On Writing Well - CH3&4

一. 感想

如何避免写作时的杂乱无章而做到言简意赅呢?Zinsser举了不少“不说人话”的例子,比如当我们要表达"It is raining."时,就完全没有必要说成"At the present time we are experiencing precipitation." 这么个写法,不但自己累,读者也会一头雾水,甚至在心里“诅咒”你。



所以,我格外喜欢Zinsser的这个观点:Beware, then, of the long word that's no better than the short word. 有的人看不上小词,其实小词用的恰到好处绝对是需要很深的功底的。

If you give me an eight-page article and I tell you to cut it to four pages, you'll howl and say it can't be done. Then you'll go home and do it, and it will be much better. After that comes the hard part: cutting it to three.



Zinsser还提到 "You are so busy thinking of your awesome responsibility to the finished article that you can't even start...if you weren't trying so hard to make an impression, you plunge in." 这让我秒想到自己的毛病——常常过分地追求完美。如果做不出“完美”的,干脆就不要做了。可实际上,不做,便永远也不可能做得“完美”。不要给自己太大压力,适当地降低期望值,专注于事情本身而不是别人的评价。承认自己的不足,放下该死的面子。坚持每天做一点小事儿,并及时地总结。只要比前一天好一点儿,就是进步嘛。

p.s. 今天给自己点个赞!重感冒也几乎没有给工作和学习打折扣。很庆幸自己没有偷懒,还收获了惊喜。其实一旦专注于所做的事情,就没有那么难受了,蛮好蛮好~

二. 字词

1. eliminate

(1) 原文:It’s typical of hundreds of words that can be eliminated.

(2) 字典解释:to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted = prune

(3) 造句:You should eliminate these superfluous words in your article.

2. euphemism

(1) 原文:Clutter is the ponderous euphemism that turns a slum into a depressed socioeconomic area, garbage collectors into waste-disposal personnel and the town dump into the volume reduction unit.

(2) 解释:委婉说法

(3) 造句:"Early retirement" is a euphemism for "redundancy".

3. cross out

(1) 原文:My reason for bracketing the students’ superfluous words, instead of crossing them out, was to avoid violating their sacred prose.

(2) 解释:划掉、删掉

(3) 造句:If you cross out words in an article, you wanna change them.

4. cop-out

(1) 原文:"I" can be a self-indulgence and a cop-out.

(2) 字典解释:something you do or say in order to avoid doing or accepting something

(3) 造句:Lying is just a cop-out.

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