1. Using Blockchains to permanently secure certificates
2. Using blockchains to verify multi-step accreditation
3. Using a blockchain for automatic recognition and transfer of credits
4. Using a blockchain as a lifelong learning passport
5. Blockchain for tracking intellectual property and rewarding use and re-use of that property
6. Receiving payments from students via blockchains
7. Providing student funding via blockchains, in terms of vouchers
8. Using Verified Sovereign Identities for Student Identification within Educational Organisations
1. Blockchain applications for education are still in their infancy
2. The full benefits of blockchain technology are only achieved through open implementations
3. Blockchain may disrupt the market in student information systems
4. Vested interests have an interest in locking down blockchain technology and creating standards based around partial implementations
5. Public private partnerships are necessary to fully exploit blockchain
6. Blockchain technology has the potential to accelerate the end of a paper-based system for certificates
7. Blockchain technology removes the need for educational organisations to validate credentials
8. Blockchain has the potential to release a wave of innovation around learners' data
9. Self-Sovereign Identities have the potential to significantly reduce educational organisations' data management costs
10. Blockchain technology enables much more sophisticated systems for reliably tracking usage of intellectual property
11. Educational networks can automate and standardise many of their functions through decentralised autonomous networks
12. Regulation and Standardisation may determine the extent and speed of progress
13. People are unaware on the social advantages and potential of blockchain technology