COMP9021 Principles of Programming Lab3

1. Finding particular sequences of prime numbers

Write a program that finds all sequences of 6 consecutive prime 5-digit numbers, say (a,b,c,d,e,f), with b = a+2, c = b+4, d = c+6, e = d+8, and f = e+10. So a, b, c, d and e are all 5-digit prime numbers and no number between a and b, between b and c, between c and d, between d and e, and between e and f is prime.

from math import sqrt

difference = [0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 30]

def is_prime(n):
    if n % 2 == 0:
        return False
    for i in range(3, round(sqrt(n)) + 1, 2):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

solution = []
for i in range(10000, 100000):
    candidate = [0] * 6
    flag = 0
    for j in range(len(difference)):
        candidate[j] = difference[j] + i
        if not is_prime(candidate[j]):
    if is_prime(candidate[-1]):
        for e in range(candidate[0], candidate[5] + 1, 2):
            if is_prime(e) and e not in candidate:
                flag = 1
        if not flag:

for i in solution:
    for e in i:
        print(e, end = ' ')

2. Finding particular sequences of triples

Write a program that finds all triples of positive integers (i, j, k) such that i, j and k are two digit numbers, no digit occurs more than once in i, j and k, and the set of digits that occur in i, j or k is equal to the set of digits that occur in the product of i, j and k.

min_n1 = 10
max_n1 = 76
max_n2 = 87
max_n3 = 98
#三个两位数的成绩,规定三个数从小到大分别是n1, n2, n3。由于使用数字不能重复,所以有上述的最小和最大值

for n1 in range(min_n1, max_n1 + 1):
    used1 = set()
    used1.add(n1 // 10)
    used1.add(n1 % 10)
    if len(used1) != 2:
    for n2 in range(n1 + 1, max_n2 + 1):
        used2 = used1.copy()
        used2.add(n2 // 10)
        used2.add(n2 % 10)
        if len(used2) != 4:
        for n3 in range(n2 + 1, max_n3 + 1):
            used3 = used2.copy()
            used3.add(n3 // 10)
            used3.add(n3 % 10)
            if len(used3) != 6:
            multiple = n1 * n2 * n3
            flag = 0
            if len(str(multiple)) != 6:
                flag = 1
            for i in str(multiple):
                if int(i) not in used3:
                    flag = 1
            if not flag:
                print('%d * %d * %d = %d' % (n1, n2, n3, multiple))

3. Finding special triples of the form (n, n + 1, n + 2)

Write a program that finds all triples of consecutive positive three-digit integers each of which is the sum of two squares, that is, all triples of the form (n, n + 1, n + 2) such that:
--n, n+1 and n+2 are integers at least equal to 100 and at most equal to 999;

from math import sqrt
from collections import defaultdict

up = round(sqrt(999)) + 1
l = defaultdict(list)

for i in range(0, up):
    for j in range(i + 1, up):
        total = i ** 2 + j ** 2
        if total < 1000 and total > 99:
            l[total] = (i, j)

three_digit = set()
for i in l.keys():
three_digit = sorted(list(three_digit))

result = []
for i in three_digit:
    if (i + 1) in three_digit and (i + 2) in three_digit:
        result.append((i, i + 1, i + 2))

while result:
    print(result[0],'(equal to (%d^2+%d^2, %d^2+%d^2, %d^2+%d^2)) is a solution.' % \
          (l[result[0][0]][0], l[result[0][0]][1], l[result[0][1]][0], l[result[0][1]][1], l[result[0][2]][0], l[result[0][2]][1]))

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