描述统计学入门 STATISTICS 101 by Sebastian Thrun

《STATISTICS 101》 by Sebastian Thrun

描述统计学入门 STATISTICS 101 by Sebastian Thrun_第1张图片

1. Teaser

描述统计学入门 STATISTICS 101 by Sebastian Thrun_第2张图片
Frist QA

2. Linear

描述统计学入门 STATISTICS 101 by Sebastian Thrun_第3张图片

3. Scatter Plots

4. Bar charts

5. Pie charts

6. visualiztion

描述统计学入门 STATISTICS 101 by Sebastian Thrun_第4张图片

7. Bayes Rules

描述统计学入门 STATISTICS 101 by Sebastian Thrun_第5张图片


In probability theory we consider some underlying process which has some randomness or uncertainty modeled by random variables, and we figure out what happens. 在概率论中,我们是基于已有的理论模型,推断未知事件发生的概率。

In statistics we observe something that has happened, and try to figure out what underlying process would explain those observations.在统计学中,我们观察数据,并推断什么样的理论模型可以解释我们观察到的数据。


描述统计学入门 STATISTICS 101 by Sebastian Thrun_第6张图片

8. Probability Distributions

9. Correlation VS Causation

10. Estimation

11. Averages

12. Variance

13. Outliers

14. Binomial Distribution

15. Central Limit Thereon

16. The Normal Distribution

17. Manipulating Normals

18. Best Better Than Average

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