- set pages 20000 trims on;
- set linesize 500;
- col "Global Name" format a20;
- col "DB Version" format a20;
- col "Host Name" format a10;
- column today noprint new_value xdate
- select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') today from dual;
- column name noprint new_value dbname
- select name from v$database;
- spool info_&dbname._&xdate..sql
- select "DB Name", e.global_name "Global Name", b.banner "DB Version", c.host_name "Host Name", c.instance_name "Instance Name" ,c.startup_time "Instance Start Time", DECODE(c.logins,'RESTRICTED','YES','NO') "Restricted Mode",a.log_mode "Archive Log Mode" FROM v$database a, v$version b, v$instance c,global_name e WHERE b.banner LIKE '%Oracle%';
- col "Parameter Name" format a40;
- col "Value" format a40;
- SELECT parameter "Options" FROM v$option WHERE value='TRUE';
- show sga;
- SELECT name "Name", value/1024 "Size (K)" FROM v$sga ORDER BY name;
- select substr(name,0,512) "Parameter Name", substr(value,0,512) "Value", isdefault "Default", issys_modifiable "Dynamic" from v$parameter order by name;
- select b.value "Max No. of Processes" from (select count(*) count from v$session) a, (select value from v$parameter where name='processes') b;
- select SESSIONS_HIGHWATER from v$license;
- col RESOURCE_NAME format a25
- col INIT_ALLOCATION format a10
- col LIMIT_VALUE format a10
- LIMIT_VALUE from v$resource_limit;
- SELECT owner "Schema", object_type "Object Type", COUNT(*) "# Objects" FROM dba_objects WHERE owner <> 'SYS' AND owner <> 'SYSTEM' GROUP BY owner, object_type ORDER BY owner, object_type;
- col "Table" format a30
- col "Tablespace" format a10
- col "Table Owner" for a12
- select a.owner "Table Owner", a.segment_name "Table", b.tablespace_name "Tablespace", sum(a.bytes) "Total Space Used (Bytes)",sum(a.extents) "Total Extents" from dba_segments a, dba_tables b where a.owner <> 'SYS' and a.owner <> 'SYSTEM' and a.segment_type = 'TABLE' and a.segment_name = b.table_name and a.owner = b.owner group by a.owner, a.segment_name, b.tablespace_name;
- col "Schema" format a20
- col "Name" format a40
- select owner "Schema", object_name "Name", object_id "Id #",object_type "Type", status "Status" from dba_objects where status != 'VALID';
- SELECT DISTINCT d.username "Username", d.account_status "Account Status", d.expiry_date "Expire Date", d.default_tablespace "Default Tablespace", d.temporary_tablespace "Temporary Tablespace", d.profile "Profile", d.created "Created", decode(p.sysdba,'TRUE', 'TRUE','') "SYSDBA",decode(p.sysoper,'TRUE','TRUE','') "SYSOPER" FROM dba_users d, v$pwfile_users p WHERE p.username (+) = d.username ORDER BY initcap(d.username);
- select grantee "Username", granted_role "Role", admin_option "Admin Option", default_role "Default" from sys.dba_role_privs order by grantee;
- col "Name" format a60
- SELECT name "Name", status "Status" from v$controlfile;
- SELECT d.status "Status", d.tablespace_name "Name", d.contents "Type", TO_CHAR(NVL(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0),'99G999G990D900') "Size (M)", TO_CHAR(NVL(a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0),0)/1024/1024, '99G999G990D900') "Used (M)", TO_CHAR(NVL((a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0)) / a.bytes * 100, 0), '990D00') "Used %" FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+);
- col "Name" format a40
- col "Tablespace" format a20
- SELECT v.status "Status", d.file_name "Name", d.tablespace_name "Tablespace", TO_CHAR((d.bytes / 1024 / 1024), '99999990D000') "Size (M)", TO_CHAR(NVL(d.bytes - s.bytes, d.bytes)/1024/1024 , '99999990D000')|| '/' || d.autoextensible "Used (M)", TO_CHAR((NVL(d.bytes - s.bytes, d.bytes) / d.bytes * 100), '990D00') "Used %" FROM sys.dba_data_files d, v$datafile v, (SELECT file_id, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM sys.dba_free_space GROUP BY file_id) s WHERE (s.file_id (+)= d.file_id) AND (d.file_name =;
- col file_name format a40
- col status format a8
- select "group", b.member "file_name", a.bytes/1024/1024 "size(M)", a.status "status", b.status "status"
