#口语粉碎机# L1 Day14

#口语粉碎机# L1 Day14【打卡序列04】

1. 我记得昨天锁门了呀。

翻译:I remembered having locked the door yesterday.

答案:I remembered locking the door yesterday.


2. 他不能一直隐藏自己的面目。

翻译:He can't hide his real face all the time.

答案:He can’t resist showing us his face.


resist doing

3. 我必须得忍受戴那顶滑稽帽子的痛苦。(这一句乍一看上去有点怪,因为摘


翻译:I have to endure the pain of wearing that comical hat.

答案: I have to endure wearing the comical hat.

解析:滑稽的 comical

endure doing ,我用了endure sth.的用法,动名词用在介词后。


4. 每当 Jim 违反交通规则时,他总是企图逃避罚款。(break)

翻译:When Jim breaked the traffic rules, he always trys avoiding the penalty.

答案:Jim always attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

解析:每当 whenever

交通规则 traffic regulations

逃避罚款 escape doing

我了时间状语从句翻译。用了try doing试着做某事,答案用了attempt to escape doing.

5. 我想知道谁对打坏这个窗户负责。

翻译:I want to know who is responsible for the broken window.

答案:I want to know who is responsible for breaking the window.

解析:the broken window 打破了的窗户。breaking window 打破窗户这行为。翻译不够到位,原句强调的是行为。

6. 这个电影值得多看几遍。

翻译:The movie is worth watching several times.

答案:The movie needs watching more than once.

解析:多看几遍 more than once

我,be worth doing,答案need doing 用动名词主动表被动的形式来翻译

7. 香蕉就像天然的安眠药。

翻译:The banana is like a natural sleeping pile.

答案:A banana is like a natural sleeping pill.

解析:pile 堆,大量的,pill 药 拼写错误


8. 你觉得我去会有什么帮助吗?

翻译:Do you think my going has any help?

答案:Do you think my going will be of any help?


be of any help【重点】


9. 你通晓英语对学习法语很有帮助。

翻译:Having a good understand of English is helpful for learning French.

答案:Your knowing English well helps you in learning French.


Your knowing English well

10. 这个问题需要好好讨论下?

答案:Does this question need discussing seriously?

答案:The question/ problem needs discussing fully.




endure doing

resist doing

escape doing

need doing

心得:今天的翻译有点难度,不过我还是积极的完成了。总的来说,动名词的使用还是相对好掌握的,主要是在搭配和句子结构搭配上,还要多多注意翻译的准确性,及时脱壳,提醒自己中英文的思维切换。Practice makes perfect.

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