1 Goal: learning to listen in an academic setting.
During the time to complete listening section, you cannot return to previous questions to review or change your answers. The questions must be answered in the order they are presented. 按順序作答,不能回頭,不能檢查。
2. How to approach TOEFL listening passage
The first thing you need to do as a listener is to get oriented. The image on the screen and the narrator's words will help you figure out what the situation is. 先要大概明白對話發生的背景。題目中會有圖畫,還會有幫白,幫你瞭解基本的對話環境。
You may find it helpful to take notes on the key points as you listen. But don't try to write down everything you hear. 可以做筆記,但是不要記下每個細節,簡要筆記就可以了。
Make an effort to keep listening to the lecture, even if you miss a name, or a number, or a fact.The questions will not be about insignificant details.They're about the important ideas and details that support the main points. 就算聼東西的時候錯過了某個名字某個細節,也不要在意,繼續聼下去下面的内容。因爲問題一般不會問不重要的小細節,一般是問中心思想和支持中心思想的一些内容。
Often the term you may not know will become clear in the context of the lecture. So train yourself to keep listening and not to worry about an unfamiliar term or a detail you missed. 有時候你聽不懂的内容就是課堂本身要教的内容,聽著聽著就明白了,所以一定要訓練自己,哪怕有聽不懂的也要繼續聼下去。
3. Tips: about lecture content
Lectures have more content than conversations, so there is some additional support for you as a listener. 課堂内容可不止有對話呢,還有一些其他材料來幫助你理解。
In some of the lectures, words may be presented on the screen as if written on a chalkboard. These words will be the kinds of terms or proper names that a professor might write down for the class while giving a lecture, like this:比如某些時候你可以看到老師的板書
Sometimes a content visual will appear as it would if the class were looking at an illustration in a textbook or on a screen, like this illustration of a chromosome: 或者是書本/圖畫的内容
Interactive Lectures 互動性的課堂
In some of the lectures, the professor is the only speaker. In others, students make comments or ask questions. In the case of these interactive lectures, you may be asked about what a student said or about a student’s attitude or opinion. You may also be asked about the professor’s attitude or opinion. So it’s important to listen for all of the attitudes and opinions expressed as well as for the facts and ideas presented. 有時候會遇到互動性的課堂教學,老師不是唯一的講述者,學生也會問問題或者提出自己的想法。
4. Do Key Points Support the Main Idea?
Sometimes the key support for the main idea is quite obvious. The professor may make a statement that is the main idea of the lecture. Then she may list two or three reasons why that statement is true, elaborating on each one. Each reason could be a supporting point that is tested in a listening lecture.有時候中心思想很明確,教授可能會直接陳述主題思想,然後陳述兩三個支持該觀點的理由,在每個細細講解。每個理由都有可能成爲考點
But be careful: Not all of the key points will bedirectly related to the main point or purpose. They may be a well-developed sub-topic or an aside. 不過有時候也有一些是其他分支話題的内容,不完全和中心思想有關的。
The same is true of conversations. Here’s an example: in a conversation, a student may complain to the resident advisor about the trouble he has sleeping at night. He explains that his roommate plays music late at night and the students in the next room talk loudly until midnight. The resident advisor may offer concrete suggestions on how to deal with the situation. These concrete suggestions would be directly related to the main point—they directly address the problem the student is having. 對話而言也是一個道理。
But maybe instead, the resident advisor gives an illustration of how she solved a similar problem with her roommate in the past. You might be asked a question about why the resident advisor tells the story about her roommate. She tells this story as an illustration of how the man might approach the problem he has. In this case, the resident advisor’s story is a well-developed aside. It does not directly address the student’s problem, but it is related to addressing the problem. You need to be able to follow the conversation and see how the ideas presented relate to each other. 有時候對話裏面表述的内容,可能不是對話一方所講内容的直接回答,但是是有關的一些信息。
