
* @return minimum offloading size
int getMinOffloadingSize();
* Serializes the given value and offloads it to the BlobServer if its size exceeds the minimum
* offloading size of the BlobServer.
* @param value to serialize
* @param jobId to which the value belongs.
* @param blobWriter to use to offload the serialized value
* @param type of the value to serialize
* @return Either the serialized value or the stored blob key
* @throws IOException if the data cannot be serialized
static Either, PermanentBlobKey> serializeAndTryOffload(
T value,
JobID jobId,
BlobWriter blobWriter) throws IOException {
final SerializedValue serializedValue = new SerializedValue<>(value);
if (serializedValue.getByteArray().length < blobWriter.getMinOffloadingSize()) {
return Either.Left(new SerializedValue<>(value));
} else {
try {
final PermanentBlobKey permanentBlobKey = blobWriter.putPermanent(jobId, serializedValue.getByteArray());
return Either.Right(permanentBlobKey);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to offload value {} for job {} to BLOB store.", value, jobId, e);
return Either.Left(serializedValue);
- BlobWriter定义了putPermanent、getMinOffloadingSize方法,同时还提供了serializeAndTryOffload静态方法用于序列化指定value并在其大小超过minimum offloading size时调用blobWriter.putPermanent存放到BlobServer
* This class implements the BLOB server. The BLOB server is responsible for listening for incoming requests and
* spawning threads to handle these requests. Furthermore, it takes care of creating the directory structure to store
* the BLOBs or temporarily cache them.
public class BlobServer extends Thread implements BlobService, BlobWriter, PermanentBlobService, TransientBlobService {
public PermanentBlobKey putPermanent(JobID jobId, byte[] value) throws IOException {
return (PermanentBlobKey) putBuffer(jobId, value, PERMANENT_BLOB);
public PermanentBlobKey putPermanent(JobID jobId, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
return (PermanentBlobKey) putInputStream(jobId, inputStream, PERMANENT_BLOB);
* Returns the configuration used by the BLOB server.
* @return configuration
public final int getMinOffloadingSize() {
return blobServiceConfiguration.getInteger(BlobServerOptions.OFFLOAD_MINSIZE);
* Uploads the data of the given byte array for the given job to the BLOB server.
* @param jobId
* the ID of the job the BLOB belongs to
* @param value
* the buffer to upload
* @param blobType
* whether to make the data permanent or transient
* @return the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
* @throws IOException
* thrown if an I/O error occurs while writing it to a local file, or uploading it to the HA
* store
private BlobKey putBuffer(@Nullable JobID jobId, byte[] value, BlobKey.BlobType blobType)
throws IOException {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Received PUT call for BLOB of job {}.", jobId);
File incomingFile = createTemporaryFilename();
MessageDigest md = BlobUtils.createMessageDigest();
BlobKey blobKey = null;
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(incomingFile)) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// delete incomingFile from a failed download
if (!incomingFile.delete() && incomingFile.exists()) {
LOG.warn("Could not delete the staging file {} for job {}.",
incomingFile, jobId);
throw ioe;
try {
// persist file
blobKey = moveTempFileToStore(incomingFile, jobId, md.digest(), blobType);
return blobKey;
} finally {
// delete incomingFile from a failed download
if (!incomingFile.delete() && incomingFile.exists()) {
LOG.warn("Could not delete the staging file {} for blob key {} and job {}.",
incomingFile, blobKey, jobId);
* Uploads the data from the given input stream for the given job to the BLOB server.
* @param jobId
* the ID of the job the BLOB belongs to
* @param inputStream
* the input stream to read the data from
* @param blobType
* whether to make the data permanent or transient
* @return the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
* @throws IOException
* thrown if an I/O error occurs while reading the data from the input stream, writing it to a
* local file, or uploading it to the HA store
private BlobKey putInputStream(
@Nullable JobID jobId, InputStream inputStream, BlobKey.BlobType blobType)
throws IOException {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Received PUT call for BLOB of job {}.", jobId);
File incomingFile = createTemporaryFilename();
MessageDigest md = BlobUtils.createMessageDigest();
BlobKey blobKey = null;
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(incomingFile)) {
// read stream
byte[] buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
while (true) {
final int bytesRead = inputStream.read(buf);
if (bytesRead == -1) {
// done
fos.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);
md.update(buf, 0, bytesRead);
// persist file
blobKey = moveTempFileToStore(incomingFile, jobId, md.digest(), blobType);
return blobKey;
} finally {
// delete incomingFile from a failed download
if (!incomingFile.delete() && incomingFile.exists()) {
LOG.warn("Could not delete the staging file {} for blob key {} and job {}.",
incomingFile, blobKey, jobId);
* Moves the temporary incomingFile to its permanent location where it is available for
* use.
