Willpower Day17

1.nutrition                   NOUN

the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy 營養;滋養;營養的補給

仿The meet provides nutrition for you.

原Places of worship could offer fitness classes and nutrition talks alongside religious services, and social events should serve healthier food.

2.impair                         VERB

impair       sth

( formal) to damage sth or make sth worse 損害;削弱

仿Tiredness can seriously impair your ability to work.

原“One night of heavy drinking can impair your ability to think abstractly for thirty days.”

3.anonymous                ADJ

(of a person 人 ) with a name that is not known or that is not made public 不知姓名的;名字不公開的

written, given, made, etc. by sb who does not want their name to be known or made public 匿名的;不具名的

without any unusual or interesting features 沒有特色的

仿It is an anonymous phone call.

原It’s possible the undergrads didn’t want to be mistaken, even in an anonymous research project, for a sketchy grad student.


n. 流行,盛行;普遍,广泛


仿The prevalence of epidemic.

原 For example, college students overestimate the prevalence of academic cheating among their peers.

5.penalty            NOUN

a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract 懲罰;處罰;刑罰

penalty   for sth

仿She was docked a penalty point.

原Some businesses and communities have started to experiment with social shaming instead of standard penalties for illegal and socially destructive behavior.


What other people want must be good. What other people think must be true. If we don’t yet have an opinion, we might as well trust the tribe.



In today's reading, the power of tribal  gives me the deepest impression. If we want to achieve our goals, it is important for us to join a good organization. Because members can not only share their ideas but also can encourage each other. It's like our reading organization.

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