- from v$log a, v$logfile b where = order by 1,2;
- col usn format 9999
- col SHRINKS format 9999999
- col "Segment" format a30
- select segment_name "Segment",segment_type "Segment Type",tablespace_name "Tablespace",extents "# of Extents",max_extents "Max Extents" from dba_segments where max_extents - 10 < extents and max_extents != 0 order by tablespace_name;
- col "Tablespace" format a30
- select t.tablespace_name "Tablespace",owner "Schema", table_name "Table",next_extent "Next Extent" from dba_tables t where t.next_extent > (select max(bytes) from dba_free_space f where t.tablespace_name=f.tablespace_name);
- select t.tablespace_name "Tablespace",owner "Schema",
- segment_name "Segment",segment_type "Segment Type",
- next_extent "Next Extent" from dba_segments t
- where t.next_extent > (select max(bytes) from dba_free_space f
- where t.tablespace_name=f.tablespace_name);
- col "Datafile" format a50;
- select df.TABLESPACE_NAME "Tablespace",df.file_name "Datafile",
- to_char(NVL(i.phyrds ,0),'9G999G999G990') "Physical reads",
- to_char(NVL(i.phywrts,0),'9G999G999G990') "Physical writes",
- to_char(NVL(i.phyblkrd,0),'9G999G999G990') "Physical Blks Read",
- to_char(NVL(i.phyblkwrt,0), '9G999G999G990') "Physical Blks Wrtn",
- to_char(NVL(readtim,0),'9G999G999G999G990') "Read Time",
- to_char(NVL(writetim,0),'9G999G999G999G990') "Write Time",
- to_char(NVL(i.phyblkrd/i.phyrds,0),'9G999G999G990D999') "Blocks per Read",
- to_char(NVL(i.phyblkwrt/nvl(decode(i.phywrts,0,1),1),0),'9G999G999G990D999') "Blocks per Write" from sys.v_$filestat i , sys.dba_data_files df where i.phyrds > 0
- and df.file_id = i.file# order by df.tablespace_name;
- spool off
- PROMPT ****************************************************************************
- PROMPT **************** ***********************
- PROMPT **************** Database HealthCheck Report ***********************
- PROMPT **************** ***********************
- PROMPT ****************************************************************************
- Script
- break on today
- column today noprint new_value xdate
- select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') today from dual;
- column name noprint new_value dbname
- select name from v$database;
- set heading on
- set pages 40000 lines 300 trims on
- set feedback off
- spool db_check_&dbname._&xdate..sql
- select substr(to_char(sysdate,'fmMonth DD, YYYY HH:MI:SS P.M.'),1,35) today from dual;
- prompt
- prompt **********************************************************
- prompt ***** Database Information *****
- prompt **********************************************************
- ttitle left "DATABASE: "dbname" (AS OF: "xdate")"
- select name, created, log_mode from v$database;
- prompt
- prompt **********************************************************
- prompt ***** Database Insatll Option *****
- prompt **********************************************************
- col parameter format a40
- col value format a10
- select * from v$option where value = 'TRUE';
- clear columns
- prompt
- prompt **********************************************************
- prompt ***** Database Version *****
- prompt **********************************************************
- set heading off
- select * from v$version;
- set heading on
- prompt
- prompt **********************************************************
- prompt ***** Database Use Session Status *****
- prompt **********************************************************
- prompt
- prompt **********************************************************
- ttitle off
- clear breaks
- clear computes
- set feedback off
- set heading on
- set termout on
- column "Physical Reads" format 99,999,999,999
- column "Consistent Gets" format 99,999,999,999
- column "DB Block Gets" format 99,999,999,999
- column "Percent (Above 90% ?)" format 999.99
- TTitle left skip 1 - left "***** Database: "dbname", DB Block Buffers Hit Ratio *****" skip 2
- select phys.value "Physical Reads", con.value "Consistent Gets", cur.value "DB Block Gets",
- 100*(cur.value + con.value - phys.value)/(cur.value + con.value) "Percent (Above 90% ?)"
