原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始出处 、作者信息和本声明。否则将追究法律责任。 http://beastwu.blog.51cto.com/5091229/865707
本系统实现基于Web的Windows Active Directory用户验证(域用户验证)与数据库用户验证,调用Wiwiz Auth API实现Web认证。
认证页面程序使用PHP + MySQL,调用Wiwiz Auth API接口。
- //****************************************************
- // Gets incoming parameters
- //****************************************************
- $pTokencode = $_REQUEST["tokencode"]; // incoming parameter "tokencode"
- $pSrvurl = $_REQUEST["srvurl"]; // incoming parameter "srvurl"
- session_start();
- if($pTokencode != null)
- $_SESSION['tokencode'] = $pTokencode;
- if($pSrvurl != null)
- $_SESSION['srvurl'] = $pSrvurl;
- ?>
- "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
- "Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- "Content-Language" content="zh">
- "Pragma" content="no-cache">
- "Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
Wifi Portal - method="post">
- "font-size:22px" color="red">
- XXX公司WiFi认证系统
- "font-size:14px">
- 本公司、子公司及合作单位员工请使用OA系统账户或域账户进行认证
- (仅限开通使用Internet权限的员工)
- 访客请使用授权码进行认证
"60%"> "90%" height="340" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#cccccc" style="font-size: 12px">
"#eef1ff"> - "font-size:14px">员工通道
- "radio" name="AuthType" id="AuthType0" value="0" />
- 工号:
- "text" name="StaffId" />
- 密码:
- "password" name="Pswd" />
- "radio" name="AuthType" id="AuthType1" value="1" />
- 所在域:
- >
- >MD
- >Marketing
- 域账户名:
- "text" name="DomainUser" />
- 密码:
- "password" name="DomainPswd" />
- "checkbox" name="agree1" id="agree1">
- "submit" value=" 登录 / 认证 " name="login1" onclick="return onLogin1();" />
"40%"> "90%" height="340" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="8" bgcolor="#cccccc" style="font-size: 12px">
"#eef1ff"> - "font-size:14px">访客通道
- 授权码:
- "text" style="width:100px" name="AuthCode" />
- "checkbox" name="agree2" id="agree2">
- "submit" value=" 认证 " name="login2" onclick="return onLogin2();" />
- *注: 如您正在访问本公司并需要使用本公司WiFi网络,请联系您的接待人员或客户经理以索取授权码
- 帮助热线:内线5220
- session_start();
- $AD_HOST = "XXXXXX:389"; // Active Directory服务器
- $userkey = "XXXXXX"; // Wiwiz User Key
- $loginSuccess = false;
- if(isset($_POST['login1'])) {
- if($_POST['AuthType'] == '0' ) { //员工通道 - 使用OA系统账户登录并认证
- $StaffId = $_POST['StaffId'];
- $Pswd = $_POST['Pswd'];
- if($StaffId == '')
- die("请输入工号!" );
- if($Pswd == '')
- die("请输入密码!" );
- $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root") or die("OA系统连接异常!");
- //$db = mysql_connect(":/tmp/mysql.sock", "root") or die("OA系统连接异常!");
- mysql_select_db("oadb",$db);
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT count(staffid) as cnt FROM usermaster where staffid='". mysql_real_escape_string($StaffId) ."' and pswd='". mysql_real_escape_string($Pswd) ."'", $db);
- $cnt = mysql_result($result, 0, "cnt");
- mysql_close($db);
- if($cnt <> '0')
- $loginSuccess = true;
- } else if($_POST['AuthType'] == '1' ) { //员工通道 - 使用域账户登录并认证
- $DomainUser = $_POST['DomainUser'];
- $DomainPswd = $_POST['DomainPswd'];
- $Domain = $_POST['Domain'];
- if($DomainUser == '')
- die("请输入域账户名!" );
- if($DomainPswd == '')
- die("请输入域账户密码!" );
- if($Domain == '')
- die("请选择所在域!" );
- $conn = ldap_connect($AD_HOST) or die("连接失败!" );
- if($conn){
- //
- ldap_set_option ( $conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3 );
- ldap_set_option ( $conn, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0 ); // Binding to ldap server
- $bd = ldap_bind($conn, $DomainUser.'@'.$Domain, $DomainPswd); // or die ("域账户或密码错误。");
- if($bd)
- $loginSuccess = true;
- } else{
- echo "连接失败!";
- }
- }
- }
- if(isset($_POST['login2'])) { //访客通道(使用授权码认证)
- $AuthCode = $_POST['AuthCode'];
- if($AuthCode == '')
- die("请输授权码!" );
- $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root") or die("OA系统连接异常!");
- mysql_select_db("oadb",$db);
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT count(id) as cnt FROM authcode where code='". mysql_real_escape_string($AuthCode). "'", $db);
- $cnt = mysql_result($result, 0, "cnt");
- mysql_close($db);
- if($cnt <> '0')
- $loginSuccess = true;
- }
- //
- // Do something you need.
- // e.g. verify the user
- // ......
- //
- if($loginSuccess == false) {
- echo "认证失败!"; // if user login failed, show an error message
- } else {
- //****************************************************
- // Step 2. Do the pre-auth by calling Wiwiz Auth API
- // IMPORTANT: Do this on your server side(ASP, C#, JSP/Servlet, PHP...),
- // but DO NOT do this on your client side (HTML/Javascript)
- //****************************************************
- // parameter "action" : REQUIRED!
- // set it to "1" to authenticate the user
- // set it to "0" to block the user
- $action = "1";
- // parameter "tokencode": REQUIRED!
- // set identical to the incoming parameter
- $tokencode = $_SESSION['tokencode'];
- // parameter "srvurl": REQUIRED!
- // set identical to the incoming parameter
- $srvurl = $_SESSION['srvurl'];
- // parameter "endtime" : OPTIONAL
- // Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss e.g. 2012-05-31 21:39:00
- // set this parameter to set the time to close the user's Internet connection
- // Note: the value must be url-encoded.
- // $endtime = urlencode('2012-05-31 21:39:00');
- $endtime = '';
- // parameter "postauth" : OPTIONAL
- // E.g. http://www.YourDomain.com
- // set this parameter to redirect to a specified URL after authenticated.
- // Note: the value should be url-encoded.
- //$postauth = urlencode("http://www.wiwiz.com");
- $postauth = '';
- $parameters = "?wiwiz_auth_api=1&ver=1.0". // parameter "wiwiz_auth_api" and "ver". Fixed value
- "&tokencode=". $tokencode . // parameter "tokencode". See above
- "&userkey=". $userkey . // parameter "userkey". Set your own User Key
- "&action=". $action . // parameter "action". See above
- "&endtime=". $endtime . // parameter "endtime". See above
- "&postauth=". $postauth; // parameter "postauth". See above
- $verifycode = file_get_contents($srvurl . $parameters);
- if (strpos ($verifycode, "ERR") === 0) {
- // if there is an error, show error code
- echo "Error: ". $verifycode;
- } else {
- // OK, now. do Step 3.
- //****************************************************
- // Step 3. Complete the Authentication by calling Wiwiz Auth API
- //****************************************************
- $redirectUrl = $srvurl. // use the value of incoming parameter "srvurl" as the redirection address
- "?wiwiz_auth_api_login=1". // parameter "wiwiz_auth_api_login"
- "&tokencode=". $tokencode . // parameter "tokencode", set identical to the incoming parameter
- "&verifycode=". $verifycode; // parameter "verifycode", set identical to the incoming parameter
- ob_start();
- header("Location: ". $redirectUrl); // finally, do the redirection
- ob_flush();
- // echo "";
- }
- }
- ?>