
我们经常会遇到使用对象复用的场景,比如线程池,数据库连接池,Android的消息机制里面的Message的通过静态方法obtain()获取消息,EventBus在的解析监听事件的订阅者对象里的标有@subscribe的方法而引入的SubscriberMethodFinder.FindState对象池FIND_STATE_POOL,Glide在请求加载图像的时候EngineJob内部的Pools.Pool> pool和解码DecodeJob内部的Pools.Pool> pool。因为对象创建的开销过大,为了避免每一次用到某个对象的时候都去new一个新的对象。对象池提供了这样一种机制,当我们需要某个对象的时候,我们希望先尝试从对象池(相当于缓存)中获取,如果有就直接返回,此时对象池应该空一个位子出来(即对象池的元素个数减一),没有则新创建一个对象返回,当对象用完以后,如果对象池还有空余位置则存放入其中同时对象池中元素的个数+1。

public interface Pool {
  T acquire();
  boolean recycle(T t);


 public class SimplePool implements Pool {
        private final Object[] mElements;
        private final int mMaxPoolSize;
        public SimplePool(int maxPoolSize) {
            if (maxPoolSize <= 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The max pool size must be > 0");
            mMaxPoolSize = maxPoolSize;
            mElements = new Object[maxPoolSize];

        public T acquire() {
            for (int i = 0; i < mMaxPoolSize; i++) {
                if (mElements[i] != null) {
                    T ele = (T) mElements[i];
                    mElements[i] = null;//置空,避免内存泄漏
                    return ele;
           return null;

        public boolean recycle(T t) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mMaxPoolSize; i++) {
                if (mElements[i] == null) {
                    mElements[i] = t;
                    return true;
            return false;


class HeavyObject {
    public HeavyObject (){

class PoolUtils {
  private static final Pool sPool = new SimplePool<>(10);
  public static HeavyObject obtain() {
    HeavyObject obj = sPool.acquire();
    return obj != null ? obj : new HeavyObject(); //没有就创建新的
  public static boolean recycle(HeavyObject object) {
   return sPool.recycle(object);


    public class SimplePool implements Pool {
        private final Object[] mElements;
        private final int mMaxPoolSize;
        private int mPoolSize;

        public SimplePool(int maxPoolSize) {
            if (maxPoolSize <= 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The max pool size must be > 0");
            mMaxPoolSize = maxPoolSize;
            mElements = new Object[maxPoolSize];

        public T acquire() {
            if (mPoolSize > 0) {
                int lastPooledIndex = mPoolSize - 1;
                T t= (T) mElements[lastPooledIndex];
                mElements[lastPooledIndex] = null;//置空,避免内存泄漏
                return t;
            return null;

        public boolean recycle(T t) {
            if (mPoolSize < mMaxPoolSize) {
                mElements[mPoolSize] = t;
                return true;
            return false;


public class SynchronizedPool implements Pool {
        private final Object mLock = new Object();
        private final Object[] mElements;
        private final int mMaxPoolSize;
        private int mPoolSize;

        public SynchronizedPool(int maxPoolSize) {
            if (maxPoolSize <= 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The max pool size must be > 0");
            mMaxPoolSize = maxPoolSize;
            mElements = new Object[maxPoolSize];

        public T acquire() {
            synchronized (mLock) {
                if (mPoolSize > 0) {
                    final int lastPooledIndex = mPoolSize - 1;
                    T instance = (T) mElements[lastPooledIndex];
                    mElements[lastPooledIndex] = null;//置空,避免内存泄漏
                    return instance;
                return null;

        public boolean recycle(T t) {
            synchronized (mLock) {
                if (mPoolSize < mMaxPoolSize) {
                    mElements[mPoolSize] = t;
                    return true;
                return false;


class PoolFactory {
  public static  Pool createPool(boolean threadSafe, int maxPoolSize) {
            return threadSafe ? new SynchronizedPool(maxPoolSize) : new SimplePool(maxPoolSize);


package androidx.core.util;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

 * Helper class for creating pools of objects. An example use looks like this:
 * public class MyPooledClass {
 *     private static final SynchronizedPool sPool =
 *             new SynchronizedPool(10);
 *     public static MyPooledClass obtain() {
 *         MyPooledClass instance = sPool.acquire();
 *         return (instance != null) ? instance : new MyPooledClass();
 *     }
 *     public void recycle() {
 *          // Clear state if needed.
 *          sPool.release(this);
 *     }
 *     . . .
 * }
* */ public final class Pools { /** * Interface for managing a pool of objects. * * @param The pooled type. */ public interface Pool { /** * @return An instance from the pool if such, null otherwise. */ @Nullable T acquire(); /** * Release an instance to the pool. * * @param instance The instance to release. * @return Whether the instance was put in the pool. * * @throws IllegalStateException If the instance is already in the pool. */ boolean release(@NonNull T instance); } private Pools() { /* do nothing - hiding constructor */ } /** * Simple (non-synchronized) pool of objects. * * @param The pooled type. */ public static class SimplePool implements Pool { private final Object[] mPool; private int mPoolSize; /** * Creates a new instance. * * @param maxPoolSize The max pool size. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the max pool size is less than zero. */ public SimplePool(int maxPoolSize) { if (maxPoolSize <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The max pool size must be > 0"); } mPool = new Object[maxPoolSize]; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T acquire() { if (mPoolSize > 0) { final int lastPooledIndex = mPoolSize - 1; T instance = (T) mPool[lastPooledIndex]; mPool[lastPooledIndex] = null;//置空,避免内存泄漏 mPoolSize--; return instance; } return null; } @Override public boolean release(@NonNull T instance) { if (isInPool(instance)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already in the pool!"); } if (mPoolSize < mPool.length) { mPool[mPoolSize] = instance; mPoolSize++; return true; } return false; } private boolean isInPool(@NonNull T instance) { for (int i = 0; i < mPoolSize; i++) { if (mPool[i] == instance) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * Synchronized) pool of objects. * * @param The pooled type. */ public static class SynchronizedPool extends SimplePool { private final Object mLock = new Object(); /** * Creates a new instance. * * @param maxPoolSize The max pool size. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the max pool size is less than zero. */ public SynchronizedPool(int maxPoolSize) { super(maxPoolSize); } @Override public T acquire() { synchronized (mLock) { return super.acquire(); } } @Override public boolean release(@NonNull T element) { synchronized (mLock) { return super.release(element); } } } }


