
1. Begin with a greeting:正式的用Dear Mrs. Fan(姓),非正式的用Hi Jing。不知道名字用Dear Sir/Madam,或者To whom it may concern。
2. Thank the recipient:如果对方是询问,回复Thank you for contacting ABC company。如果对方是回复你,回复Thank you for your prompt reply,或Thanks for getting back to me。
3. State your purpose:I am writing to inquire about … 或者 I am writing in reference to …。接下来是正文,要简单清晰,让人可以快速读完。
4. Add your closing remarks:Thank you for your patience and cooperation 或 Thank you for your consideration,接下来 If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let me know 和 I look forward to hearing from you。
5. End with a closing:Best regards 或 Sincerely 或 Thank you。https://blog.gimm.io/best-regards-best-wishes-kind-regards-warm-regards-which-one-to-use/
