在肯德基、麦当劳点餐会发现,单点“汉堡+鸡翅”需要 32 元,而只要再加 5 元,就可以买到“汉堡+鸡翅+薯条+可乐”这样的套餐。套餐比单点看起来便宜很多,商家几乎“白送”了薯条和可乐,但其实你本来只想吃汉堡和鸡翅,只因觉得“实惠”才点了套餐,笑到最后的是商家,它通过这样的方式让你在不知不觉中多花了很多钱。这是一种怎样的销售策略呢?如何识破它?
The trick that makes you overspend
When you buy a cup of coffee, you might have noticed that of the three size options — small, medium and large — the medium-sized serving often costs almost as much as the large. Given the apparent bargain, have you ever opted for the biggest and most expensive option?
If so, you have been nudged by a cognitive bias known as the “decoy effect”, in which the deliberate presentation of an additional, slightly less attractive option — in this case, the relatively expensive medium-sized coffee — pushes you to pay out more money than you would have rationally chosen.
The decoy effect shows us just how easily our judgement is swayed by the context in which the facts are presented — even when that additional information may have no bearing on the overall judgement.
By learning about the decoy effect, you may become less susceptible to this unconscious influence. You may even discover ways to put it to your own use as a tool for persuasion.
If you are discussing travel plans with friends, for instance, and haven’t decided yet where to go, you might present two alternative arrangements at your city of choice, but one with a slightly more expensive hotel. Even if your friends might have otherwise selected a different location, the comparison might just prime them to opt for your preferred option.
Just don’t be a victim of it yourself. Whether you are buying headphones or deciding on a retirement plan, deliberately ask whether you are really choosing the option you need or want, with the attributes you were originally seeking, or whether you were distracted by a deliberately unappealing alternative. Like an expert sniper trained to avoid false targets, you may find that your judgement suddenly becomes a lot more incisive.
opt for 选择
相关词汇:opt(v. 选择)
相关词汇:option (n.)
同义词:choose (v.)
例句:She chose a career in music.
例句:She opted for a career in music.
nudge/nʌdʒ/ v.(朝某方向)轻推;劝说,鼓动
英文释义:gently persuade sb. to do sth.
搭配短语:nudge sb. into sth.
例句:His parents nudged him into marriage.
cognitive bias 认知偏差
相关词汇:cognition(n. 认知)
相关词汇:cognitive(adj. 认知的)
decoy effect 诱饵效应
相关词汇:decoy(n. 诱饵)
pay out 付出(巨款)
例句:That billionaire paid out 1 million dollars for just one painting.
rationally/ˈræʃnəli/ adv. 理性地,理智地
词根词缀:ratio(n. 比例;理由,原因)
相关词汇:rational (adj.)
sway/sweɪ/ v. 使相信;使动摇
例句:People swayed back and forth.
例句:Don't be swayed by fashion.
have no bearing on sth. 与...毫无关系
相关词汇:bearing(n. 关系,关联)
近义词:be not relevant to sth.
近义词:have nothing to do with sth.
反义词:have some bearing on sth.(与...有些关联)
susceptible/səˈseptəbl/ adj. 敏感的;易受影响的
近义词:sensitive, vulnerable
搭配短语:be susceptible to sth.
例句:He is highly susceptible to flattery.
put sth. to use 利用某物
英文释义:to apply something to suit a particular purpose
例句:I will make sure to put the information to use.
of choice 首选的;最喜欢的
搭配短语:the book of choice(最爱的书籍)
搭配短语:the drink of choice(最爱的饮品)
prime/praɪm/ v. 使(某人)做好准备
搭配短语:prime sb. to do sth.
例句:He primed his friends not to tell anything to his ex-girlfriend.
attribute/ˈætrɪbjuːt/ n. 品质,特征
unappealing/ˌʌnəˈpiːlɪŋ/ adj. 不能打动人的;无吸引力的
词根词缀:appeal(v. 吸引)
反义词:appealing(adj. 有吸引力的)
sniper/ˈsnaɪpər/ n. 狙击手
相关词汇:snipe at(狙击)
例句:The soldiers sniped at the enemies.
incisive/ɪnˈsaɪsɪv/ adj. 机敏的;切中要害的;果断的
搭配短语:an incisive question(一个问到了点子上的问题)