stacking 就是当用初始训练数据学习出若干个基学习器后,将这几个学习器的预测结果作为新的训练集,来学习一个新的学习器。
例如我们用 RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier 作为第一层学习器(当然这里我们可以添加更多的分类器,也可以用不同的特征组合但是同样的学习方法作为基分类器):
clfs = [
RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = n_trees, criterion = 'gini'),
ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators = n_trees * 2, criterion = 'gini'),
GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators = n_trees),
接着要训练第一层学习器,并得到第二层学习器所需要的数据,这里会用到 k 折交叉验证。我们首先会将数据集进行一个划分,比如使用80%的训练数据来训练,20%的数据用来测试,
dev_cutoff = len(Y) * 4/5
X_dev = X[:dev_cutoff]
Y_dev = Y[:dev_cutoff]
X_test = X[dev_cutoff:]
Y_test = Y[dev_cutoff:]
然后对训练数据通过交叉验证训练 clf,并得到第二层的训练数据 blend_train,同时,在每个基分类器的每一折交叉验证中,我们都会对测试数据进行一次预测,以得到我们blend_test,二者的定义如下:
blend_train = np.zeros((X_dev.shape[0], len(clfs))) # Number of training data x Number of classifiers
blend_test = np.zeros((X_test.shape[0], len(clfs))) # Number of testing data x Number of classifiers
按照上面说的,blend_train基于下面的方法得到,注意,下图是对于一个分类器来说的,所以每个分类器得到的blend_train的行数与用于训练的数据一样多,所以blend_train的shape为X_dev.shape[0]*len(clfs),即训练集长度 * 基分类器个数:
而对于第二轮的测试集blend_test来说,由于每次交叉验证的过程中都要进行一次预测,假设我们是5折交叉验证,那么对于每个分类器来说,得到的blend_test的shape是测试集行数 * 交叉验证折数,此时的做法是,对axis=1方向取平均值,以得到测试集行数 * 1 的测试数据,所以总的blend_test就是测试集行数 * 基分类器个数,可以跟blend_train保持一致:
得到blend_train 和 blend_test的代码如下:
for j, clf in enumerate(clfs):
print 'Training classifier [%s]' % (j)
blend_test_j = np.zeros((X_test.shape[0], len(skf))) # Number of testing data x Number of folds , we will take the mean of the predictions later
for i, (train_index, cv_index) in enumerate(skf):
print 'Fold [%s]' % (i)
# This is the training and validation set
X_train = X_dev[train_index]
Y_train = Y_dev[train_index]
X_cv = X_dev[cv_index]
Y_cv = Y_dev[cv_index]
clf.fit(X_train, Y_train)
# This output will be the basis for our blended classifier to train against,
# which is also the output of our classifiers
blend_train[cv_index, j] = clf.predict(X_cv)
blend_test_j[:, i] = clf.predict(X_test)
# Take the mean of the predictions of the cross validation set
blend_test[:, j] = blend_test_j.mean(1)
接着我们就可以用 blend_train, Y_dev 去训练第二层的学习器 LogisticRegression(当然也可以是别的分类器,比如lightGBM,XGBoost):
bclf = LogisticRegression()
bclf.fit(blend_train, Y_dev)
最后,基于我们训练的二级分类器,我们可以预测测试集 blend_test,并得到 score:
Y_test_predict = bclf.predict(blend_test)
score = metrics.accuracy_score(Y_test, Y_test_predict)
print 'Accuracy = %s' % (score)
blend_train = np.zeros((np.array(X_dev.values.tolist()).shape[0], num_classes*len(clfs)),dtype=np.float32) # Number of training data x Number of classifiers
blend_test = np.zeros((np.array(X_test.values.tolist()).shape[0], num_classes*len(clfs)),dtype=np.float32) # Number of testing data x Number of classifiers
# For each classifier, we train the number of fold times (=len(skf))
for j, clf in enumerate(clfs):
for i, (train_index, cv_index) in enumerate(skf):
print('Fold [%s]' % (i))
# This is the training and validation set
X_train = X_dev[train_index]
Y_train = Y_dev[train_index]
X_cv = X_dev[cv_index]
X_train = np.concatenate((X_train, ret_x),axis=0)
Y_train = np.concatenate((Y_train, ret_y),axis=0)
clf.fit(X_train, Y_train)
blend_train[cv_index, j*num_classes:(j+1)*num_classes] = clf.predict_proba(X_cv)
blend_test[:, j*num_classes:(j+1)*num_classes] += clf.predict_proba(X_test)
blend_test = blend_test / float(n_folds)