* @param incomingFile
* temporary file created during transfer
* @param jobId
* ID of the job this blob belongs to or null if job-unrelated
* @param digest
* BLOB content digest, i.e. hash
* @param blobType
* whether this file is a permanent or transient BLOB
* @return unique BLOB key that identifies the BLOB on the server
* @throws IOException
* thrown if an I/O error occurs while moving the file or uploading it to the HA store
BlobKey moveTempFileToStore(
File incomingFile, @Nullable JobID jobId, byte[] digest, BlobKey.BlobType blobType)
throws IOException {
int retries = 10;
int attempt = 0;
while (true) {
// add unique component independent of the BLOB content
BlobKey blobKey = BlobKey.createKey(blobType, digest);
File storageFile = BlobUtils.getStorageLocation(storageDir, jobId, blobKey);
// try again until the key is unique (put the existence check into the lock!)
try {
if (!storageFile.exists()) {
incomingFile, jobId, blobKey, storageFile, LOG,
blobKey instanceof PermanentBlobKey ? blobStore : null);
// add TTL for transient BLOBs:
if (blobKey instanceof TransientBlobKey) {
// must be inside read or write lock to add a TTL
.put(Tuple2.of(jobId, (TransientBlobKey) blobKey),
System.currentTimeMillis() + cleanupInterval);
return blobKey;
} finally {
if (attempt >= retries) {
String message = "Failed to find a unique key for BLOB of job " + jobId + " (last tried " + storageFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".";
LOG.error(message + " No retries left.");
throw new IOException(message);
} else {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Trying to find a unique key for BLOB of job {} (retry {}, last tried {})",
jobId, attempt, storageFile.getAbsolutePath());
* Returns a temporary file inside the BLOB server's incoming directory.
* @return a temporary file inside the BLOB server's incoming directory
* @throws IOException
* if creating the directory fails
File createTemporaryFilename() throws IOException {
return new File(BlobUtils.getIncomingDirectory(storageDir),
String.format("temp-%08d", tempFileCounter.getAndIncrement()));
- BlobServer实现了BlobWriter接口,putPermanent方法分别用到了putBuffer及putInputStream方法,而getMinOffloadingSize方法则从blobServiceConfiguration获取BlobServerOptions.OFFLOAD_MINSIZE配置,默认是1M
- putBuffer方法接收byte[]参数,它先把byte[]写入到临时文件,之后调用moveTempFileToStore方法进行持久化;putInputStream方法接收InputStream参数,它也是先把InputStream写入到临时文件,然后调用moveTempFileToStore方法进行持久化
- moveTempFileToStore方法调用了BlobUtils.moveTempFileToStore将本地临时文件转移到permanent location;其中storageDir由BlobUtils.initLocalStorageDirectory(config)来初始化,而storageFile通过BlobUtils.getStorageLocation(storageDir, jobId, blobKey)来获取
* Utility class to work with blob data.
public class BlobUtils {
* Creates a local storage directory for a blob service under the configuration parameter given
* by {@link BlobServerOptions#STORAGE_DIRECTORY}. If this is null or empty, we will
* fall back to Flink's temp directories (given by
* {@link org.apache.flink.configuration.CoreOptions#TMP_DIRS}) and choose one among them at
* random.
* @param config
* Flink configuration
* @return a new local storage directory
* @throws IOException
* thrown if the local file storage cannot be created or is not usable
static File initLocalStorageDirectory(Configuration config) throws IOException {
String basePath = config.getString(BlobServerOptions.STORAGE_DIRECTORY);
File baseDir;
if (StringUtils.isNullOrWhitespaceOnly(basePath)) {
final String[] tmpDirPaths = ConfigurationUtils.parseTempDirectories(config);
baseDir = new File(tmpDirPaths[RANDOM.nextInt(tmpDirPaths.length)]);
else {
baseDir = new File(basePath);
File storageDir;
// NOTE: although we will be using UUIDs, there may be collisions
int maxAttempts = 10;
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++) {
storageDir = new File(baseDir, String.format(
"blobStore-%s", UUID.randomUUID().toString()));
// Create the storage dir if it doesn't exist. Only return it when the operation was
// successful.
if (storageDir.mkdirs()) {
return storageDir;
// max attempts exceeded to find a storage directory
throw new IOException("Could not create storage directory for BLOB store in '" + baseDir + "'.");
* Returns the (designated) physical storage location of the BLOB with the given key.
* @param storageDir
* storage directory used be the BLOB service
* @param key
* the key identifying the BLOB
* @param jobId
* ID of the job for the incoming files (or null if job-unrelated)
* @return the (designated) physical storage location of the BLOB
* @throws IOException
* if creating the directory fails
static File getStorageLocation(
File storageDir, @Nullable JobID jobId, BlobKey key) throws IOException {
File file = new File(getStorageLocationPath(storageDir.getAbsolutePath(), jobId, key));
return file;
* Returns the path for the given blob key.
