xlsx-populate handsontable导出excel(单个sheet)

handsontable数据分页(element-ui 分页)显示,但是导出时导出所有页面的数据

xlsx-populate handsontable导出excel(单个sheet)_第1张图片
xlsx-populate handsontable导出excel(单个sheet)_第2张图片
import XlsxPopulate from '../../common/js/xlsx-populate';
computed: {
      ...mapGetters([ 'queryData', 'tableSrc', 'pageSize', 'currentPage']),
      pagination: function(){
        return this.currentPage*this.pageSize;
      colNum: function(){
        return this.colTitles.length ? this.colTitles.length : 0;
      moneyColIndex: function(){
        let arr = [];
        this.colTitles.forEach(function(item, index){
          if(item['en'] == 'lastBalande' || item['en'] == 'thisMoney' 
                    || item['en'] == 'sumMoney'){
        return arr;
      showColEns: function(){
        let arr = [];
        return arr;

 watch: {
      //this.currentPage 或this.pageSize 变化就更新表数据
      pagination: function(){

 handleSizeChange(pageSize) {
      handleCurrentChange(currentPage) {
let hsDT = [...]; //所有数据
 let setting = {
          data: head.concat(hsDT.slice((this.currentPage-1)*this.pageSize, 
                                                   this.currentPage*this.pageSize)) ,
          colHeaders: true,
          mergeCells: head.mergeCells, 
          cells: this.myCells,
          this.hot = null;
        this.hot = creatHandsontable('handsontable', setting);

export const creatHandsontable = (id,setting)=>{
  let hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById(id), {
    data: setting.data ? setting.data : [],
    colHeaders:  setting.colHeaders ? setting.colHeaders: true ,
    rowHeaders: true,
    mergeCells: setting.mergeCells ? setting.mergeCells : true ,
    readOnly: setting.readOnly ? setting.readOnly : true,
    cells: setting.cells ? setting.cells : function(){},
    colWidths: setting.colWidths ,
    rowHeights: setting.rowHeights  ? setting.rowHeights : 32,
    autoColumnSize: true,
    // autoRowSize: true,
    className: 'htCenter htMiddle',//水平  垂直居中
    outsideClickDeselects: false,
    maxRows: setting.data.length ? 
                        setting.data.length : 0,//防止鼠标拖动最后一个元素的时候会自动增加几行
    manualColumnResize: setting.manualColumnResize ? setting.manualColumnResize : true,
    manualRowResize: setting.manualRowResize ? setting.manualRowResize : true,
  hot.selectCell(0, 0);
  return hot;
        let head = this.getHeaderData();//表头数据
        this.hsDT = [];
        let self = this;
          let arr = [];
          self.colTitles.forEach(function(item, index){
            arr[index] = obj[item['en']];
        let setting = {
          data: head.headDT.concat(this.hsDT.slice((this.currentPage-1)*this.pageSize, 
                                                           this.currentPage*this.pageSize)) ,
          colHeaders: true,
          mergeCells: head.mergeCells, 
          cells: this.myCells,
          this.hot = null;
        this.hot = creatHandsontable('handsontable', setting);
        let headDT = new Array(5);//表头数据 二维数组 5行
        headDT[0] = new Array(this.colNum);
        headDT[0][0] = this.headerMap.title ? this.headerMap.title
                           +  '
'+ this.headerMap.resultStr: ''; headDT[1] = new Array(this.colNum); headDT[1][0] = this.headerMap.subTitle ? this.headerMap.subTitle : ''; headDT[2] = new Array(this.colNum); headDT[2][this.colNum-1] = this.headerMap.unit ? this.headerMap.unit : ''; headDT[3] = []; headDT[4] = []; let colMerges = []; this.colTitles.forEach(function(item, index){ headDT[3].push(item['cn']); colMerges.push({ row: 3, col: index, rowspan: 2, colspan: 1, }); }); let mergeCells = [ { row: 0, col: 0, rowspan: 1, colspan: this.colNum}, { row: 1, col: 0, rowspan: 1, colspan: this.colNum-1}, { row: 2, col: 0, rowspan: 1, colspan: this.colNum-1}, ...colMerges, ]; return { headDT: headDT, mergeCells: mergeCells }; }
   myCells: function(row, col, props) {
        let self = this;
        return {
          renderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProps) {
            self.getTd( td, row, col, value);

 getTd(td, row, col, value){
        td.innerHTML = value ? value: '';
        td.style.verticalAlign =  'middle';
        td.style.fontSize =  '10px';
        td.style.fontFamily =  '宋体';
        td.style.overflow = 'hidden';
        td.style.textOoverflow = 'ellipsis';
        td.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
        if(row == 0){//标题
          td.style.textAlign = 'center';
          td.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
          td.style.fontSize =  '14px';
          td.style.textDecoration =  'underline';
          td.innerHTML = value;
        // else if( row == 2 && col == self.colNum-1){//单位
        else if( row == 2 && col == this.colNum-1){//单位
          td.style.textAlign = 'right';
        else if(row == 3 ){//列头
          td.style.textAlign = 'center';
          td.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
          td.style.fontSize =  '12px';
        else if( row >4 && this.moneyColIndex.indexOf(col) > -1 ){//金额
          td.style.textAlign = 'right';
          td.innerText = value ? money2Thousand(value) : "0.00";
          td.style.textAlign = 'left';
        return td;