- from v$sysstat cur,v$sysstat con,v$sysstat phys,v$statname ncu,v$statname nco,v$statname nph
- where cur.statistic# = ncu.statistic#
- and = 'db block gets'
- and con.statistic# = nco.statistic#
- and = 'consistent gets'
- and phys.statistic# = nph.statistic#
- and = 'physical reads';
- set heading off
- set termout off
- ttitle off
- clear breaks
- clear computes
- set heading on
- set termout on
- ttitle left skip 1 - left "********** Show Sga Size **********" skip 1
- SELECT name "Name", value/1024 "Size (K)" FROM v$sga ORDER BY name;
- column "Executions" format 999,999,990
- column "Cache Misses Executing" format 999,999,990
- column "Data Dictionary Gets" format 999,999,999
- column "Get Misses" format 999,999,999
- ttitle left skip 1 - left "********** Shared Pool Size (Execution Misses) **********" skip 1
- select sum(pins) "Executions",
- sum(reloads) "Cache Misses Executing",
- (sum(reloads)/sum(pins)*100) "% Ratio (STAY UNDER 1%)"
- from v$librarycache;
- ttitle left "********** Shared Pool Size (Dictionary Gets) **********" skip 1
- select sum(gets) "Data Dictionary Gets",
- sum(getmisses) "Get Misses",
- 100*(sum(getmisses)/sum(gets)) "% Ratio (STAY UNDER 10%)"
- from v$rowcache;
- ttitle off
- ttitle left "********** Log Buffers **********" skip 1
- select substr(name,1,25) Name,
- substr(value,1,15) "VALUE (Near 0?)"
- from v$sysstat
- where name in ('redo log space requests','redo log space wait time');
- ttitle off
- ttitle left "********** Latch Information **********" skip 1
- select substr(,1,25) Name,
- l.gets, l.misses,
- 100*(l.misses/l.gets) "% Ratio (STAY UNDER 1%)"
- from v$latch l, v$latchname ln
- where in ('cache buffers lru chain')
- and ln.latch# = l.latch#;
- ttitle off
- ttitle left "********** Sort Information **********" skip 1
- select a.value "Sort(Disk)", b.value "Sort(Memory)",
- round(100*(a.value/decode((a.value+b.value), 0,1,(a.value+b.value))),2) "% Ratio (STAY UNDER 5%)"
- from v$sysstat a, v$sysstat b
- where = 'sorts (disk)'
- and = 'sorts (memory)';
- ttitle off
- column name noprint new_value xdbname
- select name from v$database;
- prompt
- prompt *******************************
- prompt Show Tablespaces and Datafiles
- prompt *******************************
- clear breaks
- clear computes
- clear columns
- ttitle left "********** Show Tablespaces and Datafiles **********" skip 1
- set heading on
- column tablespace_name heading 'Tablespace' justify left format a10 truncated
- column file_id heading 'File|ID' justify center format 999
- column file_name heading 'Datafile' justify center format a55 word_wrapped
- column size Heading 'Size|in MG.' justify center format 99,999,990.99
- break on tablespace_name skip 1 on report skip 2
- compute sum label 'TS SIZE:' of size on tablespace_name
- compute sum label 'DB SIZE:' of size on report
- select tablespace_name,
- file_id,
- file_name,
- bytes/1024/1024 "size"
- from dba_data_files
- order by tablespace_name, file_id, file_name;
- clear breaks
- clear computes
- column "Total Bytes" format 99,999,999,999,999
- column "Bytes Free" format 99,999,999,999
- column "Bytes Used" format 99,999,999,999
- column "% Free" format 9999.999
- column "% Used" format 9999.999
- break on report
- compute sum of "Total Bytes" on report
- compute sum of "SQL Blocks" on report
- compute sum of "VMS Blocks" on report
- compute sum of "Bytes Free" on report
- compute sum of "Bytes Used" on report
