Go Socket编程之teleport框架是怎样炼成的

本文通过回顾 teleport (https://github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport) 框架的开发过程,讲述Go Socket的开发实战经验。




目 录
第一部分 TP架构设计
第二部分 TP关键源码赏析及相关Go技巧




  • 一个服务端与一个客户端进程,在同一台机器上运行
  • CPU: Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge) 16 cores 2.53GHz
  • Memory: 16G
  • OS: Linux 2.6.32-696.16.1.el6.centos.plus.x86_64, CentOS 6.4
  • Go: 1.9.2
  • 信息大小: 581 bytes
  • 信息编码:protobuf
  • 发送 1000000 条信息


  • teleport
并发client 平均值(ms) 中位数(ms) 最大值(ms) 最小值(ms) 吞吐率(TPS)
100 1 0 16 0 75505
500 9 11 97 0 52192
1000 19 24 187 0 50040
2000 39 54 409 0 42551
5000 96 128 1148 0 46367

test code

  • teleport/socket
并发client 平均值(ms) 中位数(ms) 最大值(ms) 最小值(ms) 吞吐率(TPS)
100 0 0 14 0 225682
500 2 1 24 0 212630
1000 4 3 51 0 180733
2000 8 6 64 0 183351
5000 21 18 651 0 133886

test code

  • 与rpcx的对比
并发client 平均值(ms) 中位数(ms) 最大值(ms) 最小值(ms) 吞吐率(TPS)
100 0 0 50 0 109217
500 5 4 50 0 88113
1000 11 10 1040 0 87535
2000 23 29 3080 0 80886
5000 59 72 7111 0 78412

test code

  • rpcx与其他框架的对比参考(图片来源于rpcx)
Go Socket编程之teleport框架是怎样炼成的_第1张图片
  • CPU耗时火焰图 teleport/socket
Go Socket编程之teleport框架是怎样炼成的_第2张图片

svg file

  • 堆栈信息火焰图 teleport/socket
Go Socket编程之teleport框架是怎样炼成的_第3张图片

svg file

第一部分 TP架构设计

1 设计理念


  • 通用:不做定向深入,专注长连接通信
  • 高效:高性能,低消耗
  • 灵活:用法灵活简单,易于深入定制
  • 可靠:使用接口(interface)而非约束说明,规定框架用法

2 架构图

Go Socket编程之teleport框架是怎样炼成的_第4张图片
  • Peer: 通信端点,可以是服务端或客户端
  • Plugin: 贯穿于通信各个环节的插件
  • Handler: 用于处理推、拉请求的函数
  • Router: 通过请求信息(如URI)索引响应函数(Handler)的路由器
  • Socket: 对net.Conn的封装,增加自定义包协议、传输管道等功能
  • Session: 基于Socket封装的连接会话,提供的推、拉、回复、关闭等会话操作
  • Context: 连接会话中一次通信(如PULL-REPLY, PUSH)的上下文对象
  • Packet: 约定数据报文包含的内容元素(注意:它不是协议格式)
  • Protocol: 数据报文封包解包操作,即通信协议的实现接口
  • Codec: 数据包body部分(请求参数或响应结果)的序列化接口
  • XferPipe: 数据包字节流的编码处理管道,如压缩、加密、校验等

3 重要特性

  • 支持自定义通信协议和包数据处理管道
  • 使用I/O缓冲区与多路复用技术,提升数据吞吐量
  • 支持设置读取包的大小限制(如果超出则断开连接)
  • 支持插件机制,可以自定义认证、心跳、微服务注册中心、统计信息插件等
  • 服务端和客户端之间对等通信,统一为peer端点,具有基本一致的用法:
    • 推、拉、回复等通信方法
    • 丰富的插件挂载点,可以自定义认证、心跳、微服务注册中心、统计信息等等
    • 平滑重启与关闭
    • 日志信息详尽,支持打印输入、输出消息的详细信息(状态码、消息头、消息体)
    • 支持设置慢操作报警阈值
    • 提供Hander的上下文(pull、push的handler)
  • 客户端的Session支持断线后自动重连
  • 支持的网络类型:tcptcp4tcp6unixunixpacket

第二部分 TP关键源码赏析及相关Go技巧


1 Packet统一数据包元素


$ Go技巧分享

1. 在teleport/socket目录下执行go doc Packet命令,我们可以获得以下关于Packet的定义、函数与方法:

type Packet struct {
    // Has unexported fields.
    Packet a socket data packet.