        if(this.hot && this.hot.getData().length != 0) {
          // writeFile(this.hot, '旬报', this.hsDT);
          let hsDT = this.getHeaderData().headDT.concat(this.hsDT);
          this.writeFile(this.hot, '旬报', hsDT);
writeFile(hot, reportName, hsDT) {
        let _this = this;
        // Load a new blank workbook
        XlsxPopulate.fromBlankAsync().then(function(workbook) {
          // Modify the workbook.
          let sheet = workbook.sheet('Sheet1').name(reportName);
          let data = hsDT ?  hsDT : hot.getData();
          let range = sheet.range(1, 1, data.length, data[0].length);
          data[0][0] = data[0][0].replace('
', '\r\n');//显示的时候不换行 编辑时才换行 range.value(data); // 设置行高, 列宽 for (let i = 1; i <= data.length; i++) { console.log(hot.getRowHeight(i - 1)); sheet.row(i).height(hot.getRowHeight(i - 1)); } for (let i = 1; i <= data[0].length; i++) { console.log(hot.getColWidth(i - 1)); sheet.column(i).width(hot.getColWidth(i - 1) / 8); } // 合并单元格 let mergeCells = hot.getSettings().mergeCells; // 判断mergeCells是否为数组 if (Object.prototype.toString.call(mergeCells) !== '[object Array]') { mergeCells = []; } mergeCells.forEach(o => { //合并单元格 sheet .range(o.row + 1, o.col + 1, o.row + o.rowspan, o.col + o.colspan) .merged(true); }); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { for (let j = 0, row = data[i], l = row.length; j < l; j++) { // let td = hot.getCell(i, j); let td = _this.getTd({"style": {}}, i, j); let fontSize = td.style.fontSize ? parseInt(td.style.fontSize, 10) : 14; let bold = td.style.fontWeight ? td.style.fontWeight !== 'normal' : false; let italic = td.style.fontStyle ? td.style.fontStyle !== 'normal' : false; let fontColor = td.style.color ? rgb2Hex(td.style.color).slice(1) : ''; let verticalAlignment = td.style.verticalAlign ? td.style.verticalAlign === 'middle' ? 'center' : td.style.verticalAlign : 'center'; let horizontalAlignment = td.style.textAlign ? td.style.textAlign : 'left'; let underline = td.style.textDecoration ? td.style.textDecoration : ''; let bgColor = td.style.backgroundColor ? td.style.backgroundColor : ''; let fill = rgb2Hex(bgColor).slice(1); let wrapText = _this.moneyColIndex.indexOf(j) > -1 ? true : false; // 自动换行 let cell = sheet.cell(i + 1, j + 1); if(i == 0 && j == 0){ // cell.h = '月报22'+'
'+'2018年09月'; cell.cellHTML = true; } cell.style({ fontSize, bold, italic, fontColor, verticalAlignment, horizontalAlignment, underline, wrapText }); fill && cell.style({ fill }); if( i > 4 && _this.moneyColIndex.indexOf(j) > -1 ){ cell.style({ numberFormat: "#,##0.00" }); } if( i > 4){ cell.style({ border: true }); } } } // Write to file. workbook.outputAsync().then(function(blob) { if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { // If IE, you must uses a different method. window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, reportName + '.xlsx'); } else { let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); let a = document.createElement('a'); document.body.appendChild(a); a.href = url; a.download = reportName + '.xlsx'; a.click(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); document.body.removeChild(a); } }) }) }
export function rgb2Hex(colorStr) {
  // 十六进制颜色值的正则表达式
  let reg = /^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/
  // 如果是rgb颜色表示
  if (/^(rgb|RGB)/.test(colorStr)) {
    let aColor = colorStr.replace(/(?:\(|\)|rgb|RGB)*/g, '').split(',')
    let strHex = '#'
    for (let i = 0; i < aColor.length; i++) {
      let hex = Number(aColor[i]).toString(16)
      if (hex === '0') {
        hex += hex
      strHex += hex
    if (strHex.length !== 7) {
      strHex = colorStr
    return strHex
  } else if (reg.test(colorStr)) {
    let aNum = colorStr.replace(/#/, '').split('')
    if (aNum.length === 6) {
      return colorStr
    } else if (aNum.length === 3) {
      let numHex = '#'
      for (let i = 0; i < aNum.length; i += 1) {
        numHex += aNum[i] + aNum[i]
      return numHex
  return colorStr

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