【译文】My College Application Essay


My College Application Essay

【译文】My College Application Essay_第1张图片


These are my underoos.  Its been a while since I’ve worn them, but sometimes I find myself thinking back to a time when they transformed me into someone who was everything I wanted to be--free from fearandfull of courage.


When I was small, I remember fear as a painfully integral part of my existence, shaping how I went through the day.  Outdoors, I was afraid of theCopperheadshiding under every leaf, theBlack Widowslurkingin every dark corner, the lightning that might at any moment spring from a dark cloud, and therabiesthat Old Yeller taught me could turn even my own dog, Jiminy Cricket, against me.  Indoors, I was afraid of theburglars; bad men who I was convinced would one day invade my home to take me or my family away.

在我小的时候,我记得恐惧是我存在的一个痛苦的组成部分,决定了我如何度过每一天。在户外,我害怕可能躲在任何一片叶子下的铜头蛇,潜伏在每一个黑暗角落里的黑寡妇,那可能在任何时候从黑暗的云层中劈出来的闪电,Old Yeller告诉我的甚至能把我自己的小狗Jiminy Cricket变成疯狗的狂犬病。在室内,我害怕窃贼;我害怕我所信任的“坏人”有一天会侵入我的家,把我和我的家人带走。

As a child I let the fear control me.  If I were playing basketball, and my basketball rolled into the woods, then I would stop playing.  I was sure that if I went after it the Copperhead, alreadypoised to bite, would attack.  If I were lying in bed at night and wanted a drink, I would go thirsty rather than venture out into the darkness where someone or something might be lying in wait to hurt me.  I was a scared little chicken of a kid, and I beat myself up for it.  "Why are you so afraid?," I remember often thinking, as there was a very rational voice inside of me that told me howridiculousit was for me to be soinhibitedby fear.

如果我继续玩下去,已经准备好咬我的铜头蛇将会攻击我。如果我晚上躺在床上想要喝水,我宁愿忍受口渴也不愿冒险进入黑暗中,怕有人或某些东西可能在潜伏着想要伤害我。我小时候是个胆小鬼,我为此痛批了自己一顿。 “你为什么这么害怕?”我记得我经常这样想,因为在我心里有一个非常理性的声音告诉我,我让恐惧支配时是多么可笑。

I think that it was partly as a response to my fear that I began toidolizewho I did-- “The Man of Steel.”  Faster than aspeedingbullet, more powerful than alocomotive, and able to leap high buildings in a single bound, Superman was invulnerable to bullets, spiders, freeze rays and snake bites alike.  And I loved him for it.  He did, however, have one weakness:Kryptonite.  When confronted by an enemy with the glowing green chunk of rock from his home planet, Superman was stripped bare of all of his powers, and he became a physically weak man--a fearful man, but he never gave up.  Never did Superman let his fear of the one thing that could destroy him control him, and never did he run from it.  He always fought hard against the fear, and he always, somehow, won.


As a kid I'm pretty sure that I never thought about it that deeply.  All I knew was that I wanted to be Superman.  I went through a period when I never wanted to take off my Superman underoos.  With them, I ‘was’ Superman.  I think it embarrassed my mom when I wore them (cape and all) to school, so she convinced me to wear over them abusiness suitand glasses so as to be Clark Kent.  That was fine with me.  I remember spending what seemed like hours in front of the mirror practicing making an 'S' curve with a front lock of my hair, never able to get it just right.  When I went over to my best friend's house I would wear my suit and glasses, butbefore longwe wouldbe down toour underoos practicing 'flying' into his couch.


I never did learn to fly, I never got the 'S' curve just right, and I don't think my Clark Kent phase at school lasted too long before I got tired of coming homedrenchedin sweat; but I never stopped wanting to be the “Man of Steel.”


As I grew, most of my old fears eventually left me, and though they were all slowly replaced by new ones, and those new ones by yet newer ones, I feel like maybe I've learned something from Superman about dealing with them.  Rather than run from a fear, it works a lot better to face it, and confront it.  Maybe the result will be failure, or maybe pain, but in the end, at least I've progressed, andmore often than notmoved beyondthe fear.


I really haven't changed that much.  I'm still today likely to jump if out of the corner of my eye I see a copper-colored leaf move, but I'm also much more likely to face my fear, and seek out opportunities that put me in situations to move me beyond petty fears.  It's likely that I'll never learn to fly, but perhaps someday, when I face my Kryptonite, I will be strong enough to struggle against it and, hopefully,prevail.


New words

1.Copperheads美  ['kɑpɚ,hɛd] 

n. 铜头蛇

e.g. All the snakes began writhing during the quake (copperheads, cotton mouth, false water cobra, etc.).


2.lurk英  [lɜːk] 美  [lɝk] 

vi. 潜伏;潜藏

e.g. Hidden dangers lurk in every family home.


3.rabies英  ['reɪbiːz; -ɪz] 美  ['rebiz] 

n. 狂犬病

e.g. More than 99% of all human deaths from rabies occur in Africa and Asia.


4.burglar英  ['bɜːglə] 美  ['bɝɡlɚ] 

n. 夜贼,窃贼

e.g. Burglars broke into their home.


5.ridiculous英  [rɪ'dɪkjʊləs] 美  [rɪ'dɪkjələs] 

adj. 可笑的;荒谬的

e.g. She broke in with a ridiculous objection.


6.inhibit英  [ɪn'hɪbɪt] 美  [ɪn'hɪbɪt] 

vt. 抑制;禁止

e.g. The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.


7.idolize英  [ˈaɪdəˌlaɪz] 美  [ˈaɪdəlˌaɪz] 

vt. 极端崇拜

e.g. Naomi idolized her father as she was growing up.


8.speeding英  ['spiːdɪŋ] 美  ['spidɪŋ] 

adj. 高速行驶的

e.g. He was booked on a charge of speeding.


9.locomotive英  [ləʊkə'məʊtɪv] 美  [,lokə'motɪv] 

n. 机车;火车头

e.g. At the conductor's whistle the engine-driver starts his locomotive-engine.

乘务员哨声一响, 司机开动机车。


e.g. Even when he’s forced to hurl an entire continent made out of deadly Kryptonite into space, Superman bounces back from the brink of death.


11.drenched英  [drentʃd] 美  [drentʃd] 

adj. 湿透的;充满的

e.g. My TDD rule of thumb is that tests should be moist but not drenched.

对于 TDD,我的经验规则是测试应该是潮湿的,但是不要湿透。

12.prevail英  [prɪ'veɪl] 美  [pri'vel] 

vi. 战胜

e.g. We hoped that common sense would prevail.



1.free from fear无所畏惧

2.full of courage充满勇气

3.Black Widows黑寡妇(一种能残食其配偶的有毒蜘蛛)

4.poised to bite准备咬他

5.business suit西装

6.before long不久以后

7.be down to只剩下

8.more often than not通常;多半

9.move beyond超越


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