* The returned path can be used with the (local or HA) BLOB store file system back-end for
* recovery purposes and follows the same scheme as {@link #getStorageLocation(File, JobID,
* BlobKey)}.
* @param storageDir
* storage directory used be the BLOB service
* @param key
* the key identifying the BLOB
* @param jobId
* ID of the job for the incoming files
* @return the path to the given BLOB
static String getStorageLocationPath(
String storageDir, @Nullable JobID jobId, BlobKey key) {
if (jobId == null) {
// format: $base/no_job/blob_$key
return String.format("%s/%s/%s%s",
storageDir, NO_JOB_DIR_PREFIX, BLOB_FILE_PREFIX, key.toString());
} else {
// format: $base/job_$jobId/blob_$key
return String.format("%s/%s%s/%s%s",
storageDir, JOB_DIR_PREFIX, jobId.toString(), BLOB_FILE_PREFIX, key.toString());
* Moves the temporary incomingFile to its permanent location where it is available for
* use (not thread-safe!).
* @param incomingFile
* temporary file created during transfer
* @param jobId
* ID of the job this blob belongs to or null if job-unrelated
* @param blobKey
* BLOB key identifying the file
* @param storageFile
* (local) file where the blob is/should be stored
* @param log
* logger for debug information
* @param blobStore
* HA store (or null if unavailable)
* @throws IOException
* thrown if an I/O error occurs while moving the file or uploading it to the HA store
static void moveTempFileToStore(
File incomingFile, @Nullable JobID jobId, BlobKey blobKey, File storageFile,
Logger log, @Nullable BlobStore blobStore) throws IOException {
try {
// first check whether the file already exists
if (!storageFile.exists()) {
try {
// only move the file if it does not yet exist
Files.move(incomingFile.toPath(), storageFile.toPath());
incomingFile = null;
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException ignored) {
log.warn("Detected concurrent file modifications. This should only happen if multiple" +
"BlobServer use the same storage directory.");
// we cannot be sure at this point whether the file has already been uploaded to the blob
// store or not. Even if the blobStore might shortly be in an inconsistent state, we have
// to persist the blob. Otherwise we might not be able to recover the job.
if (blobStore != null) {
// only the one moving the incoming file to its final destination is allowed to upload the
// file to the blob store
blobStore.put(storageFile, jobId, blobKey);
} else {
log.warn("File upload for an existing file with key {} for job {}. This may indicate a duplicate upload or a hash collision. Ignoring newest upload.", blobKey, jobId);
storageFile = null;
} finally {
// we failed to either create the local storage file or to upload it --> try to delete the local file
// while still having the write lock
if (storageFile != null && !storageFile.delete() && storageFile.exists()) {
log.warn("Could not delete the storage file {}.", storageFile);
if (incomingFile != null && !incomingFile.delete() && incomingFile.exists()) {
log.warn("Could not delete the staging file {} for blob key {} and job {}.", incomingFile, blobKey, jobId);
- initLocalStorageDirectory方法从配置文件读取BlobServerOptions.STORAGE_DIRECTORY配置(
),如果没有配置,则通过ConfigurationUtils.parseTempDirectories来获取tmpDirPaths,然后随机选一个作为baseDir,而storageDir目录则是baseDir的子目录,其目录名前缀为blobStore - getStorageLocation方法则在storageDir的基础上根据JobID及BlobKey构造具体的存储路径,其格式为
- moveTempFileToStore方法则在目标文件不存在的场景下使用Files.move将incomingFile转移到storageFile,如果blobStore不为null,还会将storageFile放入到BlobStore
- BlobWriter定义了putPermanent、getMinOffloadingSize方法,同时还提供了serializeAndTryOffload静态方法用于序列化指定value并在其大小超过minimum offloading size时调用blobWriter.putPermanent存放到BlobServer
- BlobServer实现了BlobWriter接口,putPermanent方法分别用到了putBuffer及putInputStream方法,而getMinOffloadingSize方法则从blobServiceConfiguration获取BlobServerOptions.OFFLOAD_MINSIZE配置,默认是1M;putBuffer方法接收byte[]参数,它先把byte[]写入到临时文件,之后调用moveTempFileToStore方法进行持久化;putInputStream方法接收InputStream参数,它也是先把InputStream写入到临时文件,然后调用moveTempFileToStore方法进行持久化;moveTempFileToStore方法调用了BlobUtils.moveTempFileToStore将本地临时文件转移到permanent location;其中storageDir由BlobUtils.initLocalStorageDirectory(config)来初始化,而storageFile通过BlobUtils.getStorageLocation(storageDir, jobId, blobKey)来获取
- BlobUtils的initLocalStorageDirectory方法从配置文件读取BlobServerOptions.STORAGE_DIRECTORY配置(
- BlobWriter