


我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟美剧, 已经坚持7个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松愉快的方式提升自己的英语? 跟我一起每天做听写吧!


每天早上我会创作一张Wind大长图, 精讲1分钟美剧对白. 每天我会从大长图中节选一条讲解放在这里. 想要学习完整的Wind大长图, 欢迎加入甩掉字幕社群~

And if your reaction to that is the reaction that you typically have in education, or that a lot of folks have in education,

A reaction is an action taken in response to something.
What was his reaction to the news?

他先说的是the typical reaction, 但感觉这样话说的有点满, 好像把整个教育界人士全都一棍子打死了, 不太好, 所以又把话说的柔和一些, a lot of folks' reactions.
我提醒大家要多观察别人调节语气的方法, 小到一个词, 一个停顿, 大到一个短语, 一个句子. 我们讲英文往往让别人听起来有些rude或者inconsiderate, 就是因为我们驾驭语气的能力不够


从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 Same thing. (You know) We have two weeks, do what you can, inspector shows up in two weeks, it's a 75 percent.
同样的情况. 我们有两周时间, 尽力而为吧, 检查员两周之后来了, 给了一个75%

2 Great, that's a D plus. Second floor, third floor, (and) all of a sudden, while you're building the third floor, that whole structure collapses.
很好, 那是一个D+. 继续盖二层, 三层, 突然, 当你正在盖三层的时候, 整个建筑坍塌了

3 And if your reaction to that is the reaction that you typically have in education, or that a lot of folks have in education,
如果你对轰然倒塌的反应是教育界的人士的典型反应的话, 或者说是教育界很多人的反应的话,

4 You might say, maybe we had a bad contractor, or maybe we needed better inspection or more frequent inspection.
你可能会说: 或许我们的承包商有问题, 或许我们需要更好的检查, 或者更频繁的检查

5 But what was really broken was the process.
但是出问题的是这个操作流程啊! 啊啊啊!

6 We were artificially constraining how long we had to do something, pretty much ensuring a variable outcome,
我们人为地限制了做一件事的时间, 基本上保障了结果会各不相同

7 and, and we, we took the trouble of inspecting and identifying those gaps, but then we built right on top of it.
而我们花了麻烦去做检查, 找到了这些知识漏洞, 然后我们就在那上边继续往上盖了. 这...(吐血而亡...)
