2018-05-01 和《经济学人》学点词汇

《经济学人》杂志有一个特别有参与感的栏目,叫Debate. 每隔一段时间,结合热点,编辑部邀请一些名人就某一话题展开正反两面的辩论。同时,读者也可以参与评论。很多读者的文字水平很高,从中我们可以学到很多有用的表达方式,用于丰富我们自己的表达和思维。

本期的辩论主题是:Should the tech giants be more heavily regulated? 背后是哪个热点新闻背景,大家想必一看就知道。


I think there are good arguments on either side. However, we have to find the right equilibrium between both extremes that will provide the benefits of convenience yet providing some kind of safeguards for individuals. How that pans out remains to be seen, but I believe some sort of regulatory oversight would not be bad if it was not too heavy handed.


The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium.

2.pan out成功;奏效;证明

1848年开始的加州淘金热The California Gold Rush中,很多人都涌向美国西部。他们用盆子(pan)从河中淘水,然后慢慢把水倒出去,如果运气好,就能够淘出来些(out)金砂,如果运气不好,那再来。

We hope things will pan out as we expect.

3.heavy hand高压手段,严酷的手腕
Control remains heavy handed on topics deemed “sensitive.”

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