     * Creates new instances of the given type.
     * 创建指定类型的新的实例
     * @param  The type of Object that will be created.
    public interface Factory {
        T create();


     * Resets state when objects are returned to the pool.
     * 当对象放回复用池时重置状态
     * @param  The type of Object that will be reset.
    public interface Resetter {
        void reset(@NonNull T object);


    public abstract class StateVerifier {

         * Throws an exception if we believe our object is recycled and inactive (i.e. is currently in an
         * object pool).
         * 如果我们确信我们的对象已经被回收并且不再处于活跃状态(例如当前在对象池)时抛出异常
        public abstract void throwIfRecycled();

         * Sets whether or not our object is recycled. 
         * 标记对象是否已经被回收
         * */
        abstract void setRecycled(boolean isRecycled);


     * Allows additional verification to catch errors caused by using objects while they are in an
     * object pool.
     * 允许额外的校验来捕获因使用在对象池的对象而产生的异常,
    public interface Poolable {
        StateVerifier getVerifier();


  private static final class FactoryPool implements Pool {
    private final Factory factory;
    private final Resetter resetter;
    private final Pool pool;

    FactoryPool(@NonNull Pool pool, @NonNull Factory factory, @NonNull Resetter resetter) {
      this.pool = pool;
      this.factory = factory;
      this.resetter = resetter;

    public T acquire() {
      T result = pool.acquire();//先从对象池中获取
      if (result == null) {
        result = factory.create();//没获取到则通过工厂方法来创建
        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
          Log.v(TAG, "Created new " + result.getClass());
      if (result instanceof Poolable) {
        ((Poolable) result).getVerifier().setRecycled(false /*isRecycled*/);//标记不在对象池中
      return result;

    public boolean release(@NonNull T instance) {
      if (instance instanceof Poolable) {
        ((Poolable) instance).getVerifier().setRecycled(true /*isRecycled*/);//标记在复用池中
      return pool.release(instance);//复用池复用


package com.bumptech.glide.util.pool;

import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.core.util.Pools.Pool;
import androidx.core.util.Pools.SimplePool;
import androidx.core.util.Pools.SynchronizedPool;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
 * Provides implementations of {@link Pool} never return {@code null}, log when new instances are
 * created, and that can use the {@link com.bumptech.glide.util.pool.FactoryPools.Poolable}
 * interface to ensure objects aren't used while inside the pool.
public final class FactoryPools {
  private static final String TAG = "FactoryPools";
  private static final int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 20;
  private static final Resetter EMPTY_RESETTER =
      new Resetter() {
        public void reset(@NonNull Object object) {
          // Do nothing.

  private FactoryPools() {}

   * Returns a non-thread safe {@link Pool} that never returns {@code null} from {@link
   * Pool#acquire()} and that contains objects of the type created by the given {@link Factory} with
   * the given maximum size.

If the pool is empty when {@link Pool#acquire()} is called, the given {@link Factory} will * be used to create a new instance. * 线程不安全 * @param The type of object the pool will contains. */ @NonNull public static Pool simple(int size, @NonNull Factory factory) { return build(new SimplePool(size), factory); } /** * Returns a new thread safe {@link Pool} that never returns {@code null} from {@link * Pool#acquire()} and that contains objects of the type created by the given {@link Factory} with * the given maximum size. * *

If the pool is empty when {@link Pool#acquire()} is called, the given {@link Factory} will * be used to create a new instance. *线程安全 * @param The type of object the pool will contains. */ @NonNull public static Pool threadSafe(int size, @NonNull Factory factory) { return build(new SynchronizedPool(size), factory); } /** * Returns a new {@link Pool} that never returns {@code null} and that contains {@link List Lists} * of a specific generic type with a standard maximum size of 20. * *

If the pool is empty when {@link Pool#acquire()} is called, a new {@link List} will be * created. * * @param The type of object that the {@link List Lists} will contain. */ @NonNull public static Pool> threadSafeList() { return threadSafeList(DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE); } /** * Returns a new thread safe {@link Pool} that never returns {@code null} and that contains {@link * List Lists} of a specific generic type with the given maximum size. * *

If the pool is empty when {@link Pool#acquire()} is called, a new {@link List} will be * created. * * @param The type of object that the {@link List Lists} will contain. */ // Public API. @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @NonNull public static Pool> threadSafeList(int size) { return build( new SynchronizedPool>(size), new Factory>() { @NonNull @Override public List create() { return new ArrayList<>(); } }, new Resetter>() { @Override public void reset(@NonNull List object) { object.clear(); } }); } @NonNull private static Pool build( @NonNull Pool pool, @NonNull Factory factory) { return build(pool, factory, FactoryPools.emptyResetter()); } @NonNull private static Pool build( @NonNull Pool pool, @NonNull Factory factory, @NonNull Resetter resetter) { return new FactoryPool<>(pool, factory, resetter); } }