Also, remember that often, when a TOEFL® speaker wants you to pay close attention to what she is going to say, she will give you a signal, just as she might do in a regular classroom or in any campus setting. She might say something like “Think about this.” Speakers can also give a signal by speaking a little louder or a little slower, for emphasis. You should also assume that a detail is important if the speaker uses it as an example of something, in which case she might say “for example” or “for instance.” 一般來説對話中説話人想要聽話的人聽到的重要信息,都會給一個提示信號。比如說“你想想這個”,或者説的大聲一點,慢一點來强調觀點等等。如果説話人舉例子,你需要特別重視例子的具體信息。
5.Taking Notes
As you practice for theTOEFL iBT®Listening section on your own, start out by listening twice to each practice lecture and taking notes. Your notes should be brief; don’t try to write down everything you hear.The first time through, take notes on the main idea and key supporting points for that idea. The second time you listen, try to fill in more of the supporting details in your notes, paying attention to how the ideas connect with one another.Remember that in the real TOEFL iBT test you will hear the lecture only once, so you will also need to practice taking notes on lectures while listening just once.See if taking notes helps you answer the questions or not. Some test takers find that taking notes is helpful, but others find that they miss too much of the lecture while trying to take notes. Determine which approach works best for you. 練習托福聽力的時候從每節課聼兩遍并且做筆記。第一遍記錄中心内容和主要支持,第二遍記錄更多的支持點的細節,注意各個想法之間是如何連接的。 但是托福實際考試聽力之放一遍,要訓練自己能夠一遍就記下來内容。 有的人覺得邊聽邊記有幫助,有的人邊聽邊記就聽不到後面的内容了,自己找找適合自己的方法。
6.Managing Your Time
Many test takers want to know how much time they should take to answer the questions in the Listening section of theTOEFL®test.A good pace is about 30 seconds per question (two questions per minute). 回答托福聽力試題的理想時間是每題30秒。
7. Listening to Academic Materials
The more listening you do in English, the easier it will be for you to follow conversations and lectures in English, including those on the TOEFL iBT test. So listen to academic material in English as much as you can—radio and TV broadcasts, podcasts, documentaries, and audio books. If you want to improve the ease with which you can process material you hear in English, increase the amount of time you spend listening to academic material in English. 整體上說,聼得越多聽力進步就越快。所以平時各種聽力材料都可以多聽,但是要針對性的提升托福聽力的話,可以多聼一些學術性英語内容。
8. question types 题型
8.1 Gist-Content and Gist-Purpose 主要内容 中心思想题
Gist-content and Gist-purpose questions require you to understand the general topic or main idea of a conversation or lecture, or its main purpose. 这类题型要求你领会整个对话的主要内容和中心思想
science, social science, business, arts, literature. 科学,社会科学,商业,艺术,文学。You can search online for universities that post their lectures for free. Start with short lectures on topics you are familiar with, then build up to longer ones on topics that are not familiar to you. Listen to the same lecture multiple times if you need to. 可以在网上找各个大学的免费课程,从你熟悉的话题开始,然后慢慢延伸到不熟悉的话题。一堂课可以反复多次听。
8.2 Detail Questions 细节题
Detail questions require you to understand and remember significant details or facts from a conversation or lecture. 这种题目一般需要你记住听力内容中的重要细节和重要事实。The answer to a Detail question will always be explicitly stated in the listening conversation or lecture. 答案一般直接出现在听力原内容中。而且只问significant details,不问Trivial details
Here's a tip to help you practice recognizing important details in a conversation or lecture.Find a friend or study partner and listen to a short audio clip. When it's finished, each of you write down as much as you can remember.Then compare notes to see who remembered more of the important points and supporting details. 简单直接的一个训练方法就是找个朋友和你一起,听同一段录音,几下你们听到的内容。录音结束的时候对比一下彼此都听到了什么,看谁能记住更多的内容。
8.3 Function Questions 功能问题
Function questions ask about a speaker’s intended meaning, or what a speaker hopes to accomplish. 功能问题问的是说话者隐藏的含义,或者说话背后的目的
Function questions ask you to identify the particular meaning of a statement in a given context, because a statement can have different meanings depending on the situation. In other words, the real meaning is different from the surface or literal meaning.此类问题一般问你一句话背后的意义。因为一句话表面上看到的内容和实际表达的目的可能是有区别的。For example, if you are in a room with other people and someone says, "It's getting chilly in here," what they might really be saying is, "Could someone close the window?" 比如说,你和其他人一起坐在房间里,有一个人说,这里越来越冷啦。这句话背后隐藏的意义可能是,有人能关一下窗户吗?