- compute avg of "% Free" on report
- compute avg of "% Used" on report
- TTitle left "******* Database: "dbname", Current Tablespace Usage *******" skip 1
- col df.file_name for a52
- select fs.tablespace_name,
- df.file_name ,
- df.bytes "Total Bytes",
- df.blocks "DB Blocks",
- sum(fs.bytes) "Bytes Free",
- (100*((sum(fs.bytes))/df.bytes)) "% Free",
- df.bytes-sum(fs.bytes) "Bytes Used",
- (100*((df.bytes-sum(fs.bytes))/df.bytes)) "% Used"
- from sys.dba_data_files df, sys.dba_free_space fs
- where df.file_id(+) = fs.file_id
- group by fs.tablespace_name, df.file_name, df.bytes, df.blocks
- order by fs.tablespace_name, df.file_name;
- clear columns
- ttitle off
- column "File Total" format 9,999,999,990
- ttitle " ***** Database: "dbname", DataFile's Disk Activity *****"
- select substr(df.file#,1,2) "ID",
- rpad(substr(name,1,52),52,'.') "File Name",
- rpad(substr(phyrds,1,10),10,'.') "Phy Reads",
- rpad(substr(phywrts,1,10),10,'.') "Phy Writes",
- rpad(substr(phyblkrd,1,10),10,'.') "Blk Reads",
- rpad(substr(phyblkwrt,1,10),10,'.') "Blk Writes",
- rpad(substr(readtim,1,9),9,'.') "Read Time",
- rpad(substr(writetim,1,10),10,'.') "Write Time",
- (sum(phyrds+phywrts+phyblkrd+phyblkwrt+readtim)) "File Total"
- from v$filestat fs, v$datafile df
- where fs.file# = df.file#
- group by df.file#,, phyrds, phywrts, phyblkrd,
- phyblkwrt, readtim, writetim
- order by sum(phyrds+phywrts+phyblkrd+phyblkwrt+readtim) desc,;
- ttitle off
- prompt
- prompt ****************************************************
- prompt Tablespace Fragmentation
- prompt ****************************************************
- ttitle left "********** Tablespace Fragmentation **********" skip 1
- clear breaks
- clear computes
- clear columns
- set heading on
- column tablespace_name heading Tablespace format a19
- column object_count heading 'Objects|(#)' format 999990
- column mb heading Mb format 99,990
- column sum(frags) heading 'Frags|(#)' format 99999
- column avail heading 'Max|(Mb)' format 99,999.99
- column free heading 'Free|(%)' format 999.9
- column bytesize heading 'Size|(Mb)' format 99,999,999
- column byteused heading 'Used|(Mb)' format 99,999,990
- column bytefree heading 'Free|(Mb)' format 99,999,990
- column init_ext heading 'Initial|(K)' format 999999
- column next_ext heading 'Next|(K)' format 999999
- column max_ext heading 'Max_Extent|(Number)' format 9999999999
- column contents heading 'Contents|' Format A9
- break on report
- compute sum of object_count bytesize byteused bytefree on report
- select tablespace_name,
- sum(obj_cnt) object_count,
- sum(ini_ext) init_ext,
- sum(nex_ext) next_ext,
- sum(max_ext) max_ext,
- min(contents) contents,
- sum(byte)/1048576 bytesize,
- (sum(byte)/1048576)- (sum(fbyte)/1048576) byteused,
- sum(fbyte)/1048576 bytefree,
- sum(frags),
- sum(largest)/1048576 avail,
- (sum(fbyte)/decode(sum(byte),0,1,sum(byte)))*100 free
- from
- (select tablespace_name,
- 0 obj_cnt,
- 0 ini_ext,
- 0 nex_ext,
- 0 max_ext,
- null contents,
- 0 byte,
- sum(bytes) fbyte,
- count(*) frags,
- max(bytes) largest
- from dba_free_space
- group by tablespace_name
- union
- select tablespace_name,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, Null, sum(bytes), 0, 0, 0
- from dba_data_files
- group by tablespace_name
- union
- select tablespace_name, 0,
- initial_extent/1024 ini_ext,
- decode(next_extent/1024,null,0,next_extent/1024) nex_ext,
- decode(max_extents,null,0,max_extents) max_ext,