func GetPacket(settings ...PacketSetting) *Packet
func NewPacket(settings ...PacketSetting) *Packet
func (p *Packet) AppendXferPipeFrom(src *Packet)
func (p *Packet) Body() interface{}
func (p *Packet) BodyCodec() byte
func (p *Packet) MarshalBody() ([]byte, error)
func (p *Packet) Meta() *utils.Args
func (p *Packet) Ptype() byte
func (p *Packet) Reset(settings ...PacketSetting)
func (p *Packet) Seq() uint64
func (p *Packet) SetBody(body interface{})
func (p *Packet) SetBodyCodec(bodyCodec byte)
func (p *Packet) SetNewBody(newBodyFunc NewBodyFunc)
func (p *Packet) SetPtype(ptype byte)
func (p *Packet) SetSeq(seq uint64)
func (p *Packet) SetSize(size uint32) error
func (p *Packet) SetUri(uri string)
func (p *Packet) Size() uint32
func (p *Packet) String() string
func (p *Packet) UnmarshalBody(bodyBytes []byte) error
func (p *Packet) UnmarshalNewBody(bodyBytes []byte) error
func (p *Packet) Uri() string
func (p *Packet) XferPipe() *xfer.XferPipe

2. Packet全部字段均不可导出,可以增强代码稳定性以及对其操作的掌控力

3. 下面是由Packet结构体实现的两个接口HeaderBody。思考:为什么不直接使用Packet或者定义两个子结构体?

  • 使用接口可以达到限制调用方法的目的,不同情况下使用不同方法集,开发者不会因为调用了不该调用的方法而掉坑里
  • 在语义上,Packet只是用于定义统一的数据包内容元素,并未给予任何关于数据结构方面(协议)的暗示、误导。因此不应该使用子结构体
type (
    // packet header interface
    Header interface {
        // Ptype returns the packet sequence
        Seq() uint64
        // SetSeq sets the packet sequence
        // Ptype returns the packet type, such as PULL, PUSH, REPLY
        Ptype() byte
        // Ptype sets the packet type
        // Uri returns the URL string string
        Uri() string
        // SetUri sets the packet URL string
        // Meta returns the metadata
        Meta() *utils.Args
    // packet body interface
    Body interface {
        // BodyCodec returns the body codec type id
        BodyCodec() byte
        // SetBodyCodec sets the body codec type id
        SetBodyCodec(bodyCodec byte)
        // Body returns the body object
        Body() interface{}
        // SetBody sets the body object
        SetBody(body interface{})
        // SetNewBody resets the function of geting body.
        SetNewBody(newBodyFunc NewBodyFunc)
        // MarshalBody returns the encoding of body.
        MarshalBody() ([]byte, error)
        // UnmarshalNewBody unmarshal the encoded data to a new body.
        // Note: seq, ptype, uri must be setted already.
        UnmarshalNewBody(bodyBytes []byte) error
        // UnmarshalBody unmarshal the encoded data to the existed body.
        UnmarshalBody(bodyBytes []byte) error
    // NewBodyFunc creates a new body by header.
    NewBodyFunc func(Header) interface{}

4. 编译期校验Packet是否已实现HeaderBody接口的技巧

var (
    _ Header = new(Packet)
    _ Body   = new(Packet)

5. 一种常见的自由赋值的函数用法,用于自由设置Packet的字段

// PacketSetting sets Header field.
type PacketSetting func(*Packet)

// WithSeq sets the packet sequence
func WithSeq(seq uint64) PacketSetting {
    return func(p *Packet) {
        p.seq = seq

// Ptype sets the packet type
func WithPtype(ptype byte) PacketSetting {
    return func(p *Packet) {
        p.ptype = ptype

2 Socket接口


type (
    // Socket is a generic stream-oriented network connection.
    // Multiple goroutines may invoke methods on a Socket simultaneously.
    Socket interface {
        // WritePacket writes header and body to the connection.
        // Note: must be safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
        WritePacket(packet *Packet) error
        // ReadPacket reads header and body from the connection.
        // Note: must be safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
        ReadPacket(packet *Packet) error
        // Public returns temporary public data of Socket.
        Public() goutil.Map
        // PublicLen returns the length of public data of Socket.
        PublicLen() int
        // Id returns the socket id.
        Id() string
        // SetId sets the socket id.
        // Reset reset net.Conn and ProtoFunc.
        Reset(netConn net.Conn, protoFunc ...ProtoFunc)
    socket struct {
        protocol  Proto
        id        string
        idMutex   sync.RWMutex
        ctxPublic goutil.Map
        mu        sync.RWMutex
        curState  int32
        fromPool  bool

$ Go技巧分享

1. 为什么要对外提供接口,而不直接公开结构体?




