


> library(dplyr)
> library(tidyr)
> Z <- data.frame(x = runif(1000, min = 0, max = 20)) %>%
+     mutate(y = rnorm(n(), mean = sin(x))) %>%
+     group_by(x.category = round(x)) 
> Z
# A tibble: 1,000 x 3
# Groups:   x.category [21]
        x       y x.category
 1  0.670  0.121           1
 2 16.5    0.0702         16
 3 15.0   -1.47           15
 4  3.16  -0.595           3
 5 12.7   -0.915          13
 6  5.25  -0.540           5
 7  3.82  -0.671           4
 8 10.6   -2.33           11
 9 18.3    1.15           18
10  1.53   0.205           2
# … with 990 more rows



> probs <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
> Z %>%
+     summarize(x = mean(x),
+               quantile = list(quantile(y, probs)),
+               prob = list(probs)) %>%
+     unnest(cols = c("quantile", "prob")) 
# A tibble: 63 x 4
   x.category     x quantile  prob
 1          0 0.162    0.120  0.25
 2          0 0.162    0.576  0.5 
 3          0 0.162    0.954  0.75
 4          1 1.00     0.119  0.25
 5          1 1.00     0.818  0.5 
 6          1 1.00     1.51   0.75
 7          2 2.02     0.119  0.25
 8          2 2.02     0.556  0.5 
 9          2 2.02     1.38   0.75
10          3 2.89    -0.418  0.25
# … with 53 more rows

去掉 unnest() 部分我们就可以看到精妙之处。

> Z %>%
+     summarize(x = mean(x),
+               quantile = list(quantile(y, probs)),
+               prob = list(probs))
# A tibble: 21 x 4
   x.category     x quantile  prob     
 1          0 0.162  
 2          1 1.00   
 3          2 2.02   
 4          3 2.89   
 5          4 3.95   
 6          5 5.00   
 7          6 5.99   
 8          7 7.04   
 9          8 7.98   
10          9 8.96   
# … with 11 more rows


> Z %>%
+   summarize(x = mean(x),
+             quantile = list(quantile(y, probs)),
+             prob = list(probs)) %>%
+   unnest(cols = c("quantile", "prob")) %>% 
+   pivot_wider(names_from = "prob", values_from = "quantile")
# A tibble: 21 x 5
   x.category     x `0.25`   `0.5`  `0.75`
 1          0 0.162  0.120  0.576   0.954 
 2          1 1.00   0.119  0.818   1.51  
 3          2 2.02   0.119  0.556   1.38  
 4          3 2.89  -0.418  0.0492  1.01  
 5          4 3.95  -1.48  -1.16   -0.363 
 6          5 5.00  -1.26  -0.591  -0.0489
 7          6 5.99  -1.19  -0.644   0.128 
 8          7 7.04  -0.111  0.494   1.19  
 9          8 7.98   0.302  1.10    1.70  
10          9 8.96  -0.161  0.730   1.32  
# … with 11 more rows



> q = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
> Z %>%
+     summarise(x = mean(x),
+               qtls = paste(quantile(y, q), collapse = ","))
# A tibble: 21 x 3
   x.category     x qtls                                                    
 1          0 0.162 0.120072116112535,0.575978614296194,0.95448088936774    
 2          1 1.00  0.119032678946747,0.817605136591999,1.51100977230941    
 3          2 2.02  0.118974463754045,0.55558427752219,1.37673188157502     
 4          3 2.89  -0.417873321719452,0.0491691391974207,1.01255080037855  
 5          4 3.95  -1.4814206722814,-1.16393051974191,-0.363080292142612   
 6          5 5.00  -1.26150842194084,-0.590699875806735,-0.0489240190965984
 7          6 5.99  -1.19467973679591,-0.644474146111019,0.127766424109508  
 8          7 7.04  -0.111463505167144,0.494006133975402,1.18883677903866   
 9          8 7.98  0.301653284838848,1.0991386822569,1.70216573511269      
10          9 8.96  -0.16083962000444,0.729929510376446,1.32344915438963    
# … with 11 more rows

然后进一步使用 seperate() 函数解包:

> Z %>%
+     summarise(x = mean(x),
+               qtls = paste(quantile(y, q), collapse = ",")) %>%   # get quantile values as a string
+     separate(qtls, paste0("y_", 100*q), sep = ",", convert = T)   # separate quantile values and give corresponding names to columns
# A tibble: 21 x 5
   x.category     x   y_25    y_50    y_75
 1          0 0.162  0.120  0.576   0.954 
 2          1 1.00   0.119  0.818   1.51  
 3          2 2.02   0.119  0.556   1.38  
 4          3 2.89  -0.418  0.0492  1.01  
 5          4 3.95  -1.48  -1.16   -0.363 
 6          5 5.00  -1.26  -0.591  -0.0489
 7          6 5.99  -1.19  -0.644   0.128 
 8          7 7.04  -0.111  0.494   1.19  
 9          8 7.98   0.302  1.10    1.70  
10          9 8.96  -0.161  0.730   1.32  
# … with 11 more rows



