甘比英文拓展写作-House Interior-A15003


The picture demonstrates a study room which impresses us with its simple and quaint characters. The materials(material这里需要加S,物品不止一件)in the study room are placed orderly andeverything is spotless. We can conclude that the owner of the study room is aself-disciplined person who hasagood taste (have a good taste)in life and great passion uponreading.

There are two windows in the study room. One is therectangular exhaust window, and the other is the square-shaped view window. Twoelectrical lights stand beside the exhaust window. A kitchen sink is under thelights. The most attractive one is the ghost white coffee machine. A siennadesk, next to the peru wood wall, has two coasters. While the color of twochairs is lighter than the desk. The bookshelf occupies one-third of the pictures. Ithas the function of ladders ,too. Lots of books and several wine glasses sharethe space. The owner can invite his or her friend to drink water and talk aboutsomething interesting in the study room.

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