2. 读写锁遵循最小化锁定的原则,且defer绝不是必须的,在确定运行安全的情况下尽量避免使用有性能消耗的defer

func (s *socket) ReadPacket(packet *Packet) error {
    protocol := s.protocol
    return protocol.Unpack(packet)

3 Proto协议接口


type (
    // Proto pack/unpack protocol scheme of socket packet.
    Proto interface {
        // Version returns the protocol's id and name.
        Version() (byte, string)
        // Pack pack socket data packet.
        // Note: Make sure to write only once or there will be package contamination!
        Pack(*Packet) error
        // Unpack unpack socket data packet.
        // Note: Concurrent unsafe!
        Unpack(*Packet) error
    // ProtoFunc function used to create a custom Proto interface.
    ProtoFunc func(io.ReadWriter) Proto

    // FastProto fast socket communication protocol.
    FastProto struct {
        id   byte
        name string
        r    io.Reader
        w    io.Writer
        rMu  sync.Mutex

$ Go技巧分享

1. 将数据包的封包、解包操作封装为Proto接口,并定义一个默认实现(FastProto)。

2. 使用Packet屏蔽不同协议的差异性:封包时以Packet的字段为内容元素进行数据序列化,解包时以Packet为内容模板进行数据的反序列化。


4 Codec编解码


type (
    // Codec makes Encoder and Decoder
    Codec interface {
        // Id returns codec id.
        Id() byte
        // Name returns codec name.
        Name() string
        // Marshal returns the encoding of v.
        Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
        // Unmarshal parses the encoded data and stores the result
        // in the value pointed to by v.
        Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error

$ Go技巧分享

1. 下面codecMap变量的类型为什么不用关键字type定义?

var codecMap = struct {
    nameMap map[string]Codec
    idMap   map[byte]Codec
    nameMap: make(map[string]Codec),
    idMap:   make(map[byte]Codec),


2. 常用的依赖注入实现方式,实现编解码器的自由定制

const (
    NilCodecId   byte   = 0
    NilCodecName string = ""

func Reg(codec Codec) {
    if codec.Id() == NilCodecId {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("codec id can not be %d", NilCodecId))
    if _, ok := codecMap.nameMap[codec.Name()]; ok {
        panic("multi-register codec name: " + codec.Name())
    if _, ok := codecMap.idMap[codec.Id()]; ok {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("multi-register codec id: %d", codec.Id()))
    codecMap.nameMap[codec.Name()] = codec
    codecMap.idMap[codec.Id()] = codec

func Get(id byte) (Codec, error) {
    codec, ok := codecMap.idMap[id]
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported codec id: %d", id)
    return codec, nil

func GetByName(name string) (Codec, error) {
    codec, ok := codecMap.nameMap[name]
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported codec name: %s", name)
    return codec, nil


5 XferPipe数据编码管道


type (
    // XferPipe transfer filter pipe, handlers from outer-most to inner-most.
    // Note: the length can not be bigger than 255!
    XferPipe struct {
        filters []XferFilter
    // XferFilter handles byte stream of packet when transfer.
    XferFilter interface {
        Id() byte
        OnPack([]byte) ([]byte, error)
        OnUnpack([]byte) ([]byte, error)

var xferFilterMap = struct {
    idMap map[byte]XferFilter
    idMap: make(map[byte]XferFilter),



6 Peer通信端点


type Peer struct {
    PullRouter *Router
    PushRouter *Router
    // Has unexported fields.
func NewPeer(cfg PeerConfig, plugin ...Plugin) *Peer
func (p *Peer) Close() (err error)
func (p *Peer) CountSession() int
func (p *Peer) Dial(addr string, protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) (Session, *Rerror)
func (p *Peer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, addr string, protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) (Session, *Rerror)
func (p *Peer) GetSession(sessionId string) (Session, bool)
func (p *Peer) Listen(protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) error
func (p *Peer) RangeSession(fn func(sess Session) bool)
func (p *Peer) ServeConn(conn net.Conn, protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) (Session, error)
  • 通信端点介绍

