我院助理教授周臻的论文在《美国经济评论》 发表

近日,《美国经济评论》(American Economic Review)正式接受了清华大学五道口金融学院助理教授周臻与其合作者的论文《分散协调风险》(Diffusing Coordination Risk),文章待刊发表。




我院助理教授周臻的论文在《美国经济评论》 发表_第1张图片


在这篇论文中,周臻与其合作者Deepal Basak(印度商学院任助理教授)研究了在动态协调博弈问题中,政策制定者如何通过信息披露来避免没有效率的均衡结果的出现。

金融市场中有很大一类博弈问题可以被看作是协调博弈(Coordination Game)。在这类博弈里,人们希望与其他人采取一样的行为,从而获得更高的收益。例如:如果投资者预期到其他投资者会从某个金融机构撤资,因而金融机构会倒闭,那么他也会选择撤资。这种行为被称为“恐慌”,它会给金融机构带来大量的流动性风险。然而,如果所有投资者都预期到其他人不会撤资,那么他们就可以从金融投资中获得高收益,因此也不会撤资。所以,在协调博弈问题中,“坏”的均衡以及其导致的金融恐慌是可能出现的,而这会带来金融市场的不稳定,是政策制定者不愿意看到的。


这篇论文主要关注动态的协调博弈问题。在这类博弈中,有不同私人信息(Private Information)的人在不同的时间点做出决定。文章重点研究了一类非常容易被观察到的信息,即基于金融机构的基本面和前面人的选择,“坏”的结果是否肯定会出现。例如,基于在信息披露时刻之前的人的行为,金融危机是否已经不可避免(不论后面行动的人采取什么行为)。这个信息披露政策与银行监管中的压力测试(Stress Tests)有一定的相似性。


文中重点讨论了如何将此理论结果应用在债务期限结构的选择上。假设一个借款人(Borrower)选择的债务组合中,有多种不同的期限的债务,例如,每半年都有一小部分债务到期(而不是大量的债务在同一时间点到期)。那么,出借人(Lenders)在债务需要展期的时候,就可以观察到借款人是否成功应对了之前到期的债务。这个信息即是文章中着重讨论的需要披露的公共信息。而在这个现实的例子中,此信息是非常明显可以被观察到的。如果债务结构到期日足够分散(Asynchronous), 那么之后行动的出借人就会有很多机会观察到这个信息。基于模型的分析,在这种情况下,所有出借人都会愿意继续提供借款。由此,因为“恐慌”(由于担心其他出借人抽贷而选择抽贷)带来的抽贷,以及相应的流动性风险就被最大程度地避免了。




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Jess Cornaggia, Yifei Mao, Xuan Tian, Brian Wolfe, "Does Banking Competition Affect Innovation", Journal of Financial Economics, vol.115 (1), pp189-209, 2015.

Massimo Massa, Wenlan Qian and Weibiao Xu, and Hong Zhang, “Competition of the Informed: Does the Presence of Short Sellers Affect Insider Selling?”,Journal of Financial Economics, vol.118, pp.268-288, 2015.

Massimo Massa, Bohui Zhang, and Hong Zhang,“The Invisible Hand of Short Selling: Does Short-Selling Discipline Earnings Management?”,Review of Financial Studies, vol.28, pp.1701-1736, 2015.

Yawen Jiao, Massimo Massa, and Hong Zhang, “Short Selling Meets Hedge Fund 13F: An Anatomy of Informed Demand”,Journal of Financial Economics, vol.122, pp.544–567, 2016.

Li An,"Asset Pricing When Traders Sell Extreme Winners and Losers",Review of Financial Studies, vol 29(3), pp.823-861, 2016.

Huafeng (Jason) Chen, “Do Cash Flows of Growth Stocks Really Grow Faster?”,Journal of Finance, vol.72(5), pp.2279-2330, 2017.

Huijun Wang, Jinghua Yan and Jianfeng Yu, "Reference-Dependent Preferences and the Risk-Return Trade-off",Journal of Financial Economics, vol.123, pp.395-414, 2017.

Juan M. Londono and Hao Zhou, “Variance Risk Premiums and the Forward Premium Puzzles”,Journal of Financial Economics, vol.124, pp.415–440, 2017.

Zhiguo He, Bin Wei, Jianfeng Yu and Feng Gao, "Optimal Long-term Contracting with Learning",Review of Financial Studies, vol.30(6), pp.2006-2065, 2017.

Junyan Shen, Jianfeng Yu, Shen Zhao, "Investor Sentiment and Economic Forces",Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol.86, pp.1-21, 2017.

Huijun Wang, Jinghua Yan, and Jianfeng Yu, "Reference-Dependent Preferences and the Risk-Return Tradeoff",Journal of Financial Economics, vol.123, pp.395-414, 2017.

Alon Brava, Wei Jiang, Song Ma, Xuan Tian,“How does hedge fund activism reshape corporate innovation?”,Journal of Financial Economics, vol.130(2), pp.237–264, 2018.

Mariano Croce, Riccardo Colacito, Steven Ho and Philip Howard, "BKK the EZ Way: International Long-Run Growth News and Capital Flows",American Economic Review, vol.108, pp.3416-3449, 2018.

Trevor Tombe and Xiaodong Zhu,“Trade, Migration, and Aggregate Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis of China”,American Economic Review, vol.109(5), pp.1843-1872, 2019.

Zhuo Chen, Zhiguo He and Chun Liu, “The Financing of Local Government in China: Stimulus Loan Wanes and Shadow Banking Waxes”,Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming.

Zhan Shi,“Time-Varying Ambiguity, Credit Spreads, and the Levered Equity Premium”,Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming.

Xiaoyan Zhang, Ekkehart Boehmer and Charles Jones, “Potential Pilot Problems: Treatment Spillovers in Financial Regulatory Experiments”,Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming.

Zhen Zhou, "Deepal Basak,“Diffusing Coordination Risk”, American Economic Review, forthcoming.

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