经济学人 | 谈中国的“阴阳合同”



# 经济学人 #

6.9- 6.15/ 2018

专栏 | Business

Tax evasion in China: Yin and yang


IT IS hard to go a day in China without seeing Fan Bingbing. The doe-eyed starlet gazes from film posters (she has averaged four films a year for the past decade), airbrushed ads for global brands and glossy magazine covers. But in the past week she has graced articles about tax evasion. Shares in a film-production firm that she partly owns fell by 10% on fears that it might be ensnared in a scandal in which actors have allegedly concealed their salaries. Ms Fan has denied wrongdoing. On June 3rd the government began a probe into tax compliance in the entertainment industry.


* doe-eyed: adj. (especially of a woman) having large, gentle dark eyes

* starlet: adj. a young actress with aspirations to become a star

* airbrush: v.represent or describe as better or more beautiful than in reality 修图

* airbrushed (adj.)

The controversy began when Cui Yongyuan, a TV presenter, described two anonymous contracts on Weibo, a microblog, one for 10m yuan ($1.6m) and another, linked to the first, for 50m yuan. He said it was a case of the “yin-and-yang” payments prevalent in the film business: reporting a low salary for taxation and pocketing a larger sum. Share prices of big film firms, such as Huayi Brothers, also plunged.


* controversy: prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion

e.g.  The design of the building has caused controversy.

Yin-and-yang contracts are illegal but common, from the property sector to football clubs. For years the government has tried to crack down on them. In one high-profile case, Liu Xiaoqing, a popular actress, was imprisoned in 2002. But the emergence of tax havensinside China is now complicating matters. Film studios have been among the most aggressive in taking advantage of them.


* crack down on: take severe measures against

e.g. The police will crack down on criminals.

* high-profile: adj. attracting much attention or publicity

e.g.high-profile military presence

Their destination of choice has been Khorgos (霍尔果斯), a desert outpost in China’s far west, next to Kazakhstan (哈萨克斯坦). The central government hopes to build it into a key link in trading networks that traverse central Asia. Companies that register in Khorgos enjoy a five-year holiday from corporate taxes, followed by another five years in which they pay only about half.


* outpost: n. a remote part of a country or empire

e.g. a few scattered outposts along the west coast

In 2017, 14,472 firms registered themselves in Khorgos, up more than fourfold from 2016. Local tax revenues have soared. But many of the firms nominally based in the dusty border town do not actually do anything there. Roughly nine in ten are in asset-light industries, such as media and also financial services. Ms Fan is one of dozens of celebrities who have registered corporate entities in Khorgos. For private-equity firms, Tibet has become a popular locale for registering funds, also thanks to tax discounts.


* locale /ləʊ'kɑːl/: n. a place where something happens or is set, or that has particular events associated with it 

e.g. Her summers were spent in a variety of exotic locales.

Tax havens and yin-and-yang contracts highlight the holes in China’s tax system. The International Monetary Fund estimates that government revenue from taxes on personal incomes is only 1.2% of GDP, compared with around 10% in many advanced economies.


China’s film business is booming; box-office revenues were $8.6bn in 2017, up from less than $1bn a decade ago. But with the Klieg lights glaring on Khorgos, studios and stars will probably have to start sharing more of their riches with the government. For all the glitz and glamour of its film industry, China is still working out the basics of efficient taxation.

中国电影业发展兴旺, 2017年票房收入为86亿美元,而在十年前还不到10亿美元。随着电影业瞄准了避税地霍尔果斯,电影公司和明星们可能不得不要开始与政府分享更多的财富。对于电影业这种浮华和魅力的特殊性,中国仍在制定高效税收的基础。

* booming: adj. having a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth

e.g. the booming economy of the 1920s

* Klieg [kli:ɡ] light: a powerful electric lamp used in filming 强弧光灯, 聚光灯

* glitz/glɪts/: extravagant but superficial display 浮华

e.g. the glitz and sophisticated night life of Ibiza

* glamour: an attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem appealing 魅力

- The End -

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