1. Peer配置信息

type PeerConfig struct {
    TlsCertFile         string
    TlsKeyFile          string
    DefaultReadTimeout  time.Duration
    DefaultWriteTimeout time.Duration
    SlowCometDuration   time.Duration
    DefaultBodyCodec    string
    PrintBody           bool
    CountTime           bool
    DefaultDialTimeout  time.Duration
    RedialTimes         int32
    Network             string
    ListenAddress       string 

2. Peer的功能列表

  • 提供路由功能
  • 作为服务端可同时支持监听多个地址端口
  • 作为客户端可与任意服务端建立连接
  • 提供会话查询功能
  • 支持TLS证书安全加密
  • 设置默认的建立连接和读、写超时
  • 慢响应阀值(超出后运行日志由INFO提升为WARN)
  • 支持打印body
  • 支持在运行日志中增加耗时统计

$ Go技巧分享



var (
    _maxGoroutinesAmount      = (1024 * 1024 * 8) / 8 // max memory 8GB (8KB/goroutine)
    _maxGoroutineIdleDuration time.Duration
    _gopool                   = pool.NewGoPool(_maxGoroutinesAmount, _maxGoroutineIdleDuration)
// SetGopool set or reset go pool config.
// Note: Make sure to call it before calling NewPeer() and Go()
func SetGopool(maxGoroutinesAmount int, maxGoroutineIdleDuration time.Duration) {
    _maxGoroutinesAmount, _maxGoroutineIdleDuration := maxGoroutinesAmount, maxGoroutineIdleDuration
    if _gopool != nil {
    _gopool = pool.NewGoPool(_maxGoroutinesAmount, _maxGoroutineIdleDuration)
// Go similar to go func, but return false if insufficient resources.
func Go(fn func()) bool {
    if err := _gopool.Go(fn); err != nil {
        Warnf("%s", err.Error())
        return false
    return true
// AnywayGo similar to go func, but concurrent resources are limited.
func AnywayGo(fn func()) {
    if !Go(fn) {
        goto TRYGO


func (p *Peer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, addr string, protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) (Session, *Rerror) {
func (p *Peer) Listen(protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) error {
    lis, err := listen(p.network, p.listenAddr, p.tlsConfig)
    if err != nil {
        Fatalf("%v", err)
    defer lis.Close()
    p.listen = lis

    network := lis.Addr().Network()
    addr := lis.Addr().String()
    Printf("listen ok (network:%s, addr:%s)", network, addr)

    var (
        tempDelay time.Duration // how long to sleep on accept failure
        closeCh   = p.closeCh
    for {
        conn, e := lis.Accept()
        AnywayGo(func() {
            if c, ok := conn.(*tls.Conn); ok {
            var sess = newSession(p, conn, protoFunc)
            if rerr := p.pluginContainer.PostAccept(sess); rerr != nil {
            Tracef("accept session(network:%s, addr:%s) ok", network, sess.RemoteIp(), sess.Id())

7 Router路由器


type Router struct {
    handlers       map[string]*Handler
    unknownApiType **Handler
    // only for register router
    pathPrefix      string
    pluginContainer PluginContainer
    typ             string
    maker           HandlersMaker

func (r *Router) Group(pathPrefix string, plugin ...Plugin) *Router
func (r *Router) Reg(ctrlStruct interface{}, plugin ...Plugin)
func (r *Router) SetUnknown(unknownHandler interface{}, plugin ...Plugin)

$ Go技巧分享

1. 根据maker HandlersMaker(Handler的构造函数)字段的不同,分别实现了PullRouterPushRouter两类路由。

// HandlersMaker makes []*Handler
type HandlersMaker func(
    pathPrefix string,
    ctrlStruct interface{},
    pluginContainer PluginContainer,
) ([]*Handler, error)

2. 简洁地路由分组实现:

  • 继承各级路由的共享字段:handlersunknownApiTypemaker
  • 在上级路由节点的pathPrefixpluginContainer字段基础上追加当前节点信息
// Group add handler group.
func (r *Router) Group(pathPrefix string, plugin ...Plugin) *Router {
    pluginContainer, err := r.pluginContainer.cloneAdd(plugin...)
    if err != nil {
        Fatalf("%v", err)
    return &Router{
        handlers:        r.handlers,
        unknownApiType:  r.unknownApiType,
        pathPrefix:      path.Join(r.pathPrefix, pathPrefix),
        pluginContainer: pluginContainer,
        maker:           r.maker,