- contents,
- 0,0,0,0
- from dba_tablespaces
- union
- select tablespace_name,
- count(*) obj_cnt,
- 0, 0 , 0, null,0, 0, 0, 0
- from dba_segments
- group by tablespace_name)
- group by tablespace_name;
- clear columns
- clear computes
- set heading on
- set termout on
- ttitle left " ***** Database: "dbname", Segment DEFRAGMENTATION NEED, AS OF: " xdate " *****"
- select substr(de.owner,1,8) "Owner",
- substr(de.segment_type,1,8) "Seg Type",
- substr(de.segment_name,1,35) "Table Name (Segment)",
- substr(de.tablespace_name,1,20) "Tablespace Name",
- extents "Frag NEED"
- from sys.dba_segments de
- where de.owner <> 'SYS'
- and de.segment_type in ('TABLE','INDEX')
- and extents > 20
- order by extents desc;
- ttitle off
- TTitle left "*** Database: "dbname", Rollback Information ( As of: " xdate " ) ***" skip 2
- select substr(sys.dba_rollback_segs.SEGMENT_ID,1,5) "ID#",
- substr(sys.dba_segments.OWNER,1,8) "Owner",
- substr(sys.dba_segments.TABLESPACE_NAME,1,17) "Tablespace Name",
- substr(sys.dba_segments.SEGMENT_NAME,1,12) "Rollback Name",
- substr(sys.dba_rollback_segs.INITIAL_EXTENT,1,10) "INI_Extent",
- substr(sys.dba_rollback_segs.NEXT_EXTENT,1,10) "Next Exts",
- substr(sys.dba_segments.MIN_EXTENTS,1,5) "MinEx",
- substr(sys.dba_segments.MAX_EXTENTS,1,5) "MaxEx",
- substr(sys.dba_segments.PCT_INCREASE,1,5) "%Incr",
- substr(sys.dba_segments.BYTES,1,15) "Size (Bytes)",
- substr(sys.dba_segments.EXTENTS,1,6) "Extent#",
- substr(sys.dba_rollback_segs.STATUS,1,10) "Status"
- from sys.dba_segments, sys.dba_rollback_segs
- where sys.dba_segments.segment_name = sys.dba_rollback_segs.segment_name and
- sys.dba_segments.segment_type = 'ROLLBACK'
- order by sys.dba_rollback_segs.segment_id;
- ttitle off
- TTitle left " " skip 2 - left "*** Database: "dbname", Rollback Status ( As of: " xdate " ) ***" skip 2
- select substr(V$rollname.NAME,1,20) "Rollback_Name",
- substr(V$rollstat.EXTENTS,1,6) "EXTENT",
- v$rollstat.RSSIZE, v$rollstat.WRITES,
- substr(v$rollstat.XACTS,1,6) "XACTS",
- v$rollstat.GETS,
- substr(v$rollstat.WAITS,1,6) "WAITS",
- v$rollstat.HWMSIZE, v$rollstat.SHRINKS,
- substr(v$rollstat.WRAPS,1,6) "WRAPS",
- substr(v$rollstat.EXTENDS,1,6) "EXTEND",
- v$rollstat.AVESHRINK,
- v$rollstat.AVEACTIVE
- from v$rollname, v$rollstat
- where v$rollname.USN = v$rollstat.USN
- order by v$rollname.USN;
- ttitle off
- TTitle left " " skip 2 - left "*** Database: "dbname", Rollback Segment Mapping ( As of: " xdate " ) ***" skip 2
- select Rollback_Name,
- Oracle_PID,
- p.spid OS_PID,
- nvl(p.username,'NO TRANSACTION') Transaction,
- p.terminal Terminal
- from v$lock l, v$process p, v$rollname r
- where l.addr = p.addr(+)
- and trunc(l.id1(+)/65536)=r.usn
- and l.type(+) = 'TX'
- and l.lmode(+) = 6
- order by;
- ttitle off
- prompt
- prompt **************************
- prompt Control file Status
- prompt **************************
- col name format a50
- select * from v$controlfile;
- prompt
- prompt *****************************
- prompt Online Redo Logfiles Status
- prompt *****************************
- clear breaks
- clear computes
- clear columns
- column member heading 'Logfile' justify center format a50 word_wrapped
- column group heading 'Group|Number' justify center format 99
- column size heading 'Size|in MG.' justify center format 990.99
- select f.member "member",
- "group",
- l.bytes/1024/1024 "size",
- l.status
- from v$logfile f, v$log l
- where
- order by,f.member;
- prompt