You can recognize Function questions because they include phrases like: "What does the professor mean when he says...?" or "Why does the student say ... ?" 一般来说此类问题的会以这样的句式开头。
Here's a tip for building your listening skills that can also help with Function questions:
When listening to a passage, ask yourself what the speaker is really doing by saying certain things. The speaker may be doing things like: Directing; Recommending; Complaining; Agreeing or Disagreeing; Questioning; or Confirming. When you know these types of intentions and that they often happen "beneath the surface" of what is said, they can help you identify the function of what is said more easily. 听对话的时候,自己问问自己说话的人到底在表达什么呢?可能是指挥,建议,抱怨,同意不同意,疑问,或者是确认。有意识地区挖掘这些说话的意图会帮助你理解语对话背后的意义。
8.4 Attitude Questions 态度题型
Attitude questions measure whether you understand the position a speaker is taking or a speaker’s opinion about something. 态度题一般考察你是否理解说话人的观点,立场,态度。
To identify the speaker's attitude, listen for phrases like "What I think..." or "It seems to me..." in the lecture or conversation. 要找到说话者的态度,一般可以从这类语句来找。The Attitude question will then refer to how valid the speaker's argument is or how sure of the facts the speaker is. 态度题目一般会涉及到说话的人的观点是否可信,说话人对陈述的事实是否确信等等 When you're answering Attitude questions, listen for the tone of the speaker's voice. 注意听说话人的语音语调
练习辨别语音语调来分辨背后的感情色彩的方法如下:As you practice your listening skills, you will start noticing each speaker's style and their tone of voice. Then ask yourself these questions:
Is the speaker's voice calm or emotional? Relaxed or nervous? Certain or confused? Enthusiastic or bored? What does the speaker's tone of voice tell you? Watching comedy television shows is a good way to practice recognizing a speaker's tone of voice.
8.5 Organization Questions 组织问题
In Organization questions, you may be asked about the overall organization of a conversation or lecture, or about the relationship between two parts of a conversation or lecture. 组织问题一般问的是一节课或者是一段对话的组织结构,或者是两部分内容之间的关系。
You can recognize Organization questions because they often include phrases such as "Why does the professor mention...?" or "Why does the professor discuss...?" 此类问题很容易认出来,一般题目会这样问。
These kinds of phrases show that Organization questions are often asked about the examples in a lecture, so it helps to listen for examples, and think about why the professor is using them. 此类问题常常是和出现的例子相关的,所以听例子的内容的时候,想一想教授为什么要使用这个例子。
Here's a listening tip that can help you understand how a lecture is organized: Listen for the signal words that indicate the introduction, major ideas, examples and the conclusion or summary. 要了解一节课的结构,最简单的方法就是听信号词,信号次会告诉你什么时候在介绍,讲中心思想,举例子,或者作总结。
These might be sequence words like "first," "next" and "then." Or they might indicate time or a chronology, like "before," "during" or "since." Or they could show cause and effect, like "accordingly" or "as a result." These signal words are good cues for when to take notes.
8.6 Connecting Content Questions 内容关联类问题
Connecting Content questions measure your understanding of the relationships among ideas in a conversation or lecture. 这类问题考察你是否了解对话或者一堂课中的各个想法之间的联系
Connecting Content questions may require you to fill in a chart or table. Or they may ask things like "What is the likely outcome...?" This type of question will ask you to put together information from different sentences or different parts of the conversation or lecture. 你要具有能够把对话或者一堂课中不同部分的内容组织在一起的能力。
You may be asked to identify things like:你可能会被考察以下类型的问题:
Steps in a process; or cause/effect relationships. Or you may be asked to: Classify items in categories; or make a prediction.
这类题的训练方法:When you listen to recorded material for the first time, stop the recording at various points, and try to summarize what has been said. Then predict what will be said next. 第一次听对话的时候,在录音过程中暂停下来,进行简单的总结,然后预测接下来会说些什么。
8.7 Inference Questions 推理类问题
Inference questions ask you to draw conclusions or predict outcomes based on the information presented in a conversation or lecture. 推理问题会需要你根据提供的信息推断一个结论或者是推测可能的结果
Listen to recordings of two speakers with different viewpoints about the same topic. What words do the speakers use to support their ideas? Are the words mainly positive or negative? Then look at how they imply positive or negative ideas without saying them directly. 听听两个人对于同一话题的不同观点,仔细听听他们用什么词来支持陈述自己的观点?那些是积极的那些是消极的?找找他们怎么避免直白的表达积极或者消极的观点的。