笃学奖-Topic 1-A16480 Original-Uband精读


enlist  [ɪn'lɪst]

vt. to secure (a person, services, etc.) for some cause, enterprise, etc.

e.g. They enlisted us to serve as ushers at the meeting.

partner  ['pɑː(r)tnə(r)]

v.to associate as a partner or partners with.

e.g. As strategic partner with CFO to build up the company as an efficient and effective e-business unit.

feasible  ['fiːzəb(ə)l

adj.capable of being done, effected, or accomplished

e.g.The Endore was assigned the task of landing on it, if feasible.

Related forms

feasibility, feasibleness noun      feasibly  adverb

restive ['restɪv]

adj. impatient of control, restraint, or delay, as persons; restless; uneasy.

e.g. Robert was restive under her uncanny questionings, but answered that he wasn't quite sure about the future.

decline [dɪ'klaɪn]

v.to express courteous refusal; refuse

e.g. We sent him an invitation but he declined.

attest    [əˈtɛst]

v.to give proof or evidence of; manifest

e.g. His works attest his industry.

Related forms

attestable, attestive  adjective              attestant  noun

panel  ['pæn(ə)l]

n. a group of persons gathered to conduct a public discussion, judge a contest, serve as advisers, be players on a radio or television game, or the like

e.g. The president meets with his advisory panel on financial markets on Monday.

cut to the chase

Idioms to start dealing with the most important aspect of something rather than things that are less relevant;to get to the main point.

e.g.I suggested that we cut to the chase and talk on the phone to set up a date.

give chase

v. to pursue

e.g. The hunt began and the dogs gave chase.

go on at length

go on: continue     e.g. Go on walking.

at length : in or to the full extent; completely.

e.g. At length there was a step forward in the negotiations.

butter up

v. to flatter someone in order to gain a favor

e.g. He suspected that they were buttering him up when everyone suddenly started being nice to him.

on the basis of

e.g. We are able to understand Benjamin's aesthetics only on the basis of his theory of truth.

rattle on

to talk rapidly; chatter

e.g. when he was able to do so he began to rattle on about his own affairs.

fail to do

v. to be unsuccessful in the performance or completion of

e.g. He failed to do his duty.


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Day 3-4


笃学奖-Topic 1-A16480 Original-Uband精读_第1张图片


1.On various occasions she has persuaded me to do things for her, just as she has enlisted thousands of others.



Enlist: to persuade someone to help you to do sth:谋求(某人的帮助)

Enlist sb’s help/service

2.Why would I give up a Saturday on the basis of watching a clip of a similar conference a year earlier?




I wish you would be quiet for a minute.我希望你会安静一会儿。

3.There is no danger of ever laying it on too thick. There is no level at which flattery stops working, according to a study by Jennifer Chatman of the University of California, Berkeley.


用力夸奖永远错不了。加州伯克利大学Jennifer Chatman的一项研究显示,任何类型的美言都能起到效果。

4.In addition to being flattering, the perfect please has to make you feel not only wanted, but also needed. I read the email and said yes at once. I knew how manipulative it was, but I could not help myself.



want只是想要,但不是必须,不是没有他就不能活了: I want to go to the moon.

need是必需,通常说是必需品,生活中少不了他: I need to eat.

5.And rather than ask if I had enjoyed it, it would have been better to attest how much they had enjoyed having me.



6.If only you wouldjoin our panel on xxx. We have a lot of clever but worthy people talking, and we need your genius to liven it up. Please say yes.



If only you would这样的表达方式相当值得一学,基本上属于客气的最高级别:如果您能…就太好了。

很多时候会看到if打头的句子,如If you could please follow me. /If you could please open the box for me.用于比较正式的场合,是一种礼貌用语。比Please follow me要客气舒缓的许多。

7.Thank you for bringing the evening to life and for your scorching wit and sense. You are our own Tina Fey.


您的才思敏捷让整晚活动熠熠生辉,衷心感谢!您就是我们的Tina Fey.

4.singularly ungratifying 非常不快          完全不能让人满意   

5.get sb to do sth/make sb do sth 使,让(某人或物做某事);说服(某人做某事)

to make, persuade, etc. sb/sth to do sth            使某人做某事

6.run into sb  : to meet accidentally        偶遇某人

e.g. You never know whom you'll run into at a big party.

7.incline to do sth 有意于,倾向于            倾向于做某事

e.g. He inclines to take the opposite point of view.

8.too vague to be convincing  太模糊没有信服力    too...to 太模糊所以不够让人信服     

9.be done with doing sth      不在做某事,受够..... .     完成...事

Day 5

Dear Ms.Wang

I'm your student in class 2, Anne. THis Saturday the debating club will be hold a debate. We hope you can attend as a judge. We all know you have broad experience and deep understanding of debate. Hence, we need your professional knowledge. Certainly, you could meet the heated debate and make quite a deep and impression on the collision of b rilliant minds.

We except you could join us.



Day 6


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