围观 | 听猫打呼噜

  • 这里有猫-听猫打呼噜
  • The Internet has a Cat! Meet Purrli, the Online Cat Purr Generator.

困倦Sleepy <--> Happy开心

设置频率Set a Timer to Mute (or un-mute)

放松Relaxed <--> Overjoyed兴奋

设置呼噜声调调Alter the purr tone

离你近Close <--> Distant离你远

设置你和猫的距离Set the distance between you and Purrli

只是呼噜Purrfect <--> Meow-y还有喵喵叫

你的猫喜欢喵喵叫吗How nagging do you want Purrli to be?

你可能感兴趣的:(围观 | 听猫打呼噜)