字幕翻译收集(一):from 控方证人

1. scare sb right out of  one's pants,吓得人精神失常【吓尿了】

2. gents 各位; sound the alarms 发出警报;a pile of dust 黄土一抔。

3. if you please请让我说完   ; to the front of the line 请上前来;

4. draw straws 抽签; birds of a feather 一丘之貉;

5. henchmen 追随者; trick or treat 不请客就捣蛋;

6. make  a dupe out of sb 耍某人; imposter 冒牌者;

7. musty 陈腐;helpless invalid 无用,没用;well-off 有钱,富裕的;

8. a diet of bland civil suits 清规戒律; a web of circumstantial evidence 一大堆间接证据;

9. previous convictions 犯罪前科;solicitor 初级律师;barrister 高级出庭律师; plead a case 辩护;

10. keep riding sb all the time 一直刁难某人;line of defence 辩护理由;

It's not all at cricket. 太不光明磊落;drenched in tears 哭哭啼啼;

11. had no previous knowledge of sth  对sth一无所知;

whatever  your gambit may be不管你葫芦里卖的是什么药;

final appeal 结案陈词; lowdown 秘密;witness box 证人席;

12. You're here by discharged and are free to leave the court.你已被当庭释放,可以离开了。

hearing aid 助听器; 18-carat gold :18K金;perjury 伪证罪;

13. The scales of justice may tip one way or another, but ultimately they balance out ,you'll pay for it.正义的天平也许会有偏差,但终将回归正义,你会付出代价的。 ---源自《Witness for the Prosecution控方证人》

14.  add some twists and stuff 加点剧情; Don't fail me 别放弃我;

You've been running around 忙碌; wig out吓坏了; out of turn 不合时宜;

15. You were never second 你对我来说一直都是最重要的;be of second importance 次要的;

land on one's feet 回到正轨; off and on 断断续续; lodge complaints 排解纷争;

16. carry out the orders 执行命令;pots and pans 锅碗瓢盆; codex 古抄本;unlettered 文盲的;slowly oscillate toward the minimum 慢慢摆动到最小值。

补充 : 表示数量的词or词组

字幕翻译收集(一):from 控方证人_第1张图片

17. The strategy is to cut ruthlessly at waste while leaving essential services intact. 大政方针就是要大刀阔斧削减浪费,又不影响核心职能。

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