SPDK (part 4, arch stuff, TBD)

这里会把part 1中罗列的SPDK模块比如NVMe driver,Blobfs,BDEV等做更细节的分析。


RDMA(Remote Direct Memory Acess):

两个关键词host offload,host bypass的,是一种应用内存互访技术,下图是当前支持RDMA的网络协议或者说是载体。

SPDK (part 4, arch stuff, TBD)_第1张图片
RDMA protocol

1 SPDK软件框架(模块角度):

SPDK (part 4, arch stuff, TBD)_第2张图片

2 driver->NVMe

3 NVMe Specification 

NVM subsystem

An NVM subsystem includes one or more controllers, zero or more namespaces, one or more ports, a nonvolatile memory storage medium, and an interface between the controller(s) and non-volatile memory storage medium

SPDK (part 4, arch stuff, TBD)_第3张图片
as per title

3 代码角度

从运行hello world角度看应用的执行逻辑,主要几个部分:

1. 磁盘发现;

2. 消息发送和接收;

SPDK (part 4, arch stuff, TBD)_第4张图片
code flow (查看原图)

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