
  • Three Common Mistakes of the First Time Tech Lead

    628 Share 0 Tweet 0 Share 0 Pin 851 Share 0 Mail 0 Share Don't miss the author's earlier post on the 5 Tips for Being an Effective Tech Lead. The first time a…

  • 秒杀系统架构分析与实战 - 陶邦仁的个人空间 - 开源中国社区

    0 系列目录 秒杀系统架构 秒杀系统架构分析与实战 1 秒杀业务分析 正常电子商务流程 (1)查询商品;(2)创建订单;(3)扣减库存;(4)更新订单;(5)付款;(6)卖家发货 秒杀业务的特性 (1)低廉价格;(2)大幅推广;(3)瞬时售空;(4)一般是定时上架;(5)时间短、瞬时并发量高; 2 秒杀技术挑战…

  • BASE: An Acid Alternative - ACM Queue

    The Jan/Feb issue of acmqueue is out! acmqueue is free for ACM professional members Download the app from iTunes or Google Play,or view within your browser.…

  • 如何用消息系统避免分布式事务? - 博客 - 伯乐在线

    iOS-健康App系列之迈出你的第一步iOS-健康App系列之脂肪你去哪儿Android-Widget桌面小组件Hibernate缓存策略 本文作者: 伯乐在线 - 占利军…

  • PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Transaction Isolation

    The SQL standard defines four levels of transaction isolation. The most strict is Serializable, which is defined by the standard in a paragraph which says that…

  • Career Advice No One Tells You

    By: Raghav HaranMost people have “okay” jobs.We go to work, do what we have to do from 9 to 5, come back home, maybe hang out with friends, and do it all over…

  • How does Spring @Transactional Really Work?

    In this post we will do a deep dive into Spring transaction management. We will go over on how does @Transactional really works under the hood. Other upcoming…

  • Automatic Deadlock retry Aspect with Spring and JPA/Hibernate - DZone Integration

    I’m currently working on a project that is converted from being a Mainframe application, to a Java web/batch application. We don’t ‘big bang’ into production,…

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