最近因为需要研究一个滑动悬浮效果,偶然间发现了CoordinatorLayout这个很强大的布局,这个控件一般需要配合AppBarLayout、CollapsingToolbarLayout使用来实现一些悬浮和渐变的高级效果,相关的使用文章有很多,这篇就不介绍这些了,写这篇的主要目的是要记录一个问题,给CoordinatorLayout的子View设置Behavior后,Behavior 的layoutDependsOn和onDependentViewChanged方法是CoordinatorLayout何时进行回调来达到协调的目的的。
CoordinatorLayout (这篇介绍了CoordinatorLayout 最基本的一个使用方式)
一步一步深入理解CoordinatorLayout( 这篇介绍了一下部分代码)
- 当我们想自定义Behavior时需要继承CoordinatorLayout.Behavior
public class MyBehavior extends CoordinatorLayout.Behavior
何时回调layoutDependsOn 和onDependentViewChanged?
- 这里才是我这篇文章想要记录的重点,我很好奇,我的dependency View改变时CoordinatorLayout是怎么通知我的Behavior的,这里就需要贴一些源码了
private OnPreDrawListener mOnPreDrawListener;
public void onAttachedToWindow() {
if (mNeedsPreDrawListener) {
if (mOnPreDrawListener == null) {
mOnPreDrawListener = new OnPreDrawListener();
final ViewTreeObserver vto = getViewTreeObserver();
if (mLastInsets == null && ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(this)) {
// We're set to fitSystemWindows but we haven't had any insets yet...
// We should request a new dispatch of window insets
mIsAttachedToWindow = true;
class OnPreDrawListener implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
public boolean onPreDraw() {
return true;
* Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the view tree is about to be drawn.
public interface OnPreDrawListener {
* Callback method to be invoked when the view tree is about to be drawn. At this point, all
* views in the tree have been measured and given a frame. Clients can use this to adjust
* their scroll bounds or even to request a new layout before drawing occurs.
* @return Return true to proceed with the current drawing pass, or false to cancel.
* @see android.view.View#onMeasure
* @see android.view.View#onLayout
* @see android.view.View#onDraw
public boolean onPreDraw();
这个接口会在viewTree准备绘制时回调,可以利用这个方法在绘制发生之前去调整滚动的边界或者去请求一个新的layout,所以CoordinatorLayout就是在onPreDraw()方法中回调我们Behavior中的方法,具体的调用方法就是CoordinatorLayout 中onChildViewsChanged,该方法的代码如下(省略部分):
final void onChildViewsChanged(@DispatchChangeEvent final int type) {
final int layoutDirection = ViewCompat.getLayoutDirection(this);
final int childCount = mDependencySortedChildren.size();
final Rect inset = acquireTempRect();
final Rect drawRect = acquireTempRect();
final Rect lastDrawRect = acquireTempRect();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
final View child = mDependencySortedChildren.get(i);
final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
if (type == EVENT_PRE_DRAW && child.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {
// Do not try to update GONE child views in pre draw updates.
