
时间 |12月6日17:00—19:00

地点 |A+美国学堂,3楼(同志街与同光路交汇)

目的 |英语语言思维和习惯的培养

人群 |全英交流,有一定英语基础,想提高日常口语

流程 |自我介绍+话题讲解+小组讨论+分组汇报+即兴演讲+视频分享+单词汇总

费用 |活动采取会员制度,100/4次,没有会员卡请自行缴费30RMB(费用变动原因请参照微信平台中“会员办理”)

报名 |需要提前报名并转账给群主Bella 微信号bella0912,最少5人才能开展活动!若人数太少则取消活动,相应费用会转回报名账户。谢绝空降。

要求 |关注微信公众号:英语孵化器(yingyufhq)


Describe something you would like to do if you were given a day off.

If I had a day off, I wouldn't feel like doing anything special. I would just want to take a hot shower and read a book in a comfy lounge. For me, taking a hot shower or reading a book can let my worries sort of wash away and they are basic relaxation techniques.
With an unexpected day off, I'll probably end up inviting my friends to come over for dinner.
It's a great chance to show off my cooking skills by making a hearty meal and it's a fun way to bond with my best friends.
I will probably try some thrilling things to make this day of my life magical. For example, there are things that I always ant to try, like going bunjee jumping, kayaking, or learning parkour.
描述给你一天假期你可能会做的事儿,可以用到下面这些关键词: 1.feel like doing sth. 想做什么事情 2.comfy adj. 舒服的 3.lounge n. 起居室 4.end up doing 最后会做…… 5.come over 拜访 6.bond with 和…联络感情 7.thrilling adj. 让人觉得又兴奋有趣的
表达给一天假期心情的关键词可以用这些: 1.soothing adj. 让人宽心的 2.have a blast 玩的很尽兴 3.on the edge of one's seat 形容某人很兴奋

「ZA 」





关注微信平台:yi ngyufhq

