

MusicianBrain 是一家专注于研究音乐和大脑之间的关系的实验室。

  • 项目介绍
  • 实验方法
  • 研究人员
  • 音乐与大脑
  • 音乐与早期教育
  • 音乐与神经发育


  • 语言的习得(天降语言)
    《A new view of language acquisition》 by Patricia K. Kuhl
    Patricia K. Kuhl 是儿童语言发育方面的知名专家,在Ted上有一个精彩的视频。
    视频在这里: http://www.iqiyi.com/w_19rrfcjl2h.html
    文字版在这里: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_62a460450101p7gq.html

  • 音乐训练对大脑生理结构发育的影响
    《The Effects of Musical Training on Structural
    Brain Development》

  • 音乐塑造了大脑的生理结构
    《Musical Training Shapes Structural Brain Development》
    Here we demonstrate structural brain changes after only 15 months of musical training in early childhood, which were correlated with improvements in musically relevant motor and auditory skills. These findings shed light on brain plasticity and suggest that structural brain differences in adult experts (whether musicians or experts in other areas) are likely due to training-induced brain plasticity.

  • 音乐家的大脑皮层与众不同

  • 音乐训练对儿童大脑发育及认知发展的影响
    《Effects of Music Training on the Child’sBrain
    and Cognitive Development》

  • 大脑是如何听懂音乐的(重点阅读哦

  • 音乐习得:
    《Music acquisition: effects of enculturation and formal training on
    音乐的结构是复杂的,由一套元素构成音高等级和语法约束的临时结构。 不同的系统使用不同的元素和规则来和声。最近的发现,我们认为音乐的习得是从基本功能开始的,比如外围频码机制,多感官时序连接,感化过程,。。。
    Musical structure is complex, consisting of a small set of elements that combine to form hierarchical levels of pitch and temporal structure according to grammatical rules. As with language, different systems use different elements and rules for combination. Drawing on recent findings, we propose that music acquisition begins with basic features, such as peripheral frequency-coding mechanisms and multisensory timing connections, and proceeds through enculturation, whereby everyday
    exposure to a particular music system creates, in a systematic order of acquisition, culture-specific brain structures and representations. Finally, we propose that formal musical training invokes domain-specific processes that affect salience of musical input and the amount of cortical tissue devoted to its processing, as well as domain-general processes of attention and
    executive functioning.

  • 音乐训练塑造了大脑的生理结构并影响着智力

  • 音乐的威力:影响了青少年的智力、社交及其个性发展
    《The power of music: its impact on the intellectual, social and
    personal development of children and young people》

  • Musical Training as a Framework for Brain Plasticity:
    Behavior, Function, and Structure

  • How musical training affects cognitive development: rhythm, reward and other modulating variables

  • Understanding the Benefits of Musical Training Effects on Oscillatory Brain Activity

+Can Musical Training Influence Brain Connectivity? Evidence from Diffusion Tensor MRI


  • Musical training, neuroplasticity and cognition

  • Differentiating maturational and training influences on fMRI activation during music processing

  • Music Making as a Tool for Promoting Brain Plasticity across the Life Span

  • Enhanced Cortical Connectivity in Absolute Pitch Musicians: A Model for Local Hyperconnectivity

  • Musical Training Shapes Structural Brain Development

  • The Power of Listening Auditory-Motor Interactions in Musical Training

  • 调音:人类大脑听觉神经中枢是如何选择性的聚焦声音频段的
    《Tuning In to Sound: Frequency-Selective Attentional Filter in Human Primary Auditory Cortex》
    Cocktail parties, busy streets, and other noisy environments pose a difficult challenge to the auditory system: how to focus attention on
    selected sounds while ignoring others? Neurons of primary auditory cortex, many of which are sharply tuned to sound frequency, could
    help solve this problem by filtering selected sound information based on frequency-content. To investigate whether this occurs, we used
    high-resolution fMRI at 7 tesla to map the fine-scale frequency-tuning (1.5 mm isotropic resolution) of primary auditory areas A1 and R
    in six human participants. Then, in a selective attention experiment, participants heard low (250 Hz)- and high (4000 Hz)-frequency
    streams of tones presented at the same time (dual-stream) and were instructed to focus attention onto one stream versus the other,
    switching back and forth every 30 s. Attention to low-frequency tones enhanced neural responses within low-frequency-tuned voxels
    relative to high, and when attention switched the pattern quickly reversed. Thus, like a radio, human primary auditory cortex is able to
    tune into attended frequency channels and can switch channels on demand.

  • Finding and Feeling the Musical Beat: Striatal Dissociations between Detection and Prediction of Regularity


  • 早年音乐训练,大脑受益终生
    Just a few years of early musical training benefits the brain later in life
    Date:November 5, 2013
    Source:Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
    Older adults who took music lessons as children but haven’t actively played an instrument in decades have a faster brain response to a speech sound than individuals who never played an instrument. The finding suggests early musical training has a lasting, positive effect on how the brain processes sound.

  • 大脑在Vivaldi和Beatles
    This is your brain on Vivaldi and Beatles
    Date:August 7, 2013
    Source:Suomen Akatemia (Academy of Finland)
    Listening to music activates large networks in the brain, but different kinds of music are processed differently. A team of researchers has developed a new method for studying music processing in the brain during a realistic listening situation. Using a combination of brain imaging and computer modeling, they found areas in the auditory, motor, and limbic regions to be activated during free listening to music.