8 控制器


$ Go技巧分享

1. Go没有泛型,我们通常使用interface{}空接口来代替。


PullController Model:

type Aaa struct {
// XxZz register the route: /aaa/xx_zz
func (x *Aaa) XxZz(args *) (, *tp.Rerror) {
    return r, nil
// YyZz register the route: /aaa/yy_zz
func (x *Aaa) YyZz(args *) (, *tp.Rerror) {
    return r, nil

PushController Model:

type Bbb struct {
// XxZz register the route: /bbb/yy_zz
func (b *Bbb) XxZz(args *) {
    return r, nil
// YyZz register the route: /bbb/yy_zz
func (b *Bbb) YyZz(args *) {
    return r, nil


func pullHandlersMaker(pathPrefix string, ctrlStruct interface{}, pluginContainer PluginContainer) ([]*Handler, error) {
    var (
        ctype    = reflect.TypeOf(ctrlStruct)
        handlers = make([]*Handler, 0, 1)

    if ctype.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
        return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: the type is not struct point: %s", ctype.String())

    var ctypeElem = ctype.Elem()
    if ctypeElem.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
        return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: the type is not struct point: %s", ctype.String())

    if _, ok := ctrlStruct.(PullCtx); !ok {
        return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: the type is not implemented PullCtx interface: %s", ctype.String())

    iType, ok := ctypeElem.FieldByName("PullCtx")
    if !ok || !iType.Anonymous {
        return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: the struct do not have anonymous field PullCtx: %s", ctype.String())
    for m := 0; m < ctype.NumMethod(); m++ {
        method := ctype.Method(m)
        mtype := method.Type
        mname := method.Name
        // Method must be exported.
        if method.PkgPath != "" || isPullCtxType(mname) {
        // Method needs two ins: receiver, *args.
        if mtype.NumIn() != 2 {
            return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: %s.%s needs one in argument, but have %d", ctype.String(), mname, mtype.NumIn())
        // Receiver need be a struct pointer.
        structType := mtype.In(0)
        if structType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || structType.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
            return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: %s.%s receiver need be a struct pointer: %s", ctype.String(), mname, structType)
        // First arg need be exported or builtin, and need be a pointer.
        argType := mtype.In(1)
        if !goutil.IsExportedOrBuiltinType(argType) {
            return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: %s.%s args type not exported: %s", ctype.String(), mname, argType)
        if argType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
            return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: %s.%s args type need be a pointer: %s", ctype.String(), mname, argType)
        // Method needs two outs: reply error.
        if mtype.NumOut() != 2 {
            return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: %s.%s needs two out arguments, but have %d", ctype.String(), mname, mtype.NumOut())
        // Reply type must be exported.
        replyType := mtype.Out(0)
        if !goutil.IsExportedOrBuiltinType(replyType) {
            return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: %s.%s first reply type not exported: %s", ctype.String(), mname, replyType)

        // The return type of the method must be Error.
        if returnType := mtype.Out(1); !isRerrorType(returnType.String()) {
            return nil, errors.Errorf("register pull handler: %s.%s second reply type %s not *tp.Rerror", ctype.String(), mname, returnType)

2. 参考HTTP的成熟经验,TP的路由路径采用类URL格式,且支持query参数:如/a/b?n=1&m=e

9 Unknown操作函数

TP可通过func (r *Router) SetUnknown(unknownHandler interface{}, plugin ...Plugin)方法设置默认Handler,用于处理未找到路由的PULLPUSH消息。

UnknownPullHandler Type:

func(ctx UnknownPullCtx) (interface{}, *Rerror) {
    return r, nil

UnknownPushHandler Type:

func(ctx UnknownPushCtx)