// Check child views before for anchor
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
final View checkChild = mDependencySortedChildren.get(j);
if (lp.mAnchorDirectChild == checkChild) {
offsetChildToAnchor(child, layoutDirection);
// Get the current draw rect of the view
getChildRect(child, true, drawRect);
// Accumulate inset sizes
// Dodge inset edges if necessary
// Update any behavior-dependent views for the change
for (int j = i + 1; j < childCount; j++) {
final View checkChild = mDependencySortedChildren.get(j);
final LayoutParams checkLp = (LayoutParams) checkChild.getLayoutParams();
final Behavior b = checkLp.getBehavior();
if (b != null && b.layoutDependsOn(this, checkChild, child)) {
if (type == EVENT_PRE_DRAW && checkLp.getChangedAfterNestedScroll()) {
// If this is from a pre-draw and we have already been changed
// from a nested scroll, skip the dispatch and reset the flag
final boolean handled;
switch (type) {
// EVENT_VIEW_REMOVED means that we need to dispatch
// onDependentViewRemoved() instead
b.onDependentViewRemoved(this, checkChild, child);
handled = true;
// Otherwise we dispatch onDependentViewChanged()
// 在这里回调了Behavior的b.onDependentViewChanged方法来通知ChildView的dependency发生了改变
handled = b.onDependentViewChanged(this, checkChild, child);
if (type == EVENT_NESTED_SCROLL) {
// If this is from a nested scroll, set the flag so that we may skip
// any resulting onPreDraw dispatch (if needed)
看到这个方法,我心中的疑惑就解开了,当子View改变时,会引起ViewTree重新绘制,然后因为CoordinatorLayout 设置了OnPreDrawListener会在重新绘制前通知CoordinatorLayout,CoordinatorLayout在通过调用onChildViewsChanged来遍历子View,因为子View已经经过排序,遍历到每一个子View时,会在去遍历当前这个子View之后的View,过程如下:
// Update any behavior-dependent views for the change
for (int j = i + 1; j < childCount; j++) {
然后在遍历到每一个i+1位置开始时的子View时,会获取这个子View 的LayoutParams,然后调用getBehavior方法获取Behavior,过程如下:
for (int j = i + 1; j < childCount; j++) {
final View checkChild = mDependencySortedChildren.get(j);
final LayoutParams checkLp = (LayoutParams) checkChild.getLayoutParams();
final Behavior b = checkLp.getBehavior();
// Update any behavior-dependent views for the change
for (int j = i + 1; j < childCount; j++) {
final View checkChild = mDependencySortedChildren.get(j);
final LayoutParams checkLp = (LayoutParams) checkChild.getLayoutParams();
final Behavior b = checkLp.getBehavior();
if (b != null && b.layoutDependsOn(this, checkChild, child)) {
final boolean handled;
switch (type) {
// EVENT_VIEW_REMOVED means that we need to dispatch
// onDependentViewRemoved() instead
b.onDependentViewRemoved(this, checkChild, child);
handled = true;
// Otherwise we dispatch onDependentViewChanged()
// 在这里回调了Behavior的b.onDependentViewChanged方法来通知ChildView的dependency发生了改变
handled = b.onDependentViewChanged(this, checkChild, child);
if (type == EVENT_NESTED_SCROLL) {
// If this is from a nested scroll, set the flag so that we may skip
// any resulting onPreDraw dispatch (if needed)
public boolean layoutDependsOn(CoordinatorLayout parent, Button child, View dependency) {
return dependency instanceof TestTextView;
public boolean onDependentViewChanged(CoordinatorLayout parent, Button child, View dependency) {
//do something
return super.onDependentViewChanged(parent, child, dependency);
这样此时的i位置的子View是TestTextView类型时,我的layoutDependsOn会返回true,然后会回调onDependentViewChanged,我可以在拿到Button child, View dependency后,可以做一些变化操作,例如开头推荐阅读的第一篇文章中的效果。
最后,其实onChildViewsChanged并不只是在onPreDraw中才会回调,通过入参我们可以看到,onChildViewsChanged需要传入一个@DispatchChangeEvent final int type的参数,这个type一共有三种类型
static final int EVENT_PRE_DRAW = 0;
static final int EVENT_NESTED_SCROLL = 1;
static final int EVENT_VIEW_REMOVED = 2;
* Dispatch any dependent view changes to the relevant {@link Behavior} instances.
* Usually run as part of the pre-draw step when at least one child view has a reported
* dependency on another view. This allows CoordinatorLayout to account for layout
* changes and animations that occur outside of the normal layout pass.
* It can also be ran as part of the nested scrolling dispatch to ensure that any offsetting
* is completed within the correct coordinate window.
* The offsetting behavior implemented here does not store the computed offset in
* the LayoutParams; instead it expects that the layout process will always reconstruct
* the proper positioning.
* @param type the type of event which has caused this call
final void onChildViewsChanged(@DispatchChangeEvent final int type)