一用户netapp FAS270,搬家关机3天,开机每隔1秒响报警(非常刺耳),串口连上
CFE> help
Available commands:
version             Print CFE version.
update_flash        Updates the boot flash with the firmware p_w_picpath on the PC-Card.
netboot             Boots the supplied URL off the network.
boot_diags          Boots the diagnostic p_w_picpath off of the PC-Card.
boot_backup         Boots the backup p_w_picpath of Data OnTap off of the PC-Card.
boot_primary        Boots the primary p_w_picpath of Data OnTap off of the PC-Card.
boot_ontap          Boots the correct p_w_picpath of Data OnTap
bye                 Reset the system.
flash               Update a flash memory device
load                Load an executable file into memory without executing it
ping                Ping a remote IP host.
arp                 Display or modify the ARP Table
ifconfig            Configure the Ethernet interface
unsetenv            Delete an environment variable.
set-defaults        Reset all system environmental variables to default values.
setenv              Set an environment variable.
printenv            Display the environment variables
help                Obtain help for CFE commands
For more information about a command, enter 'help command-name'
CFE> bye
CFE version 1.2.0 based on Broadcom CFE: 1.0.35
Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Broadcom Corporation.
Portions Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Network Appliance Corporation.
CPU type 0x1040102: 650MHz
Total memory: 0x40000000 bytes (1024MB)
Starting AUTOBOOT press any key to abort...
Autoboot of PRIMARY p_w_picpath failed
For more information about a command, enter 'help command-name'
CFE> boot_ontap
Loading: 0xffffffff80001000/21632 0xffffffff80006480/10024670 Entry at 0xfffffff
Starting program at 0xffffffff80001000
Press CTRL-C for special boot menu
NetApp Release 7.0.7 : Wed May 21 00:54:13 PDT 2008
Copyright (c) 1992-2007 Network Appliance, Inc.
Starting boot on Wed Dec 31 23:59:58 GMT 1969
Thu Jan  1 00:00:05 GMT [diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been en
abled for this system
NVLOG: nvlog magic was JETTISON, previous boot of system marked nvlog to be DISC
Thu Jan  1 00:00:08 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0b.18 is a primary mail
box disk
Thu Jan  1 00:00:08 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0b.17 is a primary mail
box disk
Thu Jan  1 00:00:08 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: normal mailbox instance on p
rimary side
WARNING: The NVRAM battery currently has a charge of 3780 mV
WARNING:  The battery voltage is too low to hold data for
          3 days during a power-out condition.
          The charger is now turned on.
          When the voltage is ok the boot process will
          complete and services will be engaged.
          To override this delay, press CTRL-C.
Thu Jan  1 00:00:09 GMT [nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The NVRAM battery in the cha ssis is *degraded*
CAUTION: Using this appliance without NVRAM
         battery backup coupled with a power
         failure condition CAN CAUSE DATA LOSS.
Are you sure you want to continue (y or n)? y
Thu Jan  1 00:10:31 GMT [nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The NVRAM battery in the cha
ssis is *not safe to boot. Delay for charging canceled by user. Charger is ON *
Thu Jan  1 00:10:33 GMT [raid.vol.reparity.issue:warning]: Aggregate aggr0 has invalid NVRAM contents.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:33 GMT [raid.cksum.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 cksum blocks.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:33 GMT [raid.stripe.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 stripes.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:34 GMT [wafl.boot.nvram.warn:error]: WAFL boot: Last few seconds of updates may be lost
Thu Jan  1 00:10:34 GMT [wafl.vol.guarantee.fail:error]: Space for volume vol1 is NOT guaranteed
Thu Jan  1 00:10:36 GMT [fcp.service.startup:info]: FCP service startup
Thu Jan  1 00:10:36 GMT [iscsi.adapter.online:notice]: ISCSI: iswta, Adapter brought online.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:36 GMT [iscsi.service.startup:info]: iSCSI service startup
Thu Jan  1 00:10:36 GMT [rc:ALERT]: Language not set on volume vol0. Using language config "C". Use vol lang to set language.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:36 GMT [rc:notice]: The system was down for -1254455736 seconds
Thu Jan  1 00:10:37 GMT [ems.engine.startReplay:info]: Replay begins for EMS boot-time cache
Thu Jan  1 00:10:37 GMT [ems.engine.endReplay:info]: Replay ends for EMS boot-time cache
Thu Jan  1 00:10:38 GMT [dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk drives
Thu Jan  1 00:10:38 GMT [sfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk shelves.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:38 GMT [ltm_services:info]: Ethernet e 0a : Link up
Thu Jan  1 00:10:38 GMT [ltm_services:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link up
add net default: gateway
Thu Jan  1 00:10:40 GMT [rc:ALERT]: timed: time daemon started
Thu Jan  1 00:10:40 GMT [coredump.save.started:info]: Saving 1023M to /etc/crash
/core.0.nz ("Generating core dump to save p_w_picpath of faulty NVRAM contents...  ")
Thu Jan  1 00:10:41 GMT [raid.rg.reparity.start:notice]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0: start
ing parity recomputation
Thu Jan  1 00:10:41 GMT [mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 7.0.7 boot com
plete. Last disk update written at Fri Oct  2 03:55:31 GMT 2009
Thu Jan  1 00:10:41 GMT [mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:41 GMT [nvram.bat.msg:info]: The NVRAM battery in the chassis i
s *low *
Thu Jan  1 00:10:41 GMT [monitor.nvramLowBattery:CRITICAL]: NVRAM battery is dan
gerously low.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:41 GMT [monitor.nvramLowBattery.notice:notice]: If the NVRAM ba
ttery is  dangerously low, the system shuts down automatically  every 24 hours t
o encourage you to replace it.  If you reboot the system it will run for another
  24 hours before shutting down. (The 24 hour timeout  may be increased by alter
ing the "raid.timeout"  value using the "options" command.)
Thu Jan  1 00:10:41 GMT [sfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk shelves.
CIFS local server is running.
Data ONTAP (FAS270.)
login: Thu Jan  1 00:10:43 GMT last message repeated 2 times
Thu Jan  1 00:10:44 GMT [asup.post.drop.enqueue:info]: Autosupport message (197001010010.0) was not posted for host (0), it was dropped from queue due to lack of space
Thu Jan  1 00:10:45 GMT [sfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk shelves.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:45 GMT [sfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk shelves.
Thu Jan  1 00:10:46 GMT [asup.post.drop.enqueue:info]: Autosupport message (197001010010.0) was not posted for host (0), it was dropped from queue due to lack of space
Data ONTAP (FAS270.)
login: Thu Jan  1 00:11:04 GMT [nbt.nbns.registrationComplete:info]: NBT: All CIFS name registrations have completed for the local server.
Data ONTAP (FAS270.)