- prompt ********************************
- prompt The Parameter has been modified:
- prompt ********************************
- clear breaks
- clear computes
- clear columns
- column name heading 'Name' format a35 word_wrapped
- column pvalue heading 'Value' format a80 word_wrapped
- select name, rtrim(value) "pvalue"
- from v$parameter
- where isdefault = 'FALSE'
- order by name;
- prompt
- prompt ******************************************
- prompt User usage
- prompt ******************************************
- prompt
- prompt *****************************************
- Prompt Show the unsuitable Temporary Tablespace
- prompt *****************************************
- select a.username , a.temporary_tablespace "Temporary Tablespace" , b.contents
- from dba_users a , dba_tablespaces b
- where a.temporary_tablespace=b.tablespace_name
- and b.contents <> 'TEMPORARY';
- col grantee format a20
- col granted_role format a30
- col admin_option format a10
- col privilege format a30
- prompt
- prompt **************************************
- Prompt Show the unsuitable Role and Privilege
- prompt **************************************
- select grantee, granted_role, admin_option
- from sys.dba_role_privs
- where granted_role in ('DBA', 'AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE',
- and grantee not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'OUTLN', 'AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE',
- select grantee, privilege, admin_option
- from sys.dba_sys_privs
- where (privilege like '% ANY %'
- or admin_option = 'YES')
- and grantee not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'OUTLN', 'AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE',
- prompt
- prompt **************************************************
- prompt Object usage
- prompt **************************************************
- prompt
- prompt ***********************************************************************
- prompt List objects in the SYSTEM tablespace that doesn't belong SYS or SYSTEM
- prompt ***********************************************************************
- col SEGMENT_NAME format a30
- col SEGMENT_TYPE format a15
- col OWNER format a20
- select substr(owner,1,20) OWNER, substr(segment_type,1,15) SEGMENT_TYPE,
- substr(segment_name,1,30) SEGMENT_NAME
- from sys.dba_segments
- where owner not in ('PUBLIC', 'SYS', 'SYSTEM')
- and tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM';
- prompt
- prompt ***********************************************************************
- prompt List Invalid objects
- prompt ***********************************************************************
- prompt
- select substr(obj.owner,1,8) "Owner",
- obj.object_type "Object Type",
- substr(obj.object_name,1,35) "Object Name",
- obj.status "Status"
- from sys.dba_objects obj
- where obj.status <> 'VALID'
- order by owner, object_type, object_name desc;
- set heading on
- set termout on
- spool off
- set feedback on
- -- all indexes
- select i.owner,i.table_name,i.index_name,i.index_type,c.column_name,i.last_analyzed
- from dba_indexes i,dba_ind_columns c
- where i.index_name=c.index_name
- and i.table_name=c.table_name
- and i.owner=c.index_owner
- and i.owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','WMSYS','SCOTT','OUTLN')
- /
- -- all partitions
- select table_owner,table_name,partition_name,subpartition_count,
- partition_position,tablespace_name
- from dba_tab_partitions
- /