1. Although you are strong, you can not defeat Tom.
Strong as you are, you can not defeat Tom.
讲解:第一个句子是典型的让步状语从句和主句组成的复合句,第二个句子没有做太大改动,只是 将让步状语从句进行了倒装,strong放到了句首。有没有比第一个句子稍微精彩一些呢?原来老外用的倒装,中国人也可以用呢!
2. Why we put an industrial revolution and two political revolutions into the same packet?
Why we put into the same packet an industrial revolution and two political revolutions?
讲解:第一个句子谓语部分很老实地使用了put sth. into the same packet这个词组,而第二个句子把这个词组中的sth.放到宾语部分(句末) ,先说put into the same packet,再出宾语,引起读者的好奇,读者会迫不及待地往下读,想知道究竟是什么into the same packet呀?
3. China made a great achievement in the world.
China impressed the world with its great achievement.
讲解:第一个句子用了make a great achievement这个词组,而第二个句子把中国拟人化了, 作者把中国当做人来行文,用的是China impressed the world,就像在写Lucy impressed me似的,生动形象,不落俗套。
4. Jimmy felt a little disappointed.
A flicker of disappointment passed over Jimmy.
讲解:第一个句子是标准的主谓宾结构,人做主语,第二个句子则是物做主语,“失望之感”划过吉米 。其实英文的确更喜欢用物做主语,所以我们在写作时可以模仿着写一些类似的句子,这样的句子更加native呢!
5. In the following day, I learned to spell a great many words, though I didn’t understand them.
In the day that followed, I learned to spell in the uncomprehending way a great many words.
讲解:第一个句子中用到了in the following day这样的词组,是不是有些老掉牙?像是模板里的套话,而第二句则把这个词组改成了定语从句,意思没变, 但是表达更加多样化了。英语不喜欢重复表达,这个也是英语的特点之一。
6. Narrow the division between the rich and the poor.
Bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.
讲解:两句话都是缩小贫富差距的意思,但是第二句用bridge the gap来翻译, 贫富差距就像横在穷人和富人之间的天堑,我们要缩小这个差距自然需要架起一座桥梁呀!是不是特别生动形象?
7. This reflects how men are stratified in Chinese traditional culture and also affects how people choose their jobs.
This tells a lot about how men stratified traditionally in China and dictates how people weigh career choices.
讲解: 第二句用traditionally这一个副词就讲完了第一句中的in Chinese traditional culture,是不是特别干净利落?副词的使用能够让我们写出来的句子很纯净锐利,这也是汉译英的目标。weigh career choices也是固定表达,选择工作在第二句中变成了“把每个工作放到秤砣上称一称(weigh)”。
8. Quickened by the melting, a push to develop the North carries dangers for people in this region.
A push to develop the North, quickened by the melting, carries dangers for people in this region.
讲解:第一句的逻辑很清晰,北极融化是因,人们加快了开发是果,“这一举措也给生活在北极地区的人们带来了危险”又是加快开发带来的后果。 第二句的逻辑结构则是A push to develop the North(第一个后果), quickened by the melting,(原因) carries dangers for people in this region(第二个后果). 巧用过去分词,把原因放后面再说。
9. We must unite together, or we shall all be killed separately.
We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately.
讲解:第二个句子用到了 “双关”这种修辞手法,第一个hang是引申意“团结起来”,第一个hang则是“吊死”的意思。
以上9组句子的分析只是点出了第二句比第一句更胜一筹的地方,但是英文的文采主要还是体现在修辞手法的使用,因为上面讲到的诸如“物做主语”、 “使用倒装”等都只是些技巧而已。要想写出好文章,还得去读英文名著哦!