  • 音乐点亮整个大脑
    Listening to music lights up the whole brain
    Date:December 6, 2011
    Source:Suomen Akatemia (Academy of Finland)
    Researchers have developed a groundbreaking new method that allows to study how the brain processes different aspects of music, such as rhythm, tonality and timbre (sound color) in a realistic listening situation.

  • 音乐训练将增加大脑血供应
    Musical training can increase blood flow in the brain
    Date:May 7, 2014
    Source:British Psychological Society (BPS)
    Brief musical training can increase the blood flow in the left hemisphere of our brain. This suggests that the areas responsible for music and language share common brain pathways. Study one involved looking for patterns of brain activity of 14 musicians and nine non-musicians whilst they participated in music and word generation tasks.

  • 音乐不仅塑造我们的大脑的生理结构,还影响了功能或智商
    Musical training shapes brain anatomy, affects function
    Date:November 12, 2013
    Source:Society for Neuroscience
    New findings show that extensive musical training affects the structure and function of different brain regions, how those regions communicate during the creation of music, and how the brain interprets and integrates sensory information.

  • 大脑与音乐:音乐的洞察与产出?
    When the brain plays music: auditory-motor interactions in music perception and production.
    Zatorre RJ1, Chen JL, Penhune VB.
    Author information
    Music performance is both a natural human activity, present in all societies, and one of the most complex and demanding cognitive challenges that the human mind can undertake.
    Unlike most other sensory-motor activities, music performance requires precise timing of several hierarchically organized actions,
    as well as precise control over pitch interval production, implemented through diverse effectors according to the instrument involved.
    We review the cognitive neuroscience literature of both motor and auditory domains,
    highlighting the value of studying interactions between these systems in a musical context,
    and propose some ideas concerning the role of the premotor cortex in integration of higher order features of music with appropriately timed and organized actions.

  • 早教音乐课程加速大脑发育
    Early music lessons boost brain development
    Date:February 12, 2013
    Source:Concordia University
    Musical training before the age of seven has a significant effect on the development of the brain, showing that those who began early had stronger connections between motor regions -- the parts of the brain that help you plan and carry out movements.
  • 音乐是如何影响婴幼儿的大脑发育的
    How Music Helps Brain Development in Infants

arents know that shakers quickly become their babies’ favorite toys, and singing a lullaby will quickly lull their infants to sleep. What parents might not realize is that these musical foundations are changing their infant’s brain in ways that will benefit them throughout their lives. Psychologist Dr. Frances Rauscher and neuroscientist Gordon Shaw have conducted many studies with young children investigating the relationship between music and brain development, all of which suggest that early exposure to music increases abilities in many other areas, including math and language. Subsequent research at Brigham Young University suggests music has a positive impact on the physical development of premature infants and can promote calmness in babies.

According to ZerotoThree.org, the first three years of a child’s life are the most crucial for brain development. While a newborn’s brain is only 25 percent of its adult weight, by age 3, it grows dramatically and builds pathways and connections, called synapses, between its numerous cells. According to Dr. Diane Bales, Ph.D., author of "Building Baby's Brain: The Role of Music," the synapses used for classical music are similar to those used for spatial and temporal reasoning, which are skills needed for math. Just listening to classical music can “turn on” the synapses.

A study published in “Nature” magazine in 1993 received an influx of attention; this study investigated college students who showed increased intelligence after exposure to music by Mozart. The so-called “Mozart Effect” was misinterpreted to suggest listening to classical music made people and even infants smarter, but research by psychologist Dr. Frances Rauscher and neuroscientist Gordon Shaw further solidified the notion that early music exposure does improve cognitive abilities. These researchers found preschoolers who took music lessons did better at spatial and temporal reasoning tasks than those who received computer lessons. While this research is based on preschool children, subsequent studies such as those at Brigham Young University suggest similar benefits can be seen by engaging children with music during their infant years, when their brains are developing the most. Dr. Diane Bales suggests that listening to classical music has only temporary benefits, while musical instruction has more long-lasting effects because it actually creates new pathways in the brain.

According to the Center for Music Learning at the University of Texas at Austin, infants can categorize auditory stimuli, such as recognizing that two or more stimuli are different; their research showed infants at seven months could discriminate timbre and melody and could recognize a melody when played on a single instrument. Singing is an ideal way to foster language development, and the exploration of words and rhymes through a familiar tune enhances memory. An infant’s brain is not fully developed at birth, and he needs sensory input for the cells to build and connect. Music provides an auditory means of stimulation that can also carry educational concepts, such as language, which will develop as an infant obtains cognitive skills.

While infants show a predilection for music played while still in the womb, classical music often proves better for brain development than the mother’s favorite rock and roll tunes. Since classical music is more complex in structure, instrumentation and harmony, it primes the brain with pathways needed for other cognitive tasks. According to Dr. Diane Bales, any kind of music helps build musical pathways in the brain and may help infants relax. The Washington Times suggests that whether it's classical, pop, jazz, blues or Mom's favorite tunes, it's the complexity of music itself that offers brain-building benefits.

