C代写: ASSESSMENT 4代写R实验、R程序代做、代做R实验作业

IntroductionC语言练习题,用户输入二进制字符串,其中某些位的值未知,用x代替,程序的功能为根据用户输入的字符串输出所有可能的二进制字符串组合。要求必须用递归的方法实现。RequirementHomework 7Files to submit: bin_str.cTime it took Matthew to Complete: 10 mins• All programs must compile without warnings when using the -Wall and -Werror options• Submit only the files requested◦ Do NOT submit folders or compressed files such as .zip, .rar, .tar, .targz, etc• Your program must match the output exactly to receive credit.◦ Make sure that all prompts and output match mine exactly.◦ Easiest way to do this is to copy and paste them• All input will be valid unless stated otherwise• Print all real numbers to two decimal places unless otherwise stated• The examples provided in the prompts do not represent all possible input you can receive.• All inputs in the examples in the prompt are underlined◦ You don’t have to make anything underlined it is just there to help you differentiate betweenwhat you are supposed to print and what is being given to your program• If you have questions please post them on PiazzaRestrictions• No global variables are allowed• Your main function may only declare variables, call other functions, and assignvariables values.• You must solve this problem recursively1. Write a program called bin_str.c that completes a binary number. A binarynumber is made up of 0’s and 1’s but the input strings you will receive can alsocontain x’s. An x represents a digit that can be either a 0 or a 1. Your programshould display all the possible binary digits that can be formed. For example thestring x1x0 could represent either 0100, 0110, 1100, or 1110.1. Your program should accept the binary string as a command line argument2. You MUST solve this program RECURISIVELYExamples1../bin_str.out 011001102../bin_str.out 01x0010001103../bin_str.out xx000110114../bin_str.out 101x100x11x1010100011010101000111101010011101010100111110111000110101110001111011100111010111001111本团队核心人员组成主要包括BAT一线工程师,精通德英语!我们主要业务范围是代做编程大作业、课程设计等等。我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编程 通讯编程 游戏编程多媒体linux 外挂编程 程序API图像处理 嵌入式/单片机 数据库编程 控制台 进程与线程 网络安全 汇编语言 硬件编程 软件设计 工程标准规等。其中代写编程、代写程序、代写留学生程序作业语言或工具包括但不限于以下范围:C/C++/C#代写Java代写IT代写Python代写辅导编程作业Matlab代写Haskell代写Processing代写Linux环境搭建Rust代写Data Structure Assginment 数据结构代写MIPS代写Machine Learning 作业 代写Oracle/SQL/PostgreSQL/Pig 数据库代写/代做/辅导Web开发、网站开发、网站作业ASP.NET网站开发Finance Insurace Statistics统计、回归、迭代Prolog代写Computer Computational method代做因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:[email protected] 微信:codehelp

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