1. 概述
- 多个模式的编译
与simplegrep示例不同,pcapgrep读取并编译规则文件中的多个正则表达式。编译好的database在运行时可以并行匹配所有模式(而不是一次scan匹配一个) - 流模式匹配
2. 源码解读
2.1 编译
static hs_database_t *buildDatabase(const vector&expressions, const vector flags, const vector ids, unsigned int mode) { hs_database_t *db; hs_compile_error_t *compileErr; hs_error_t err; Clock clock; clock.start(); err = hs_compile_multi(expressions.data(), flags.data(), ids.data(), expressions.size(), mode, nullptr, &db, &compileErr); clock.stop(); if (err != HS_SUCCESS) { if (compileErr->expression < 0) { // The error does not refer to a particular expression. cerr << "ERROR: " << compileErr->message << endl; } else { cerr << "ERROR: Pattern '" << expressions[compileErr->expression] << "' failed compilation with error: " << compileErr->message << endl; } // As the compileErr pointer points to dynamically allocated memory, if // we get an error, we must be sure to release it. This is not // necessary when no error is detected. hs_free_compile_error(compileErr); exit(-1); }
hs_error_t hs_compile_multi(const char *const * expressions, const unsigned int * flags, const unsigned int * ids, unsigned int elements, unsigned int mode, const hs_platform_info_t * platform, hs_database_t ** db, hs_compile_error_t ** error)
2.2 准备匹配临时数据
Benchmark构造函数中,为接下来的匹配分配足够的临时数据空间(scratch space)。这里有一个技巧:1)BLOCK和STREAM模式的匹配只需共用一个scratch;2)这个scratch足够大,方法是调用两次,在第2次调用时hyperscan如果发现空间不够会进行增加。
public: Benchmark(const hs_database_t *streaming, const hs_database_t *block) : db_streaming(streaming), db_block(block), scratch(nullptr), matchCount(0) { // Allocate enough scratch space to handle either streaming or block // mode, so we only need the one scratch region. hs_error_t err = hs_alloc_scratch(db_streaming, &scratch); if (err != HS_SUCCESS) { cerr << "ERROR: could not allocate scratch space. Exiting." << endl; exit(-1); } // This second call will increase the scratch size if more is required // for block mode. err = hs_alloc_scratch(db_block, &scratch); if (err != HS_SUCCESS) { cerr << "ERROR: could not allocate scratch space. Exiting." << endl; exit(-1); } }
2.3 读取数据包、分流
while ((pktData = pcap_next(pcapHandle, &pktHeader)) != nullptr) { unsigned int offset = 0, length = 0; if (!payloadOffset(pktData, &offset, &length)) { continue; } // Valid TCP or UDP packet const struct ip *iphdr = (const struct ip *)(pktData + sizeof(struct ether_header)); const char *payload = (const char *)pktData + offset; size_t id = stream_map.insert(std::make_pair(FiveTuple(iphdr), stream_map.size())).first->second; packets.push_back(string(payload, length)); stream_ids.push_back(id); }
注意,stream_ids这个vector存储了每一个数据包对应的stream id。
2.4 打开流
// Open a Hyperscan stream for each stream in stream_ids void openStreams() { streams.resize(stream_map.size()); for (auto &stream : streams) { hs_error_t err = hs_open_stream(db_streaming, 0, &stream); if (err != HS_SUCCESS) { cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open stream. Exiting." << endl; exit(-1); } } }
2.5 匹配
2.5.1 STREAM模式
// Scan each packet (in the ordering given in the PCAP file) through // Hyperscan using the streaming interface. void scanStreams() { for (size_t i = 0; i != packets.size(); ++i) { const std::string &pkt = packets[i]; hs_error_t err = hs_scan_stream(streams[stream_ids[i]], pkt.c_str(), pkt.length(), 0, scratch, onMatch, &matchCount); if (err != HS_SUCCESS) { cerr << "ERROR: Unable to scan packet. Exiting." << endl; exit(-1); } } }
hs_error_t hs_scan_stream(hs_stream_t * id, const char * data, unsigned int length, unsigned int flags, hs_scratch_t * scratch, match_event_handler onEvent, void * ctxt)
其中,id是数据所属的stream对应hs_stream_t指针,这里叫id其实我感觉不太合适; 其余参数与hs_scan相同。
2.5.2 BLOCK模式
// Scan each packet (in the ordering given in the PCAP file) through // Hyperscan using the block-mode interface. void scanBlock() { for (size_t i = 0; i != packets.size(); ++i) { const std::string &pkt = packets[i]; hs_error_t err = hs_scan(db_block, pkt.c_str(), pkt.length(), 0, scratch, onMatch, &matchCount); if (err != HS_SUCCESS) { cerr << "ERROR: Unable to scan packet. Exiting." << endl; exit(-1); } } }
2.6 清理资源
3. STREAM模式总结
// N是流的规格,事先已确定好 hs_database_t* db; hs_stream_t* steams[N]; hs_scratch_t* tmp; uint8_t* pkt; // 1) 编译多个正则表达式 hs_compile_multi(&db, HS_MODE_STREAM); // 2) 准备scratch hs_alloc_scratch(db, &tmp); // 3) 打开流 for(i=0; ihs_free_scrach(tmp); hs_free_database(db);
可以通过hs_database_size()和hs_stream_size()分别获得database和每条流的stream state的大小。正则表达式的数目和复杂度会影响stream state的大小,随着数目和复杂度的增加,可能会越来越大。在支持上百万条流和复杂规则文件的系统上,stream state的内存耗费可能很大。
4. 编译运行
123:/weibo/ 456:/[f|F]ile/
zzq@ubuntu14:~/hs_demo$ g++ -o pcapscan pcapscan.cc -std=c++11 -lhs -lpcap zzq@ubuntu14:~/hs_demo$ ./pcapscan ptn weibo.pcap Pattern file: ptn Compiling Hyperscan databases with 1 patterns. Hyperscan streaming mode database compiled in 0.000236959 seconds. Hyperscan block mode database compiled in 4.8277e-05 seconds. PCAP input file: weibo.pcap 4 packets in 3 streams, totalling 3641 bytes. Average packet length: 910 bytes. Average stream length: 1213 bytes. Streaming mode Hyperscan database size : 1000 bytes. Block mode Hyperscan database size : 1000 bytes. Streaming mode Hyperscan stream state size: 25 bytes (per stream). Streaming mode: Total matches: 9 Match rate: 2.5312 matches/kilobyte Throughput (with stream overhead): 2576.33 megabits/sec Throughput (no stream overhead): 5444.49 megabits/sec Block mode: Total matches: 9 Match rate: 2.5312 matches/kilobyte Throughput: 16227.30 megabits/sec WARNING: Input PCAP file is less than 2MB in size. This test may have been too short to calculate accurate results.