
intpbIn =2;// 定义输入信号引脚intledOut = A0;// 定义输出指示灯引脚intstate = LOW;// 定义默认输入状态voidsetup(){// 设置输入信号引脚为输入状态、输出引脚为输出状态pinMode(pbIn, INPUT);

pinMode(ledOut, OUTPUT);


state = digitalRead(pbIn);//读取微动开关状态digitalWrite(ledOut, state);//把读取的状态赋予LED指示灯//模拟一个长的流程或者复杂的任务for(inti =0; i <100; i++)




intpbIn =0;// 定义中断引脚为0,也就是D2引脚intledOut = A0;// 定义输出指示灯引脚volatileintstate = LOW;// 定义默认输入状态voidsetup(){// 置ledOut引脚为输出状态pinMode(ledOut, OUTPUT);// 监视中断输入引脚的变化attachInterrupt(pbIn, stateChange, CHANGE);

}voidloop(){// 模拟长时间运行的进程或复杂的任务。for(inti =0; i <100; i++)

{// 什么都不做,等待10毫秒delay(10);



state = !state;

digitalWrite(ledOut, state);


#include           //Timer interrupt function

int pbIn = 0;                  // Define the interrupt PIN is 0, that is, digital pins 2

int ledOut = 13;

int count=0;

volatile int state = LOW;      //Define ledOut, default is off

void setup()



pinMode(ledOut, OUTPUT);

attachInterrupt(pbIn, stateChange, FALLING); // Sets the interrupt function, falling edge triggered interrupts.

MsTimer2::set(1000,process); // Set the timer interrupt time 1000ms

MsTimer2::start();//Timer interrupt start


void loop()


Serial.println(count); // Printing times of 1000ms suspension


if(state == HIGH)  //When moving objects are detected later, 2s shut down automatically after the ledout light is convenient.



state = LOW;

digitalWrite(ledOut, state);    //Turn off led



void stateChange()  //Interrupt function




void process()  //Timer handler


if(count>1)  //1000ms interrupt number greater than 1 is considered detected a moving object (this value can be adjusted according to the actual situation, equivalent to adjust the detection threshold of the speed of a moving object)


state = HIGH;

digitalWrite(ledOut, state);    //Lighting led

count=0;  //Count zero



count=0;  //In 1000ms, interrupts does not reach set threshold value is considered not detect moving objects, interrupt the count number is cleared to zero.