10 Handler的构造

// Handler pull or push handler type info
Handler struct {
    name              string
    isUnknown         bool
    argElem           reflect.Type
    reply             reflect.Type // only for pull handler doc
    handleFunc        func(*readHandleCtx, reflect.Value)
    unknownHandleFunc func(*readHandleCtx)
    pluginContainer   PluginContainer


func pullHandlersMaker(pathPrefix string, ctrlStruct interface{}, pluginContainer PluginContainer) ([]*Handler, error) {
    var (
        ctype    = reflect.TypeOf(ctrlStruct)
        handlers = make([]*Handler, 0, 1)
    var ctypeElem = ctype.Elem()
    iType, ok := ctypeElem.FieldByName("PullCtx")
    var pullCtxOffset = iType.Offset

    if pluginContainer == nil {
        pluginContainer = newPluginContainer()

    type PullCtrlValue struct {
        ctrl   reflect.Value
        ctxPtr *PullCtx
    var pool = &sync.Pool{
        New: func() interface{} {
            ctrl := reflect.New(ctypeElem)
            pullCtxPtr := ctrl.Pointer() + pullCtxOffset
            ctxPtr := (*PullCtx)(unsafe.Pointer(pullCtxPtr))
            return &PullCtrlValue{
                ctrl:   ctrl,
                ctxPtr: ctxPtr,

    for m := 0; m < ctype.NumMethod(); m++ {
        method := ctype.Method(m)
        mtype := method.Type
        mname := method.Name
        var methodFunc = method.Func
        var handleFunc = func(ctx *readHandleCtx, argValue reflect.Value) {
            obj := pool.Get().(*PullCtrlValue)
            *obj.ctxPtr = ctx
            rets := methodFunc.Call([]reflect.Value{obj.ctrl, argValue})
            rerr, _ := rets[1].Interface().(*Rerror)
            if rerr != nil {

            } else if ctx.output.Body() != nil && ctx.output.BodyCodec() == codec.NilCodecId {

        handlers = append(handlers, &Handler{
            name:            path.Join(pathPrefix, ctrlStructSnakeName(ctype), goutil.SnakeString(mname)),
            handleFunc:      handleFunc,
            argElem:         argType.Elem(),
            reply:           replyType,
            pluginContainer: pluginContainer,
    return handlers, nil

$ Go技巧分享

  • 对不可变的部分进行预处理获得闭包变量,抽离可变部分的逻辑构造子函数。在路由处理过程中直接执行这些handleFunc子函数可达到显著提升性能的目的
  • 使用反射来创建任意类型的实例并调用其方法,适用于类型或方法不固定的情况
  • 使用对象池来复用PullCtrlValue,可以降低GC开销与内存占用
  • 通过unsafe获取ctrlStruct.PullCtx字段的指针偏移量,进而可以快速获取该字段的值

11 Session会话


type (
    PreSession interface {
    Session interface {
        // SetId sets the session id.
        SetId(newId string)
        // Close closes the session.
        Close() error
        // Id returns the session id.
        Id() string
        // Health checks if the session is ok.
        Health() bool
        // Peer returns the peer.
        Peer() *Peer
        // AsyncPull sends a packet and receives reply asynchronously.
        // If the args is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name.
        AsyncPull(uri string, args interface{}, reply interface{}, done chan *PullCmd, setting ...socket.PacketSetting)
        // Pull sends a packet and receives reply.
        // Note:
        // If the args is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name;
        // If the session is a client role and PeerConfig.RedialTimes>0, it is automatically re-called once after a failure.
        Pull(uri string, args interface{}, reply interface{}, setting ...socket.PacketSetting) *PullCmd
        // Push sends a packet, but do not receives reply.
        // Note:
        // If the args is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name;
        // If the session is a client role and PeerConfig.RedialTimes>0, it is automatically re-called once after a failure.
        Push(uri string, args interface{}, setting ...socket.PacketSetting) *Rerror
        // ReadTimeout returns readdeadline for underlying net.Conn.
        ReadTimeout() time.Duration
        // RemoteIp returns the remote peer ip.
        RemoteIp() string
        // LocalIp returns the local peer ip.
        LocalIp() string
        // ReadTimeout returns readdeadline for underlying net.Conn.
        SetReadTimeout(duration time.Duration)
        // WriteTimeout returns writedeadline for underlying net.Conn.
        SetWriteTimeout(duration time.Duration)
        // Socket returns the Socket.
        // Socket() socket.Socket
        // WriteTimeout returns writedeadline for underlying net.Conn.
        WriteTimeout() time.Duration
        // Public returns temporary public data of session(socket).
        Public() goutil.Map
        // PublicLen returns the length of public data of session(socket).
        PublicLen() int
    PostSession interface {
    session struct {



$ Go技巧分享


func (s *session) AsyncPull(uri string, args interface{}, reply interface{}, done chan *PullCmd, setting ...socket.PacketSetting) {
    cmd := &PullCmd{
        sess:     s,
        output:   output,
        reply:    reply,
        doneChan: done,
        start:    s.peer.timeNow(),
        public:   goutil.RwMap(),
    if err := s.write(output); err != nil {
        cmd.rerr = rerror_writeFailed.Copy()
        cmd.rerr.Detail = err.Error()

// Pull sends a packet and receives reply.
// If the args is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name.
func (s *session) Pull(uri string, args interface{}, reply interface{}, setting ...socket.PacketSetting) *PullCmd {
    doneChan := make(chan *PullCmd, 1)
    s.AsyncPull(uri, args, reply, doneChan, setting...)
    pullCmd := <-doneChan
    return pullCmd


  1. 在返回结果的结构体中绑定一个chan管道
  2. 在另一个协程中进行结果计算
  3. 将该chan做为返回值返回给调用者
  4. 将计算结果写入该chan中
  5. 调用者从chan中读出该结果
  6. (同步方式是对异步方式的封装,等待从chan中读到结果后,再将该结果作为返回值返回)

12 Context上下文

类似常见的Go HTTP框架,TP同样提供了Context上下文。它携带Handler操作相关的参数,如Peer、Session、Packet、PublicData等。



type (
    BackgroundCtx interface {
    PushCtx interface {
    PullCtx interface {
    UnknownPushCtx interface {
    UnknownPullCtx interface {
    WriteCtx interface {
    ReadCtx interface {
    readHandleCtx struct {
        sess            *session
        input           *socket.Packet
        output          *socket.Packet
        apiType         *Handler
        arg             reflect.Value
        pullCmd         *PullCmd
        uri             *url.URL
        query           url.Values
        public          goutil.Map
        start           time.Time
        cost            time.Duration
        pluginContainer PluginContainer
        next            *readHandleCtx

13 Plugin插件


type (
    Plugin interface {
        Name() string
    PostRegPlugin interface {
        PostReg(*Handler) *Rerror
    PostDialPlugin interface {
        PostDial(PreSession) *Rerror
    PostReadReplyBodyPlugin interface {
        PostReadReplyBody(ReadCtx) *Rerror
    // PluginContainer plugin container that defines base methods to manage plugins.
    PluginContainer interface {
        Add(plugins ...Plugin) error
        Remove(pluginName string) error
        GetByName(pluginName string) Plugin
        GetAll() []Plugin
        PostReg(*Handler) *Rerror
        PostDial(PreSession) *Rerror
        PostReadReplyBody(ReadCtx) *Rerror
        cloneAdd(...Plugin) (PluginContainer, error)
    pluginContainer struct {
        plugins []Plugin

func (p *pluginContainer) PostReg(h *Handler) *Rerror {
    var rerr *Rerror
    for _, plugin := range p.plugins {
        if _plugin, ok := plugin.(PostRegPlugin); ok {
            if rerr = _plugin.PostReg(h); rerr != nil {
                Fatalf("%s-PostRegPlugin(%s)", plugin.Name(), rerr.String())
                return rerr
    return nil
func (p *pluginContainer) PostDial(sess PreSession) *Rerror {
    var rerr *Rerror
    for _, plugin := range p.plugins {
        if _plugin, ok := plugin.(PostDialPlugin); ok {
            if rerr = _plugin.PostDial(sess); rerr != nil {
                Debugf("dial fail (addr: %s, id: %s): %s-PostDialPlugin(%s)", sess.RemoteIp(), sess.Id(), plugin.Name(), rerr.String())
                return rerr
    return nil
func (p *pluginContainer) PostReadReplyBody(ctx ReadCtx) *Rerror {
    var rerr *Rerror
    for _, plugin := range p.plugins {
        if _plugin, ok := plugin.(PostReadReplyBodyPlugin); ok {
            if rerr = _plugin.PostReadReplyBody(ctx); rerr != nil {
                Errorf("%s-PostReadReplyBodyPlugin(%s)", plugin.Name(), rerr.String())
                return rerr
    return nil

$ Go技巧分享


  1. 定义基础接口并创建统一管理容器
  2. 在实现基础接口的基础上,增加个性化接口(具体挂载点)的实现,将其注册进基础接口管理容器
  3. 管理容器使用断言的方法筛选出指定挂载点的插件并执行


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